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Show AT HOMESTEAD, A Wild State of Panic and Disorder Reported. Firry shot.s in d uiMiritf. Tbrcf Strlutn Seriously Wonded and Otbers Beiltn. utsn iii rim iiimi iiiunrci.. t Mrlker Itfnirha n Itarkmin llnnn lu tin- Misl and Atlrarls nlroiid HutiKiTKAn, Nov. n Nnt slnci thanimjiabkilihof Inly weiolulleK m Iviitlful as thla aftttuouu. luilde cftwent) rnlmiteauvor fifty aluile Tern llnal, nnd Kuiitth nvoiiuu wai lu u will ta(e uf nlc uud dlnotikr Humors wore luiilhul of eriuns In-lug In-lug wounded slid killed, but the only uma (utiously hurl iireiitly nre ttiriK ttrlkits, Md'addeu, Jum-n and 1'rlkhirJ, all of whom have llesli woiindr, riiriuregroeawirealsoldl) bi tttl II AbuuH u'tlick tills nllrrnoon Iwo c lured men who work lu the mill were met by ii striker, uud after umiu wurdn II elatlir knocked ouu of llie.n down. Willi characluri-tlo sudd u mi i'll'.l ctsiniiieiuklcd In n fit nionls. II ilh negri ea fought hard, but stones In-iran lu lly iiiiu Ihey wetu being Uted win ii onedtew n tnolier nun oinul lire. II) llile time full) Vhi pKis-ona were on tin itri-et nud a panlo slnrlid, riin-e inen kuockid diwn Ihu second lu gro, aud when ho ari.ee he had two lovoheta In hln hinds Hi- ntntli I to run, shooting shoot-ing backwards oir Ills shouldira Id u will innniier. As u reult n buy reeelvid a lleah wound lu his leg. When the lliuu g negru reached ( Ity 1 urui lane, six ollu r colored men cameuloug nud weru u la j asnjulled. Ihey nllotewgutiauiid tan down the street. r-omu one heaed n I rjtsa nhkh lilt Washington l'aul ou Ihu head. Huoinl llii,usdld(huolhirn, and In aiuuiueht (ho air wan lull ol lulled ami Iho terrified crowd waa rushing In nil diieclloua to seek shelter lu houien nud alltys. A woman, pur-ul) pur-ul) xed by lour, stood III Hie iilk) an I onu of thu uou iinljnkts shut at her three time, one bulkl usnlug through n tlmwl shu had thrown our her hinl.. Trio colored men Ilnnlly reached llulr boarding lipuw aud rushed In and luired thu.iioor. In n minute the hounu waasurrjundidhy tho Infuriated rnoli, which soon tole down (ho fence und mattered every trludow with stones. When Iho deputies an I bu rough jtllceri arrived some one began to ) i H: "l.ut'a lynch the nigger black shii!" rim try wai taken up nud .lit ard nn ull sides, riieotllcers br ko In Ihu homo tourtceltho colored men out fouul tin m huddled lu onu room, terrific i HUdexiectlnglutu killed, 1'llinlly Ihu men weru brought out, nud Iho first man ut he pawed through thu j ard wai hit over the hea I with a lrlngan b) uu I lfurlated woiiniu. the uejutles trlul In alu lolup the crowl awuy while tiny took tho men lo the look uj, but the ptlsouita were hit teveinl times. (Jr. i, of the dijutlea also wan struck withal lick riioolllceraUrcw revolvers and announced If any tuoro stones were thrown they woull upon tin. A man threw a rock lhtnui.li a window tLen aud ujsnrttated, buitbo dipillen siemeit iowir!is to Intlnil-dniu Intlnil-dniu thu mob ol a thouininl ersoni who had gatheruj b) Hint lime. When tlillign wero quitting tome what a ruiuur wai circulate I that colored lion uulcnlita Inuring uf the assault nf t lie Ir Irilhron wirn about to comu lu thi Ir tescuc I'll Is was ruillj ILe taso, for over llfl) colored men weru ti nting In make nn ueau!t nud Iho pi lice had much difficulty Inn,, sltalulug them. An Im ii lint riot also occuticu. beforotlie ri-sldiucuuf a non unionist named Marlon C urad who Is also a dcUly slurlll Whin Hie iron d began logallurlu front of hli house ndd thri alenej him liu upjieared with a rtvolur lu cither Imud nnd snld ho would shoot the first man who entered hla gnlc Heveral di putks ar-rleinl ar-rleinl o poriunily nnd restrained thu crowd, which dloreod nllir hours of aniit) ii uttering Alter nil tliuulorcd men wero safely In Iho look unthuexilleiuentaubsided rea rapidly as It I e(,an, and by nightfall uu unusual crow ds were notice it le ou Ihoslrecle. l'ekr Maifad len.who first ingagtd thoiolortd uia i lu alight, waa shot IhtouKh the left arm und lut ou the head. Jnniea Junta, whoiuuiu to Mucfaddm'i assistance, had u mlrac ulouaipcoe A lugro shovid it ru. velvet Into Jones' face nud llred, thu bullet tttlklug Jouea an lliuforeluad, but glanced olf, cuttluga bluoly futtow oetthieye. Jonia un 1 Mncfaddeti wetu ntfestud tonight Mrs, Junes at-tempted at-tempted IobIiii Id lur husband nnd At-linked At-linked lliu oniceH tu tlm eleven eoli ti J men locked up, sevi u lu u tuts on the head, wliero tin) wete struck by iniisiliaor cluU. loulght guana nru un duly at the loek-up mid nonunion non-union boarding houses to Ituentnt-tacl Ituentnt-tacl s. |