Show FRANK CARPENTER PROPER He Appears Before Justice Winter lathe la-the Pollcl coati Telij 11b All we lood 1 UblaJollivar n voldr1rer rvoolooo HUH rd 0 FF it llrvlor 1 ti rrink U Carpenter the noted newipifer correspondent decelTlng tile public or 14 he not Did he visit Japan and China BI ha claims and There nliiD unit gather the Information conlI load In his syndicate lotters wllli regard la those counltUe or old I torn on iolie do that work toe him Then ago pertinent queelloniBBd will Cote tobt atiiwerd by IMnk 1 It lio < leilr ID I keep up hit valuable roiulBllonaad boll the words ol a follow l who claims la I biT don thai work far bleu llli DIm U I Howard F Hidden end It 1 bliowu story bo true be bit quill flCllloni pOllelMd ty DOD and Bl f Ibougb present pea Whose and without with-out a nut la I the world bad job galor kllaobed to aaohiif which li a salary which your honor I dont Cato lo dlTalg because I couilJer II taj own private fluoresced Ulf no one liV 1 He parts bit nQloc looks In Ihciler and travel by wheel or trainee be death flL He ll I a ilotcti Billilofuomiiu officer and did I Let il around iceuu of the war wild Coin and Japan for I Frank Cirpatir and other IImuds11 lie It DOW circuitIng circuit-Ing the globe Oil a Stearns whoa DID D-ID too loirlin J1I J dawu IncUooli by The wayside Hi used l > bi a luborilluil Carpenter but that dir boo pined find gone nad he li now a greater Carpenter his ipioltlili 1 telig duuilpIlT railroad work his tloola vernacular Ott Tl filing tohimei national political Canyon Occur nahilesago corieipoudooe and ainiiontiubicilbr ol 1 literary Sonis t > the leading Bundiy limit ol Ami ca lit now has a contract with the Union lh 11 bleb he flat through 114 socusid c6usta whom DIm Is I either blind 1141powl flarlowJ of moricturr soon a pU 4410 YUJI and al 1 P Dl b li coastal la writing lUddineTraTtle at Howl llunojed Hotel lien I Ib Illuittloui R ntlemtn cargo lo this oily on NOT nibir 10th Hi registered at the Total posters finial all iba Jay alter his iilTal bucollaiad Mr Dm II Patter tb ronlolaraud lildtilijournalliro I plane althilgeu I Ismans feel lie TJ oltrJliJo Mr Iorler The boner ol I l1witrati lilt his hostelry ID I Hidden1 Travels I via of for the email turn ol what he might cum climltlT In tilit days of Until Isle Humanity company loll fowls Mr Potter lUtujh u 0A reasonable propoelllon ana Hidden deflated the uoal nloed lu the meantime tbt Illuilrloui gentleman ill lu with Mill Uuptot and Mr Wyngila will known tbia meal ped pl leg and lie lubmlllU a I to show whereby Their IOf it Siodevis WOU14 Appear its Sovoral 1 dramatic Papers pilots omith lIuColo Express for instance rise icit would be tilt 81011 mi 11 I as alalle when compared with 111go Lu flu bso Iiip clH partial would active lroratblaTMimnl Lift evening HddlDI thought 10 liaitowuioua went to Mr 1jilit ol Ibf Tmvltoii apprliJ blm ol Iba laot I Ifltiai him that his flocaff would miKriaiiu all light at The I protxr time Mr Potter I mJ tile JN dombingymisuctoueloodw I man losoltio up but be dluIbl I Ii that was De It very at The irutrlur ol 1 lull boll bad iilJ hn icbimi was a riiiouabla inopoililoit Ibirtbr ao nptlac Its threat 1 llilJi the plan bad lalow bwu laid cut lollll hotel mm lu bUck and wbll 0 through a llltr Irutn HdJni to iorlr Ufoic the Ioim ii4 arrlnL 1 Tba 0 alai octal luau ibUitbl the Illow Wit I unit up a Job ou Mm 10 bi bad blm arrested charged with oblalolDf I I Meals undr lam priloiM I This nurolnic all Itie paitlti concerned con-cerned appeared In I The police court nail allot the defendant bad cordials I a pica ol not Kullly mud Mr Irier bad told u i story in newspaper mail wai cut on tile stand f WUou i and uarrtiibli finlon lia Wag llmu ttknluliand by IroiculliK Allot nay Hboup mud Attorney lIuulor also 1 for I the prosecution crontiamload 10 severely that the coir follow tot 10 tangled still blUbc old he hardly know what 10 MT JulI WDjtr found him nullljr b ill me Mr Poster wanted 10 give blw a I bo 10 111 ur centered was Suspended son tit RI frow tuorning And the delfaslato Is bond Dud1 116 |