Show i II I II I I ENGLAND AS I I AN AGGRESSOR Deliberately Decided to Destroy the South African Republic PLAN AD01TU YEARS AGO Mlltitr ties Mnl lo Hie hr lor Hie I urpor of I lUhliK llrllliti ui I rot I In I Ila Maud Now York July 2LA llepalcn to IM riggings fatlienallent Pays rimT I Intln of all Hnglan I la afaln lurlir I t zird that Trahnvaal Th Time wy rtmler Schreiber tit Cam olony cannot Incite Kniler to make further toniimlona Thin statement is l cenorally > < cel led 1 ai reasonable In I the fact of rVhrelnem explanation thai he advlent lruirrr to wall until ha heard from the Imperial government Allot It unrril la I manirerl I here and thin In nut likely to to I leMtneil 1 In I the OIl fett doa An aulhirily of hlch ml rhararler mI l this 1IIwln state ntnLMay Unleiii Very lemanl of Hartland be = cumplletl fill there I will Iw 1 war This I a l > een tl lie Intention of th govern okwbPOCk I tent Im the outset The uvrnmnt 1140 1 Akin a lost 1 o4t of Kltrhnvro loovI nil Work 110 dlllomlI camsmamn unit the 1solblo trillitfirs 41 to follow Witt I 1wr of hI official Ievitive and login nalso IIko dool Hill er wan eenl lip I Huuth Africa for the turpoee if eetalllihlng the deeper Inly vf rtcliuil leffeo 1 only In foreign but In loTrtlo rr lr Ille I Irreilucl Ue minimum wi of decMetl IIIMI before land 7he out lArelore deelrea were thirouMy eqnoldml nlvl derl 11 led to Wtxronatle If JlllnerK lemalvle 1 am rrantrd II wil lll I establish IlnfUn I fight to IMerfri 9 In the domestic affairs of he TrAnsvigal II not them willi In warLord war-Lord 1011tarys malsoinatfim Tiny 1 utJ wllhll a few rnmlh lll < wife Illneta may In Klvetl aa the cauie lie U tlrr1 of the name lid anil ue to retire Only two men mr I thought I I 10 detected him ht fly Me I twessitle al I preeenl namely the duke of lavwa zkoainl r wnl i7 r hire Hit frlen Ii an now wit hard ChamWrlaJn la I not lluirtlve but ngllrhmen generally an afral of him yet as a leader Public opinion arteartlera to him tie much shrwdriesso rather ban too much allllly It It roil That fie ill I tot Inuch ot a politician too little uf A atAteonlan if Lvery little detail ot the mInI mIn-I aa t to mapped out It will not be a repetition < f former rights wllh the lluera It will be rather a campaign on Ike line of Kltrhenera advanc In I Ih Violation I very point In Ihe rear will = nohs L4rv7iwI In mod iMf I < ftun n adv I loggewlat I IIJiffith omln ronnlrl the whole Ilrltlh motto will take AWL The nlIh voluntrerl 11 > Iva boon au of aided and they am ready Autrall Now ealnd Canada and India have been oard 1 from and will be called upon Non I No-n will lie taken News tt carry 11111 Of durfaxe Ann Jolter Infileta contrary to the 142 or rivillaI warfare war-fare he WAS bis 1 comon1W ba daifoey the iVtnw Thin relateek fu 1 it Panel bid of Itilrucllon of the rand |