Show iMieu A n in or TIIIlI r < l u lUArlhur O > lonry nod rroi1 JDis 1 forbotoir Manila May JliS a mOcneral MaiAiihur boa leni oillcera la ilenerul Antonio luni the Filipino commander under a flan of truce tarrying money and 1 prutliluna for A met lean prlioneri In I old hAd and asking an eiclmnga of Propellers and th Seattle of Such al ho may buy It U I rr > rlcd that the Iniurnrnti have two officers alll stalleell sithoro dust It suppoord flint demorse theme Jiro Lieutenant J L stateroom died eleven 1 meet Ct the crew of ilia United I Hlalei icunboit Yorklown whu I fell Into Urn 1 handi of th Illlplnoi jut month when ho gunbat vlallrd lluler on the test I coast of Luiori alajor UII with a squad ol scouts I I bad captured Marahrbo about four retire > outhwe t of Calumplt Iho iieo loss ringing Loll and ihoutmit I Vlvoi The Americana ire now employing Macalirlie Instead or Chlneie and Ih y are delighted I get ID cent a doC Ue do-C their i loyalty In the A met r ns Major Ueneral lAwton U I advancing te ban organlxeil a Wool of forty almost 10 Igo 1 maboad at the column The tand which In I under WIIIIm Yung an old Indln 1191itter who killed five Fill 416111 ut wk Include Diamond 11 I llarrlnglon rVtmerriiJnll I Murp1iynot Iho I Sectind recall regiment tin roost ruxitox President A prelate Him a llrlgiillr lien enl of t lateen fat llallnl artlre Wuhlnglon Mar 2Til Tmldent 1 ban apMilnlel Colonel Frederick runs Ion 1 ot the Twentieth Kansas I it brig edge general of volunteers Thin appointment 1 ap-pointment wife recommended by Major general MacArthtir awl aiipplmented very atrongly by deneral otli 1 In a cable ca-ble dlipatch received I yeltenlay Ueneral MacArlhur laid the crtlm 1 of Colonel Funrton during the cam palgn and eprclally In the crossings 1 uf Ih Hla Urnnd river 1 deaervv recognition recog-nition such aa his promotion to U a brigadier I general afeo that aa a leader I lead-er of troop Colonel l Funilon was ei peclolly voluulile Tho 1rrUrnt real ognKM the eervlcn ot Colonel Funi Ion and his first olllclil act nnn returning re-turning li Washington was to make him a brtgndler general The cable which Ucneral Old 1 lent yesterday larval MacArthur elmngly irenmrnendl Colon I M of 6 tons appoint an holes differ 1 steneritt for leonal klll still arms 1 lenity In I croompinal IIhllmnl river still rnAwt gallant mOrvicem 1 since 1 copmonenct monl of wr I large appointment runottin able an leader of men and hAl spettestol recognition |