Show tl Wal M Round Medical Corps Burned Up At MacArthur B By Drew Pearson V WASHINGTON ASHINGTON Ma Maj j Gen Norman T T. Kirk surgeon g general general gen gen- n- n eral of the army whose medical corps has done such n a miraculous job of saving the wounded has just come back from the Pacific theater boiling mad Gen Kirk was on an Inspection Inspection Inspection tion trip of hospitals and army medical units to make sure they were on their toes talk with personnel see ace what else they j needed to give the wounded the tho best possible treatment But when he arrived at in the Ule southern Philippines Gen MacArthur refused to permit Gen Kirk to come to Manila The army's most Important medical work by that time had passed from Leyte and the south to Manila But despite that fact MacArthur flatly refused to let the army's highest ranking doctor doctor doctor doc doc- tor and chief of or the medical corps Inspect the tho hospitals in Manila or set foot there MacArthur took this stand de despite despite despite de- de spite the fact that his own wife and son were In Manila so obviously obviously obviously ob ob- ob- ob It Jt could not have been considered too dangerous Furthermore Gen MacArthur has refused to permit Brig Gen Guy B B. B Denit the commanding officer of the medical corps In Inthe inthe inthe the Pacific to remain in Manila MacArthur has permitted Gen Denit to visit Manila several times but requires that he go goback goback goback back to Leyte for permanent headquarters Top medical corps officers are arc burned up over this this' and say that MacArthurs MacArthur's adamant stand is seriously Interfering with their operations While the commandIng command- command Ing officer in any theater has a aright aright aright right to choose army personnel In that area they claim that MacArthur is going too far when he prevents the chief chic of or the medical medical medical med med- ical corps from visiting Manila on an Inspection trip They also say that the wife of the tho commanding general is supposed supposed supposed sup sup- posed to set an example to other wives who also would like to be bo with their husbands and are critical of the fact that MacArthur MacArthur MacArthur Mac- Mac Arthur flew his family back to Manila when there wasn't a chance in the world of any other officers officer's wife wile joining her hus hus- band The entire matter is being taken up with ith Secy of War Var Stimson A new Jim Farley Farle Usually Farley-Usually Usually a abig abig abig big national election Is followed by a lethargic vacuum Democrats Democrats Democrats Demo Demo- and Republicans both want to forget politics But this time leaders of both political parties arc are already talking about the congressional elections two years hence So far as meets the eye however however however how how- ever Democratic Chairman Bob Hannegan Is way out ahead of the Republicans when it comes to translating words Into deeds Hannegan has become just as active as Jim Farley at the peak of ol his political power Is working at his job 18 hours a aday aday aday day and is determined that Roosevelt roll up a stronger Democratic majority in the congressional congressional con con- gressional elections two years ears hence Shortly after Roosevelt re returned returned returned re- re turned from Yalta Hannegan called on him outlined detailed plans for keeping the Democrats in power Hannegan complained however that he wasn't getting much help from some cabinet members pointing out that few cabinet members pitched in to help the part party The president preside t then suggested that Hannegan call calI together all the cabinet members except for forthe forthe forthe the secretaries of war and navy and lay down the law to them So a few days later Hannegan threw a small luncheon for tor the cabinet at which he put his cards on the thc table Even the stiff usually unbending state department department department depart depart- ment which tries to walk the political tight rope and has more Republicans than Democrats in its lush jobs was represented by Secy Dean Acheson Other cabinet members present present present pres pres- ent were Postmaster Gen Walker Wal Val ker Secy of ot Labor Perkins Secy of ot Agriculture Claude of Interior Abe Fortas and Secy of the Treasury Hannegan tells cm Hanne em Hanne Hannegan gan told them that the cabinet was selected by Roosevelt was supposed to support Roosevelt and would des have to assist in de- de fending tending Roosevelt politically Hannegan outlined his program for tor the 46 elections and re requested requested requested re- re quested complete cabinet coop- coop c cr r tf tion on There are men In the agencies getting a year or more Hannegan said waving a little black book In the theair theair theair air and with all respect to the Hatch act we wo haven't averaged contributions of a dollar apiece from tram them The response was excellent One cabinet member pointed out the Democrats hadn't had a meeting like this In years The others pledged out all-out cooperation cooperation cooperation tion said they would go down the line One significant shift in Democratic Democratic Democratic Demo Demo- cratic plans is that in 1912 Roosevelt did nothing about congressional elections u until n t i l I three weeks before the voting Finally he summoned House Speaker Rayburn suggested he see what could be done Rayburn Rayburn Rayburn Ray- Ray burn replied the Democrats didn't h have ve a dollar to help fi finance finance finance fi- fi nance congressional campaigns but he and several others then got busy and raised which was distributed the Saturday Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- night before belore election r |