Show Till tiMtt iimiu Ohlaum lUmM Allbowih IIr llndraon iucca Sato Sa-to tm rtmrdd In I no wmi a atclloo al I victory n th YV t doM not tat lalm l th p knhlp ai a wetkm n vnhlai in chain of an lowin for tho Itlvh urtlc will b nrlllfyltut 10 Iha trait MatM wrt nf th Uwila aI ppl nonv of wh M ruprMintillvaii t iui far MI bn KI hononnl Mr I ndrnon Ii an abl I onKrvviman hi > hi hil lonff iprl nc In I Ihal bwly of whkh h hai Wn a mmb r ontlnuoiwly ilnr IWI II ouihl to mak a capiblv pmldlnir ofll r 1 PItOftIl ho 0 o Itlll rt n1 m 0 Iad prlntflW republican nml llrndvraun It may b add b y of Woimphy nlh I 1114 and dl d nIl h j I raalm 1 for I ha UII atat u1I1 h wai H ymra old If chon to Ih L nJt = hilr h rr b th flrat f rln botn 111 1111 lo be pkr of tk I luttliul 1 II twnvir Nw Th rholo I accii labl In I ao far u hit Mr 1 llrnlTK n U n lm man Not ilar ink whn Krrr wai chnwn l ik > r hai tint iHIo com wat i f I ndlana Ihn followid llmlll it VnruyUnU k lfr of Ohio Carllil 0 f Krniuckyanl llMilof Miln crlp of llmrUa iucr lt > d lld and bn IM > 1101101 < rlp 1 holjlnit Ihn chllr In th rlfty fourth not I llfly tltth oon imiM II ill hiv i tly ma orliy uf only tl IM n to nitaln him Iml hi I ilnhly flv In I Ih lat Ton IM ind III In Ih Fifty fourth Con 11 Ran mnalaon OhronWe Wllh romI unln of tho Pule In14In IIIlnnl n d Indllna which I 1 xlern mm or hloh hould Inl rciud In iretiliut 0 uIt ndld i u llenjireon null b lctvil > ihoul < I then I ur of tmxl will to ird ceitln great I nrtilatltr trojM nhi Ioh might far badly al Ihe Iwnd I of a l u h I IIhnn Tb 1t101d 01 001 th NI 1 n1 Id I Ion Wa lnolo l t thit ih Wt hould tik no riki In Ih matlri Ilk lh u ran not irTord lo Uait of all LallfomU th Interrata of wl Ith ar Inlnuwly n1 depn4 > ntly wetern he eat b ln in aiurd from Ihlciio to luioii tl II > UItTO IIV Titian CMclflO ItKord Th coutl dlu r In lit lntwrrli lion 1 uf Uw and nunI publlg pulley rvltliil lu the uuit gumion I jut we k th Nw Jervey luprrnt court nrfund lo Intwfrr with Ih nfon > em nt of a trut IIoomnt Now th Indiana I iu prwm court by uninlmoui vol hi dlil > l Ihit oornoratl > ni mtrlnn Inbi mreenent telillv linE ml Ih control of Irid ir In diactr of liav I UK thulr t lurlari forf tll l Pirnmento Ilcconl Union Th tn > t rni U 1 itwllnr u wo wr confident It would Horn of Ih Utly formed truti hiv ilroady lIno to th will ci Illal hat tilon alarm and U all itret ha no mora tnowry lu Inront I In Iruti nf my kind Tlili wu i rvcli ly whit niMbi hiv l m iiJcieil Kvory ltorl overdo brlnn tu own pyiuly Clilciuo New Atnrririn finnri will 1 tool1 < l In lint that a comllnatl n ot man ulo tu h Id to tho 1 II ullulJ Inl1I 1ft to 26 per cent Jt may l > unloJ t thM lionnl lIlt Ihitt th firm T I Ih Ullud HIM t cut a hMivy y t in 1 thit thy will b likily to IIM U fo lb I rolMI n ollhol OK cninblnatlon 0 hi 1 I1n of tho 1 > IMlnt In Ifut I rulnt Qft IW bj |