Show THE CRETAN NEWS Iha Ambassadors In Constactlncp Reach an Agreement 1111 I ho AUIUV nu WUIIlUS Great Hnrcllj of Inail In Mis Mini on Jcccur oflln Wockaluf Ibo fleets CONSTANTINOPLE March IThe ubaeaadora have c mplctid a communication com-munication to be addrraaod to the Turalah government regarding role aDd Will telegraph H to their rupictlve governments It Is underslooil the unto will he aildrefae I to the Porte K01IO f 1UC AIIUlltAI3 CANkA March 1TIe foreign almlrala have receive from Iho amliasiadara of their fee Icollvo gov electrocute at JomtonllDoplo a coin munlcatlon xplalolnir the policy ot the powers conorrnlne Care to it autonomy and Ibo withdrawal of Greek forces from the Itland rcAiiciTY OF i FOOD OANEA Manh 1 tue Ureet transport trans-port iMykftlo a ter a parley with the commander of Iho Ilrltlah battleehln llalUeur hail been nlljwod to land stores Amok by the Hod Cross holety but Sun WAS n1 al1owd to And pro vlstona Then la I great scarcity ol loiil In wany quarters all account or also blockade maintained by the itself The llriilah consul lisa received appeals ap-peals for bread from loci place The commlBl appointed h reor ganlzs Ibo European call darmes has held a meeting but It has 110 funds available to Iy Ibo men Monttne grin gen dreamed rlud 10 Nerve ou promises of being paid f r their services ser-vices In the future Constquontly U Is I considered probable that itluutone Itlllo will be OIbJd Till nlVAII WABHINUION Marib I The aeustowssaiwurkagaluntll uVI 1 tk this morning niter being In I Mortal till Shortly tieiore midnight last iint I many appropriation bills being lu the balance Tne prospect la that Ito It-o will sit practically night nod rlf tlc 1f day until noutis Match 4h March 4b at man will end the Section for the Mont riled derrmloeJ that there that bo all cud 10 ne venerable custom ar turning bo else band 01 the clock III order to I rJwd through the iLiualnlnK hllli li > Jfn bistim1 gave notice today ot a rnotlou 10 nujnslder file vote ou the paiaace of the sundry civil bill Ue Tool with straw tie notice s > yln < mat > he hid bona CBiuied that the jectlonsblo amendment relating to Ihu loimtgr tied lao would bo Ikon 01i11L the conference The District 01 Columbia anrorrlaUon bill West than palace ul WASHINGTON D C March 1 The naval bill was cond11 III tits Senate through Ibo afternoon CtintiU lets mullets 10 file the coat I armor pllo nl 3300 LOU ipateRd 01 1410 0 fail us provlaoU uy trio blllled U au extend od deb V I irut 1 f I rut Alouqu WAEIIINUION March ITho Hone today Bent tile 1 sundry civil Dust potttlllce appropriation ullla to 111111fal once The repirt oil Ibo tit LOlli bridge bill was agreed to |