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Show TIRED OF LIFE. I A Young Married Woman Commits Scleld Wftb a Kefolver. x nnii.r kit rATiicrtc .ion. 'IrllMfl U i;rlvrn-l .Ul (Inhiff t i.Me ltl.) Tl; lt-rtr Va mid .Ma.nm4fJ'Hill.;." A ihocklns iiilcl-J tovU Uco nbout A o'clock yvtuuiay nfiriiin, m 112 ttrt'ith T.mplc uri-tt, the Tloflui ol her own Mill rl Uliiif a youtu murrlrO wnmmi nninwl Hby VMun. Tlio iltciftMi! nnu lit r lui'Uml I,.! 111 llvltiKforn wh k or Mwt In h roomatth houo i1kit mt!Dtlot.rl. Ami which thpy r filial from Mr. J. C. HftnulvrKt uiliohlmr, e Thry nre UtwcrltMHl havluK ApiHr-nt.j IU n Trry quirt llfu durlni; Ihelr ocrurancjr u( thi Aptttmrnl Minn, nnj tli InllciUani to lUotv nruund nr that thrlr rvlntloiii wro of n hnhinloti olnmctrr. Hie liu l-nnd, lUnvty Vilno, lion ever. 1 mM tulmvt rnl a gootl ill uf lil tlu.r, a a dfuli-rln lh uronof fiiro, nt cr-tln cr-tln tlub iwJiiH In thla cliy. At th dj.w tifttunl ymtrnlay a Utol fttut HmhArtl tn tiivfuomocrtii Irtl ly Mr. aikI Mm. VUIdii. AiiJOltlcN-r Iotcrtt, tiliOMi lt vtn III Hint fmnudlAtv htlMrtifod, Atid Dlllrtr llunl en tcnil ltiHrtriil a moiucnt or two ftflrrwArJ. ftie unrortuimtt wonu.n wMthcti (j-IiiK mi ihwilooriythw ltd- Idr, And At htrfrfftWM .-IXtwlilrr Coil's tttvulvt r. Thi-fp xrtw a hullit lir.lo In Itifr Jrlt lrrftt. tlio hi'art hat bmn pit rent, ami tlio till tidd ifoim clean throusli flu hody. tilio wa attired In Inr urdlnnry houn ilrtiM, dut hvl only oni ullHt-r nti. lilfr wan extinct. Tlie riH urt partUUy rlolt atul thn (tut wort a ilachl loolr. llfdrt-M hud rautilit Are irotii tlio pjvf der llkih, hut Hits tlm ol1tt?pr rOon ut out. Curom-r HnrrlnHironittiuilcflUitwilli.iind(l. bjdy WA)iortly aftiTwhiu ifinovid to tlm Utah UmltrUVItnc Prl -r. TliHhuvlitii'l who uh nremjnl, wni arrwtwt and UUmi to tlit City 1111. iiiJIi.tflli' miurt. nnd v vbltitl iv ii nuiuLrof Din frlfiiddiiHii tho pTtnlut. Thuy all 'poke iff lilm aa "a good Ji'llow,' and vxprfi-ieud tliclr tyninthy with him frttly. llitflititAMd vruoian, who U aUiut twent)-ni) jKifHofogo (thu liulmnd lltt(f ten or vIvtmi yrm lnrHiilor) wtiit In Mr. Hamli.t-ftt In tils room, only aftwinlnuttalNiroro tho lirltii uflho fatal ahot. an 1 rrqucatud the loan of a lend eoclt, atatln lint alio waitlist to wrltti u noli-. A ft-w moimtola later ti o rt(nrtof tliopUtolwai hrard. Hlioliad Irll lltlnd thr follow Imk note, vrrltUn lu n tolerably good liund, Ixit lltiaitll lutC wai drcldrdly ld. 'M.y I tear llubutid onr t riory ou think I Kin unlruo to mi. hill 1 nm not. I faiit.ot II. o and think that ymi do noi loro tor My hoart I broken, 1 n no longer rplnt tlm ini)tBtionirwrllliix to vnu. I am ft-olng t die. ltid my ilcur ixipAaud iuamiiuOaMlhT0. I mtn jour Itninitwlfi'. lUnt iMtf l)Mret, vnu aald you wlhod I was dead, t . Jmt Imafflna my reollnj H Tne iutctl) t wan wiltkn on ttiti op I olto j mo uf tli I air. Alouirildo tlio rornoln,; lay ntiolher itutr, written by tho huatand about flTtto'cbclr, which ran: IMby. t am iuhig to Uko a hath nt tho Warm Nf-rlDR-t. Will Im huk In two hours, ltuiwu '.uVloek. IH1UL at 7. r.iikiiT. Vfalnomado Aatalenit-iit to a jiolioo ofllrar iuUtantlalI atfollowa: 't lull the boiiwt about i o'clock In tlm ademuon, fall Inn my wlfn.I v, fdni: to the llul hirlnttit fur n lutli. nwnl to the club romna where I wrk and aomo of thai Wvk nakel mo to wall until lacr to wo nmld all ci to-uethr. to-uethr. I fuiicludad ti.d'i ihl.ntil re tnrnod honw about A oMiick to tell my wlfolhat 1 would tm Ian r tn tba rvrn luir. Nlta hui oui, nod 1 Kit llio iii.tn on tbo rautro tahld in tho room. A 1 went out ami taiuxl up Ilia hi nil I mi ber and told hir "but I wm ttolnjr lothn NirinuN. Hliauldat rlrattliN. nhi nthiiI,! gii with nif. but ilfitdml that aho wuttld not 1 loll her thru mid Marttd down town, but nndlus 1 had (inptun mjihc-thing mjihc-thing 1 atartMl li k lo the houa. Imw a rmwd In front and know aouioihlng havl happened. I w cut In with an oltlc r and found hrdtd." To a newapaper reportor, who Interviewed Inter-viewed htrnautaHjiunt totho tratttily attboOlty Hnll. tbo huaband t I bis wlfw'a maiden name was Uuby (iavm .in J tbnt bo formerly rtldt-U at U'en wood Hprltiee with Iter parents wluro bo met aud married ber. Tbeyhad been married five yittra.nnd had nevtr hid auy trout K, aalde from llttlo ilint-reitria which are llahlu to open r uow and then betwien married people. Ho totaled, In r I her, bowoTrr, that bU wlfu waa lutjict to aaam nnd he thought ihu had otiu when ho saw her lying ou tbo Moor alter tbnahooUntr. lie moat emphatically denied ever JiHTlnit "wWied that hla wlfo was dead," at alio In J nftrted In the nolo founlJuatUforotheaulclde. The I in pit at wim brld thla morning btfortCorontr llurrls, butiotbIut;de velo-l Ifyond what la atattM alnie. AfUr ln'uUiiK nil tbo tekttmony, tbo jury found that Ihu drained died from tho Hlvcta of a ph-tol lh' t, Intllcted by bvroun baud, whllat tUuVrlmf front iQphnchnlla. They fully exonerated tlU'Kuitmiid from bhine. llu wan ut oiico rt Irahnl from tuMody. |