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Show THE TERRITORIAL FAIR. The Premium List aa Elegant Llllle Volume of 100 Pages. llllll.lll.M' III I ll.TMIITS lir . UMII. (Imara and I'mlrr Mlitue Supertlalon They Arc The llahr Miow. Jll-C'lUnroiii. The premium Hat for the Utah fair la nn elegiut Utile botk of 100aiiea ami la a woik of art tlio rjver I rlu a llttwcrarli In Iholotrian color, with cuta rt rrenlilhi,- the dlllerent diraitmculaof the fair I ht-e A lloraci 1'iovllea for Aral and aecund reniluma ainountluit lo from J to fS5 an I go d inr.Ula for 1 ea , mart a and atallloua of dllltrent aijea1 and lakia In all tin tilvlaiouaol thor ' nililibrm ttaudard tmtltrt, Ulydti dalt, 1'irehcron, 1 nullah tlilrugradia aul ether draft, llaikneja, coach lotara, grilo carriage, roaJatira or Kentlcmeii'a drltlnir hiitaea, aallle tunic under fourtet n haudt. It alao trovidto for L.raud awettakeaof gold medal, an I ist for rlr.t and tie for auccud rlxea for beat dratt atalll on,any age and bleed and the tame award for toarhalalllon. Biulth larker laauier Maor. I ,aaa II Cattle In chare ot Aarou I. larr. Jr., provldra fur tint am aiconl plltealii all the dlvlaloua, vllt rjhcrtrioru, tleiun, Jetvej, lloi.ttln, Oillowa), l'ollttl Augua, Had IMIid, Hereford and fat tattit. riierti la u aatt ltkta lu each ulvlalili l.xlil tlloraof lhorouHhblrdt lnuatflloied. greta Apillcalluiia miat contain name of owner, bit em r, m-me nl animal, ani-mal, alio, elalll, datu Lf lecold, volulim andt age of reeunlor hcrl bvok,clae and uumbt r of t rvmlum entered lor, laoaa I) Hlllep ana Hwllie ol whkhAnioa 1). lloldaaay, of I'rivo, laMittrvlaor lint been entlitl) rear-ran;e.iaud rear-ran;e.iaud luittuJ of natuil g intra for long wool and Una uool aheip inu tllllteelilela.ataareuatiitd at lullowi. Amtrleaii Mtrlnoa, Wench Merluoa, lli'v.ter, IilnLolur, tioulblowna, Ut Mrudoair, llamilurcd ana, Hi.rop. Inn. I list unu aecund t rlxea uro tllenduudrriacti of lliem dlvlaloua, I unJ they atu given for bucke limba, t eiwta and for llochr. AIIOKelber tho aliitiuearlmelitlaall luvided for. Ihe twine pitiiiiunia are ral.ed luo t cent. In the i-jultr) do ailmvat Mr. John I) It lua alao provilta tor u better exhibit than uiual. t,taudtd ruloa oie i riulid and k Judge alii be br ut,t floni the eaat to inaik the ecorea au 1 aaarl Ihe iremlunia lor Aalr'loa, Americana, kamra, llamburga, rinn li'l, lltncll, Pullall, Uorklusk, gatilo lantauia, lainlama other thau game, el-o lor nilacellnneoua llrua, auch aa turreye, tuzxardv, laafowla, guinea Inula, Aylteburit uu ka, Caryui.ii djeka, 1 ekln ilticka, alt Prlxca are oUarcd for attlflclal luotue a and In cutalora, for luouel coope, luavleat I ltd, for plgeoua, tr, tucli at lablala, bare, aijulrrtl, prattle doga, guinea lga, uionke), hatea, Iu tho lie division, liuuey, btei, wax, toola for a lary, aud general tweejetaket are 1 amed. tlatal. reoratodogt. Thltdrrt-toul Thltdrrt-toul will l-e under the Immediate charge of Major Levey, and tlmrulta am tit out fei leDglli and tllvertupa ellcitd for list niuea, Itmalea aud 1 til of He followtig brtedit hi llrinarda, maaltlT., polnter, Ligtiah etttcra, Irlati aeltera. eolllea, bvuglee, loxhouudF, rouud litatled lull aud Irrrlo-i, Hack and tat, Irlati telteir, lorkahlreterrlere, loy terrlirr, Ui, Kills Challoa afanltla, and UIU-cellattccua. UIU-cellattccua. J, f UicgadorfofOxdeu nnnouncia (lira I, which rolera to agrhulluial (rortuela of Utah, and alio Inclu lea coi fectlouery, TigetabUa, etc. Tint mJJttloiiofatctjt.il llna thla )tar ha anal feature. Horticulture and florloullure la ui tier tho charge ol Moroul J.Thoma, and bealdea tlieplimlunta of laat year, he adda iecotid rlrea, aud nea onea for dlnlaya of cameo gooda frim Utah factorlea, and for cut Moaera, dialgna, laikcta, e'c. In the deiattmeiit of agricultural maehlmry, Imtlemeuta, tic, Xrlaon A. Lniey haa auexteu led Hit, which I rovldia lor Utah mat ulacturtd liu lo-melila lo-melila lor the lcrattou t' Ihe toll anl tint cullltelliii of the tn.,, for harvoatlDg anl pleiarlog crops f-r ti iirket anil ue, dalr) machinery, vehlclea, nud general Imileujentt uud tuarhllivr). Thladlvltlon rtfeia to agricultural mochlner) add Implementa maiiu facturidoutslileol Utah, anl no pe-liliiiiis pe-liliiiiis will loaamdid anil in uug a or awarding ratomltteia a HI boiir.uid. 1 viry c ortuiilij, hoaiter, will be ell iruetl lor a a) lendlJ nhuw uud every lai lllty fumlahe I exhli Hon to dlai la) llirlr liuleiueutr, and siacowillha I rovlded rent flee, riio lint wit de-latlmt-iit It prul lid over I y Hebrr M, U i-l la and eonuilua nbcut lh tame cUeraaa heretofore, excel tin the l ro. vlaloot for lliotograihlo dUlaya which uro naturally ihauged. It ollrra a fine flell lor our itrlUUaiid covera evrryll lux lo Lo thought of. Dr. John It lark la iua.rrlacr of tho educational department, and haa been dohg a great work In hit lluo. The art un.lt r hit management la aliuoat, If not quite, new, and Ihe work laid out by tchoolt and ttudenta la varlt I mil ediiralloiial In char actor. Hi oHeta irlr.it for ocllc'iHI.ilj, I) eouiillia of lurrla aud ur-, mouuled or naervl In ajoonni Utah btrda an 1 oiilmaU, htulled nn I inounlid, or inieried In alorlio), or jretorved In iklm, laud audnater thelltandlofilli. N atle e wocea In vi tllcal lanyt ut au I longitudinal tectlonr, thowleg bark It Joeelt le 1 lanla and llowtra, lllutlrallvo of the flora of Utah, pearid aud drlej ui a hertiarlum Utah rockaand lolneiala. Utah eereala roxtllo mattrlali, accompanied, II ttiaaltle, b) titcinient otciuitletel fabrlct, aa a ool, cctton, Hat, hernia leather, akliiv, Ho. .1110,0, tlloaaM laamltcolltneoia oni, aul Includea prrmluniti lu Hie iictlltt girl, litaetu the aiiiu of lo and II )eara, rtseLton the fair grnundadur. IngtleOololor. 1SW, folr.ona day to beapiolntcd by a boanl it illuttoia, (tliu t revlout , Itinera to bo barred ) A baby show Onailay to Ui lure, alter anni uucetl, four 1 rliea of $3), $19, 10and4, to be awarded ty a com. mitten tel-cted un the urounJa. l.veryttOdyVlaliyillglblebetwteDthe age-lof tlxahd twelle inonttit. Ptlta olleredly theaoeloty, other print by cltlteut. The utairlageor any couple or otUf lea that may reenl tlieni.elvit to tl 0 lecietmy tit Le married In the J-.tro-Htl.in billlillcR by A luallctt of the peace, a large and trllhant aibllo le ceplton being guaranltetl lhe aoclely odera premluuia of aultable furniture for hnuaektei lug, itc, ruprh-mrnlc-J liy aundry gilt' from city merchant. In the rate of more than one coU le I rraehlltig then aelvca, tho rvmlume alllbelaltlydlvlieil. The 1 ilnclpal featuret ol the Deal ret Muieuin will be t xhlbltod al Ihu I air In addition tu the fortgolup, thero will to n balloon A.cenelou, u aheap ahearlngrocteat, a colored quart, tin rriiteet, a land conteat anl other apeclal featurra to be annoiincetl here aflir. |