Show A FEW MORE TRCKS Hov Jack D LJDI7 Found Employ mint Sot Working III tl lVUCII 01 LUIOt TICJlftJ Ill a TIB IVr Cent IMconftlUirW tlMlb I64eshgnmeslc at tsealsrre A ISorrep Lplttrff For tK IIOUN Iiii momlag Ihi 0 in ly telicimoii wIth Probate Jud o IIblJutl rSally tclaiil agsln lit MIII iTciiinalln board to bIke futUitf In qulry litj iio ain io iir wbloh bOb n t > nitKin j fieir attenilon for I rn 1eIUulh Dr nwrijr Week put Cnuniy Allornty WhKlf m rMlwlorellin l I the rolo oflBltiro Stor ixitolettiuan 1Corrls Hoi Kiln plest I u take an esesuelecol ban In llitiroMiximloilloii of cM IJlo of the wliniim eallid theIsm tb lklii of Ittioiony WH procwiUJ with tho oiunty alloil > ey roslo 1 mike a ibolt > Ultn nl Ho talU 10 imluunr I bad trust prerleuily ef frd Ii liulloK lo I how hut wrUIII Jtone to Milt liad lixn cut ul eh11 JM ward e5lh5re Woe lssel l upon jther bus hide lu tile oily Dud btBM v 7 t nI r iiidur whimi oliarte all I in i ll > wi p1e 5 I then hid 1 I viMi > iiiuii i 1 l I n nuBiltr < urn WMUIII Wbowoiked ou thntttw nil and lotiuiy buildluir hit I 111 miKlil liaTean pporiumiy of lutlllr 1Vrluolol Jull Hill hlmtelf and placlu blniielf In n trui imililon Ho 1 Hat aiixlout to gltu iver > bji > R rainbow In I lthu lnitilry icd leUly ruirrlhJ lu ihauuMtl I n 111 I flr11 L I jlr hporhllo wiutMW BxiuilueU WM ClurlM 1rlday who ul l le 1 worked ou IOn rliy mIld ooonly bull ling aud olorworje on thu I Uiulrrh tcbol 1 J knew of M dro od ttono hatlnit bxu token away tfurlnt 115 Hint he wat erutlayeU at he lormer planr In nntwer lo xHtIrclmtu bIonIc WIIIIIM paid hone ul 11111 none uwl at Ihtiljulrrli woe dretnd Ibe rain ai that emplojoj at Ifie oounly bulldlbf I J ruddeiiliim tho rilnelpal e mtraolur 00 tbe U julrrb wbool leitl Hed that Conllaclor llowruau aikej bim II lie kntw whir lie itonewai out lur I ute I ire mod bo toll him Ui in o Ills School ground Hucb wai Ibo JaniM Hklllecorn alio 1 worked on Ih Ojuliili Sell o being one ul Ih flrt employed and 1 one of the ht to renitin then He Hr uo jirvvluutly drttted HOB brouirht ill tbere ll wai 1 lawn While walking ou Ib Joint cIty med oounly lulldlng be I knew otuuiuell Iou tchool having bieu liken away to the 1eter Kellf an rIpe of tbe lolnl oily and county bulldlu for about two 31111 raid he 1 taw no tlouo ol a dllfereni ohanoter cut ou this llgulb wad d Iulo from that whIch woo used oil hoe building 1 1r ward worked ou the U lUlU SchoOl and law no out tone bruuiibt up there AId llrowu worked on be oily and county building for nearly two yeuri ho tIle louth end Whtnras cut one none for tOe boiler hoUM but uu pow no imeolhly cut Hone them or nntbng dlllerent from Ills utual run ol b > t uird on tOss building VltUHl wt potitlvo thai durlug tbm two nre uo hon wos baled luI Ukeu away tliul had Iweu druHid All loads bad ti IUM by wbera bo Olb IJ worked and could not hate gone away without bit titing Iheui 1 M I U Andetton aim worked 0111 lh oily and oounly building about wo yean ui a tloneculleraud gav tlmllar testimony at to Iheitone County Altoruey You Kite pool 1 lively that durlug tbe lime you worked hero you did not cut Only Mono lor any building olhir than the city and coolly bulldlug and Ibo bolltr lioune liouneYe Ye excel toao pleat or two that weuldown to Murray Hut woo alter Mr llowmantllrue Counly Attorney Wblleiuor Ibtn filled hit ttllueww W A SMuey worked fur n couple of inuuini ou tbe new building lu hUG ld 1501 pool urI ur-I I Hint lear the ilouecuiiini ihed Wllue1 bad I I Iptd t load lout upon 00531 U bu CfllUl away lIon load nt Hut lent away In tuo urlug of tollS on dm td end flulibed but Lo uid nut know wh AII 1 went In Ui yon remtmbir helping t > loud a block ILl i drMd silo that wai lost t J Uuirayoua Uriel yirt Yee When wailhttT lI I wai tu Ouulor or Novcmlrtr busVbo I Vbo told you la take 1 la Ibo 0171 l rtnirlltdid WnatilU betay toout Ho told mo to tell true car nun hut loau WM lor Mr Cabeon and to Inn lIlt ILirry lUyaii How huge n iiuuo lOS hhV 1 dJii remember but 1 Know 1 Wit all that inytelfund t belliTe two otben c nld Illl an to I tIe comst Yon noticed lull uf tbe ttone Ibit came on the ittiua bowl Yw Awo yA And yru oauld loll tie dlffifiuc between 10 aud what wai drtMid by bJ Ibo m ioutr Yei Heriieil AHIidt began work at the dmrliki ou Ibe new ouunly tmlldlni lu tIlts aprhng oilY I Dul 11111 Ito Hie Auguil lollowlui Wiluett taw Iwo lattliut Hone loaded and laitn awoy In dray but ho oauld nol ny heibir they Web drnied ur ilui ly wwn ldward Wuley woo inuiurly qufi Honed Ito aw IMI rougb out dreiied eloue unrtod away loom tIe illy sod counly building Hit ulUod lie driinn wniToiio woo uktng II ID inJ be replied In I the tcliaolbuutr II hai tvai lu Ihn litter pan ol April or lu I the irly part of May 1001 I lu aniwer lo Mr nhuiltl wltueM aIlb It reemt lo me thai urnu of Illu ftlonei were moulden11 ll wa alrdtuglvo tIle nimw of Ir Iwu draymen anil 1 he auiwereii Kd llailuioreor iave lewli MrdheriU ualu 1 u lsduL 11 I lu t In hILl loakel I i h il HUM i o w med under 5 1lobliaCo 01 J ujs kuloj 1 |