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Show A STORMY SBASON. ,i!iiilrinl W'llMtHwii to ho Ittit ArouitlM.llir. South IMlola. fRCODVTCnlAN AND MCTHOOIST CHURCHES DAMAQCD X Jicmlicr of Itulldlngs 1'ntrr.jrd, Train Sfrtlco. Suspended. Tor. iimloand Ijclemr ur Turrirh ioilsnsa-si tiii: lATorKToiDf. lurlUrrlteporls orilie llamaae Iloue In 1 arietta I'Imm. Ht. I'AU.MInn,, April fi tester day's stoim passed ill over tho North west, Thecxtent of tho storm was but hinted al In tin. larll.r mo. ri.o I Itxnrtl continued most lf Uiu lllRLat. AruuuJ Miller, H. D . snowdrifts i iglit let! deep art no to Lo arm. Hun dreds or head of atoct waudcieil with te storm, many of whit li Mill rlsli. (Jnu freight tram Iim o vii Bullied In lhu snow tin re si nee yesterday. Thu unprecedented moral of rain nnil mow whit h has raged nt Alxrdieo, H. 1)., for die pist threu da) s teased rally this morning, anl tho tun U now shining I rightly, riiolull ufauuw la simply tremendous, and In cotitcquonce lhu lllltlUdSUIulltli Ul. Tim Noithwisl line mixed Iraliia oa the Mlluaukte rd lal I In tbu biiow nil yuti May afternoon anl night. The tlirousn Chicago passengir on tliu Soilb wettern Rot uo further tltAii Itedllehl on this Hup, but luriii.1 thrru uud vrcut lack. 1 hi- blockade In Ilia wont tx-lrrh-uced In a long tlnit. Wlillu stedlpg will bo B"l'y "It" Jl)cd, tLo farmers All J all others uro will sntlsriel, and Ilia acrearu will In ini.terlalty Intrta.td, asagteat encnurur'onieht la felt, iku country districts wl.l bu Kill nliili Impatsublufordays locomt. Alllud ton, B. I).. It It riporlid ti nt the snow toini yesterday nrirrnoon hloikatltd the west mid norlli 1 ram boa of the Chicago A Noiltiwealeru ItoaJ. Tliu north tuuinl main lot night only reached Itrdficll and returned this morning. No trains have Iwuii tout outer have arrived (rum tlio Nest suicu noon yesterdn). Tho lima In ulliirillr.itloutarooinii. HnowIugha And know Bhuvi lers aiu wotklng north and wot. TheOr.at Northern train iiioaUo Interruptoii, riio nlnrailwaa tlio greatest nit known bi ro In April. A lUIIIOUK IIU, 'Allll. lli.Ali Lai.i Famji, Minn., April 3. A fuiloud blltMid hai tun raging hero for tbo imfct lwtiit)ftur hqurr, and Is growing In vloliuce. It Is loan u ttif ra will bo lou of liro on arcount of thoniallFUply of fuilki)tlu rtAvrre by tlivlnlmUtantf. ULBlNhfcU tbfll I1MJ1 1). llrmirl.li, H. I)., Aprils. A terrl-bio terrl-bio ktorm of itert und litfti wind 1m pnTullInc, pnctk'illy tuaiKindlnit nil builioift. Ibu truln Mnlco on ttm Norttuvcktrrn li Hbaiidomd hirr. Tbiroli four liirlits of know on n Irtt'. Clll'llllllH 1U1IAIIIU. llRIWM-UKT, III., Atll IS. Tlio oychoo liit iileht uaniAKfJ tlio I'rii-bjrkrlan I'rii-bjrkrlan and Mitlioillit itiuribiaaod rnl rtnlJcnro. It totally dr-ruollihrd dr-ruollihrd A numUrof lainr, kllllnif Fiieralhvrfeci. is low A. Coi.umi, us Junction, lu,Aillo. Tlio ocloiui jmitrday .Ititruji-d u munlirr of bulUlinia at Cairo, .N'o ono naimrloualy lijurod. C.UTII. IHIUW.NI n. OUAU.ALA, .Neb, April fi Tbo ftotuiytittrdayilrUu'd Ilia lattlouud llva Hock Into ilia I'latle rlvir. Many who chilled to dialli and tbo Ima will bo tuavy. IIOl'ACS 11MTIKA 1 II. I-ouiBViiiF, ICy., April . At llui.elivlllu lt nlnit tlio itonu Jn. troyod trrri, Icmoi, barna and liouna In a track four mllr Joui and n ti ral huudrcdjardawldo. I.lrla Hbolton'a hum) aa iKuiollilicd and Kato Hliul-tou, Hliul-tou, a rtlallvo vUUIuk ! fAinllj.bn