Show The Iuuutj ton it At the cuuuly court Invettlgillon Hill allemouu Mrtlli lUykeu took Iho laud In answer lo Attorney Murphy liv armed Ibtt he woe Iho agent il HID Audrewi Iurulluie com In l wild was the only aneul who hid BuylbliiicludQ ultli the I conlracllor lurnlihlux Iheoutiiily bulldlm bId > Sou ever pay Mr J 1 Cihoou or auy other member ol Ihe court any inuiiuy lo Inllutnoo Hum to ruin to allow your company Ibo ookliaci N y11n lull you ever pay Ilium uylhlug or IheoonlricIT No elf He paid a 18000 warmit wos pall hlmonllllng a bond el 1 115000 lo In lire the dellvrry ol Iho lurnlluru within Hilily diyi Did Halt lkeoitiuiy IY more for Hi furallufe luau thu city or 1115 boatd of educIUuT No IIi II fold lose Uu lurHjiTHlc1 thrl I0 did not tell any erion that hu paid J2TIWO lo get Hie ountricl Mr llayken bounded ot Ilia osilll lust ttiuwltnwi who tMllfled lothat ilatemeul he pruducid but U 1 WM italfd Ihal hit wu not In the city but that ho WouU be at Ihp I I0ier 1 lime |