Show HIIIII eniitrs A IIAI will Otare AeI limit llu hlllllr WASIIINOTOS Juno 10 Ihuliauk of Now Havuu hai fatle I fhu IIltoll area million and l a quarter antI 1 the llabllUlea eight hundred thuuiand A notice on the door uf the bank Hjii thai owing to the withdrawal of fIUOiXJ In duKil and notice cf Ihu withdrawal of JloUOOO more and Lccauie ol Inability to reall lulL ly un the aueu Ihn bank had I decided l t onlgn Ihu drllo will luiuld In bull Ihelalluruwantauieid ly hue run ou the Wilmington Hiving and 1 Truil company Ihlity duy > untIe li reuulred ou IUIOI over fill under thu law tile ellosed tho bank will be entirely Mlvvnt Mu Yuiut Juno Ilhchl llrof lm orieri ot laiu and I fano iood I hove eouleiied judgment forSHUJt |