I Miveral booii brkou and nci IvmI dinkcroua Internal InJurUa, i:iry Vivmbvr of tlio family mcclvod Imrta and brulipa but nono wrrp aerloualy lofurtd. Tlio houto of Hamucl llrollur-ford llrollur-ford wai alao liiatrnjid, but nooco Maa luirt. ArunvAlio. Mu.WAiir, Vla., Arll 6 A tornado paaaud tliroutl Ornnt county Jntrrday Aftrruoon, lovclllng aorrial barnj, knci'", tolrsranli poll a, and unrooflni; liouati. No loiaof life ao far lajilioiu-d. A cicr.oi brtnat, Atk., AtllS A cjolono 1 rcd ovtr tbo noutluaamm portion of tola county ymtcrdiy. Uolu iiroAt damatv. No II vm Hiro loat, I u( ioiiio lulraculoua ticapcawtro uiudi. lllnl In imwlli. Bt I'aui. Apill 3. When HliorllT flmcarof Whitman county, Wiuli-Inirton, Wiuli-Inirton, waa wouudej In tbu lift tlJe f'lJaj, near DATcnpoil, In Dial Rtalr. ah "".wl'll" protrlod and llllwi AHcu, tho It adcr of tlio pang of borao, tiHlVta. I'rauk Young, a fallow inlcrr, llnl, Inatcad of atainlliiK by juiir, tipiuter'a woiiuda wiro not .cnaaarlly lutal, but, lolui; left nlonc, lialikil to Umtll, Tbo liorailblevia katbmd about and tauutoil tliu braro UlUMIilloliowMdyln. lllabody waa brouBbt to Hroknno jiatuday. teat luulnnitlon la Mt towarda ' lOUUg, I arlluii I rucl In Kaiilurlj, Covi.mitoi, Ky., April 0. A fac-lou fac-lou foud baa fiicn tlartod lu tlio linm. if ', f","1 L'oiluctou, which od. Joinatlilaclty. TlH. fluauVa oud tlio ntagsiiiborKB quarreled at tliu olactlon la.t Haturtay, and Marahal Ijimtaiit, whouitia Dunn charted with faor ,1,,B,"'H,tajsonhorga,waaUaij btaten. Jiail nlRht tbo hlaKgonliorira wont out ri r reviiujo, ond, v,olni; toonooftho nustea' mimii, fiorlully lialanddea Irojid lila place of liunlmiw. Anotlur taloon owniHl by dim of Iho llutna latllon waa vlnltul, but tlm owner waa latin. Tho ravouBiraanllafled them. !"" oy toinplelily ilrmollililUK tlio flaco. At a thirl ilom run by a brother-in-law of tbo 1 lumen tho Blag. tinborEamro nut by Iho former fae tlou, ntid wc r forced to w Ithilraw. N j i no una killed In tblamiitlog. I ur tliert-ouble la tiixitid, Inllla KllliU. CitTlllDl, Ukla., April S.-Tlie lato coManaja Atul ftorma liAvotAuaedn meat loaa of cattlu In tlm I n Hail Territory. Terri-tory. In CliUkiinwOiiiity tlir l'r Aietwenly rr eii.t. In the Creek country hutidrrde aro dead and moru ared li r dally, and In tbo ('oniaurhr amlhlown reaereatlon Hie I jm li the xroattat, riiounnda have died and Are allll dying fait. l-allllealnlltm.la l.tan.l l'KuMlirsci, II. I Arrll . To-nlnliltliolaitiilort To-nlnliltliolaitiilort una inadoto talk tho voter if Itno o bland to tbe beau-tin beau-tin of i Ithcr tariff n l.tinur prottctlou. lleRirdliu liniorrow-A elrttlon the lltlcal iroihttaamauiuiwhat aln- aa to tho n a lit. 'I ho moat reliable Ita. iiibllcanrlaltr-r, coming from workera wlinojocoiiTenant Willi the dilall of atralrr, la that tin re will bo no ikctlon for tbo HUlo tin ri Tlio liemocraU will hafe a alight iluralltyui m "ino t,t llioiioinluiea aiiJ the leiilalaturo will loaotl I Iteiubllcau In Imli lirAiicbea. 'lhu IJeniocnta have adeanicd no rlilru, leyond ayluc that they will eh cl the riu to ticket, but tbeyappiar Tcry confident. Tho new oleintnla ontirlnit Into tlio pteiiil contit aro ao dlvorattlcd tbat ralculatlulis bahed upon precident uro not regarded with muck faith by tho leadcre of the lairiy. u Inior ul txiimmla. MlMtAUKKi, April S, The city oloctlon today la l.i llovml to Iiato re eukrd In favor of tho Iiiinoirala. |