Show euro ai lllIeeI I It III I 111 a Obey tnltetetso 5mule lu lie ul I nln UINUOS JuIyU Aipeolal lo thu Tltnct irom r < illi uvei I an lutirvlew luLliihed by II lee lijaro with a brothr ul rsauuni fufukttu ill who wua ar renal lIar complicli in lIeu IIIlnd cf Hlambul I tie inlet Hut 111 brulber Niouui was a clew friend uf Major 1aullM who bad been executed by order ol gtambulolt Ito the aiocla lion woo I uiely ouu al frlonuuilp and not oar ul lollllci Wbtu lha inltil plot woi dlicov clod all who had been oouuctled with Ilimlt were arreited Amoug them Iha Interview continue 110UI m youjgcil brother Diulicbi aged 1 wuouiHlamlulon thought he could Itirce lo reveal Itiouiuaiui puied con uicllou with Ibe cuci Iraty Deutiolu waiiutjtoled lo uliucloui toilurea for ill month HtimbuloU umploylug hli lUKeuulty and luulllj lying Ibo moil horrible lorlurei until thoexeoutlouen lu till I rtiutu loIn tha nalia from the haudi and ftel ol my brother and coin rult eil icli tl moru liar iarooe llfheu little fellow rebind toaccuiu Naouni need Iliially axaiperaled ho pit in imbulotlitacu trylugi Ty rani I itoru yuul 1 WM lili dull viurra I Hlaiubulotl talhul helm In kerceeuannl burned btm alIve lu Ot lober inUJ ° luiektthlefT concluilitd lint Dover tnileii neither 2idtdOOl nor himself were cOIIDcleol wllli Ibu murder of M Hlambuloll wbltb they datnerIod ai likely lo cauio n reuitlou In bli hover While thoy lioted that heir brolbar would baaveukud by len condemnation condemna-tion cf btatubulofl aunilmliill IInlli HortA July iLTIte koternrnenl liai been muklng Iuiulit9 Into Iba uiuruerof ux1remlerbtambuluU and lola 1 claimed Ihe louIs allotted mow Ihu crime 0 Iba act of irlvate You uce rlnhllui Ill nandoiil CossTANilNui July 22Ad vine from Haloulcu dale that US ilatedonlau Iniurkeuli had 1 an tounierwllli u detnclimunt uf lurklih troop neir Htiu ulu IOu Imurgenli Were Ilislecard nnJ loiigbt letuna In Ihollululili moil Hint I |