Show GREEK ON RAMPAGE Theodoro Theodore a a. Greek s sec c. c tion hon hand was a victim of ot a fit of violent vio vio- vio lent insanity whilo ho he was at nt work ork rj n ji the tho Ore Oregon on n Short Lino Line tracks yes CS afternoon For a time ho theat theat- ene ened 1 to do seine Borne damage Securing a heavy p pick ck ho lie started to wield it in in fashion and there was a wild I scattering st of Greeks Finally j nail v several I II I o or his countrymen grabbed him hint and tied tier f nun im down in jn a 1 box hox ear cur lIr Tho The patrol I wagon Lagon na on with Officers Hilton an and Curran Cur- Cur I ran 3 took tho the Greek to tho count county jail where ro he hc was placed in rn a padded ec cell |