Show IIID Ud Uti nnlleuy o nl JI I r 101 189 I HI Like City Utah To All Axenli A NIt DIIARltHK Wllh tlm new time cord In eflVot Btinday Nov 19th the HI Urande NVetern In ucurnln glee l nl I rwllnlnR rlialr par terrier beloon i O < den aud Hfiirer The chair are of a eper15I Itlern l and for oomf f rt ami elegance are not iuri > a uit 010 Mere fliini rare Mill Iw flea lo I holdeia of all leaof llckeli J H IlriNKTr err A 5 HUT UHKB THEATER T cnti III l > TOI > il > anfr Two Nialils BciiDDiDS Friday Nov 24 Tb4 IttUlMtblt l f nIS tOIWdUB Peter F Dailey IJoIoJ 11 101001 iW tIlpplei n A COUNTRY SPORT 0 en0llnlooe rna I n I r 1b41r511en 01 J0ekoo411m lIor 0lhoee3ue 011ar Nothing nut Now Iclons New Music New Danoes AM arftupaarwi name poi I r l 311I 1 011 not Ipela Intm ilrMit AA I Uwtf I real IL Jaekito Ainr I aul i lnchnl cute < lit U r I J sr Calllbia MvUTIen 1 Kil A UtfHr kihlManarrra Jlnliad UtrWr 11111 i ilae rrdr1Ol II alietlT Io tone 1011011 I oI Th 115rAen 1 HI ijiinelle I iKMll Ito Ono t ITIII now on tali MIT TTIIAt T1CX lIlult liens alnlnl4th linnlrels IosAy aDd Tudy Nor D adz V p 351vo1Nto Lepsn lolly No fl Wonderland itroin lortH t aiir mxt TUCIIUK iioni Lon L-on Muck LenptB m I Tbriliirlvm FirstClass Performances hourly Few features In Carlo HallOo Hall-Oo ADMISSION lOo 12 Pounds of Fine Raisins l And all other goods la proportion GOLDBERG SOLOMON Wboliil ant Bclall Cash e Grocers 45 C FIRST SOUTH STAll ST-All Hal Orders Promptly Attended lo TeleDhne 107 P n Rot 187 eflTvTynT7vTnTvTr3Tn7r n ewe en Uti to n a to It OJ n to unTrnn EVERYONE MUST HAVE A TASTE I 1189341 18934 New Clean Muscatel Raisins Sib for I 25c Now Clean Valencia Raisins Sib for 50c Old Clean Valencia Raisins 51b for 25c I New Clean Currants 31b for 25c New London Layer Raisins 15c per pound Now Lemon Peel 20c II II New Citron Peel 25c II II New Orange Peel 20c II II FLAVORING EXTRACTS AND PURE SPICES WALNUTS BRAZIL NUTS i PECANS FILBERTS I r ALMONDS SHELLED ALMONDS All Now and Fresh nnd nt Prices to Suit tho Tlmos ZCM15 T wt1 1 II WKIIIIIilt Siiperlnliiiilrnt tltw 0303 aAAatt5LwaiI11O uoluAl KIIIIIIi l All Davis I Styles 4g Gaiters Orb SHOO Or-b Fall I U I i ItOT I I Wear = House 1 MO MAIN BTntCT Just rocolved several largo conslgnmonts of Shoos which wo offer I for this woek only at wondorfully Low Prlcos 100 pair Laillo KM Nhoe paoat lip North ftOO Ibla week fill I 4M ralri U Ho1 loot HhUCI worth < l10 IhU woelc Jl OX 3001011Ladhat0113000wont prig Ilill week luo Tlila four elIoe I iua < laly a itclal and serer proreai AtHolnteljr water lluhtj will not I I crak will alwaja remain son anlnuinear two poles oftul THV A 1AIIU UNIX JIM I Tint wiiic mi intnvn IIAIIOAIN uKiuncii I1 ISO HjlM I of Ana idles ami lids Hhooi worth 0100 l end fUH a pal down lo a00 I II Soo window Our Show II I Davis 110 j Main St y II I NCXTOOORTO DRUG c OTONC y I I 1i i This space has been reserved by i I Js0 Of Qrotta9 ift s 11 > r t L I s DEALER IN i 1ffJ r S Diatno ds5 I I I j U1atehes 4d = i Silverwie0 = riJ u of > o I ± s r 0 |