Show AllOUM TIIK WOULD A lllcjrtlil to Hiom I Uu Abltnce or a limb I I Nulbilicle Mr It W Brown U a bloyollit who nolwlthitandluglbe tact that he hat but one natural leg hai ataried out tara I tar-a tour around Ibe world on bit wheel Mr llrowu calla l at Ibe Nnwa ofiloe today and paid he ilarted from Midi 0011 1Iu June 1 and has made an avenge ol 60 mllei a diy He bid smooth riding until lIe reached the mountain but the dlfllculllei en oouotomd have not been oIl nature to I dlooulalo him from his undertaking He will remain In lull oily for eomo day and yartloliate In tome taco Then he will liar for Bin Kreiicliro flirts he hounds tanlng a iteamer for ii a + a vcr 1L ChIn l + rm Chins Iu 1101 India on ale b1 aDd then northward through 1erels the Turkish empire Aulrl 0ma01 France etc Ire cnlllolll 10 rlurn wllh a year II 11011 not ppII that Mr l1rown he touting tae world to win bat 101 aerel7 hot 1 the rntpoee of eohilying hue own deelro I ln eu what olher o1Odrlea look like lie epacle to yCIII e e s 1s tone ahon It his 1to liephensped he will h able 10 compllteilleuurney 10 rely II is I not without ucngetl0 couulrlewhale I cyclist I I looked Ulan ai I salt 01 ulornalulIl nil spltlh to bu got lid alit poILI |