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Show CONVICT LA..0K. Ilto llunlrcd .Miners Tale (barge or the (.narils and Prisoners AND HAUL THCM AWAY OV A switch CNairtc. .No llaniiige Hone lu the 1'rr.perlr, The thiarils Cetsuteil for Coward cc. Pf Tcltrnisbto ma Sews.l Ml. Mils AM, l-i,IIM. A Muti Inks e Inert if Itie liinl ned to, niiiU tile Nllitnllun. ClIAlTANUIltlA, Trim., Aug. IS. l.ttly this mi,rnlngS(M miners met at White Hall ant -mended b Inman, whim li'il) t-ouvlcta were at work In tho Iron rrlue cf ttie Teuneaete Coal, Iron aud Hallway company. On tho train weru forty unarmed guards going li Inniaululnireasothe guard Ihtre. Atuut ISO mliitra took chutgeoftho guard und thu remainder went forward for-ward tu tho stot-katle, dilrrinlued to I urn Itand turn the convicts over to tlio kusrds, and md them out or the country Pi Ihu train. Tin, train was Btod on n tressleuenr Wnltullill and Ihu cars with the guards In lu It tut ofl. A luutu was Him tnado on to lnman, anl .SJ can vlits aud twcntyseviin guarJs wete taken iiltonrr nlthcut resist nuio by thu iiinti. The prlsoutrs wero marched to Victoria, baled on cars nnd hauled aw ay by a swllcli engine. Iliostockadu was not burned u.id nu damagu wo donu to the ,-o4rty of the compatty, Thu convict liavu btoti sent to.Nrshvllli. l.vrry thing Is quiet at Inman and mvmbers of thu inb arurt turning to their homis. A nmeacgriesudent was sent to thosetnu this morning. Tl.u guards coul 1 have kelolTlhs rloltrs Ut displayed dis-played mwartiti,, and a setoud mob assembled at Inman, thla altiriioon, and, armed with axes, initially de tnoi)shed thostockadt. One slJu wits tut down, thereof crush. l lu and the lntetloisof nil thultoiieesare lu ruins. Mru was not used for hnr of burning the railroad trustlu and several prltaiu bulldlngf. |