Show TUB INVITATION hud lo Ilia > CmiMllullsinl Vinunllou Utnibiri IjY Leaks nttiM Ulo City HALT LAKE CITY April 2S ItU To The Hontrable IlMlJrni uftlorr slid Meiutwn of IheUonitllutloaal Convention of UtiM UentltrninTbe women of Hall Lake City who appreciate tire libill vl tho Convention Ihe luterr ol I lie coming KIlo Untie the I Ivaiurn ul entertaining She UltRln and their ladle I I with other Rlom of the Ai lembly at a reception to be Filet lu their honor at 1 the Templetou hotel In this city ThuJas May SnJ from 0 oclock until 11 In the evening The reception U I leudereil I Ibo Convention lu lehalf of the woinu ot Utah Very respectfully your etc fOmunar Or AURA1111141111TO lulHlla 14 I IWiinelt Metals M KlmUll fortune M Allen 1InA II 1 II Young Kuilly N ItlobrJ Emus J MoVlokur Mary I l Illmer 1riMllla Jcnilnii JrMrarnworlli II A r Youuir Isomerism 11 Press M lluahe Ciiunon Kill 11 tll rXiIII1 M Iargeor1 A lilue Kininellne II Vell > iiKicrnoN couxirrm M Isabella llnrnr Ziu n H Younr Jan H Klcbaid llathiheba WHmltb Hirah M Kliuball Isabella Easily K Bennett 8 11ehlitdr LniliiliDO Mary E II flituor Welli i Iltisoille I 1trinloggr Angelis J Jaijull I 241stim Y 1 Uiall 1 111111nikH I Taylor I Jull J M JIDolb Jlnl V ouIrIrIIlA 1AIJIIIylll 0 Al deft 1Iull M Fox llOIb II T11111o Louis 11 Miner lllli H Hhipp llllli I II rarJrr L H Tarioiii Annlx T llydr Kraniri M Hmllb llute II Hhlpp volatile I II Irati Martha U Canuon 1boeb V llealle cuiuimib uv Tin uitoiF Marcart Htrelr Mary 1 lUiintl niliibrth Wellvr Mary Uwrry Hi btcca Illlll Isabella Writ I Alary Alice liambrrl Uatherlne Palmer Mary Malr KIKtbvth Paul Nitrate McMattir Julia lirurr llchrl Mc11mStr H Irani Mill W Wilcox IIltxtmtlj tiller Diana Held lmnia Hull kllen Hilton Ann li N > al Jane Miller Ann O Hurl llachel Whlpplr Jane McUull Belay Whltliker alary Turnhow H iah II llbion Jumna MiltonM < < rcl Itornnry IulaUirrn Hlchard I > Margir > t V Teylor AUIIUIU WIrani Alum K Hardy Klla W Hyde Maty U l > hllllHNelli I II I r N 1 Little llaltle Marker M 1 Loll Mortli Klln C Jlawiou and others |