Show LINDY RANSOM SEARCH DENIED Men G-Men Merely Firing at Range Targets BOSTON April 25 UP Excited RI-Excited Excited reports that federal agents armed with submachine guns were engaged engaged engaged en en- in a wide state-wide hunt f for r Alvin Karpis the Lindbergh ransom cash or the gunmen who recently held up the Chelsea city hall haU brought a smiling denial today from Clarence D. D McKean New England head of the tho department of justice It was true he admitted that three carloads of of- heavily armed G to men l left ft the th the federal building yesterday and that a lot of shooting shooting shooting shoot shoot- ing followed But all the gunplay took place at atthe atthe atthe the rifle range of Camp Curtis guild in Wakefield Wakefield- with not a desperado in sight In a statement putting at rest rumors circulating during the past two da days S McKean said Calls Stor Story Untrue That story about the Lindbergh ransom money Is absolutely untrue It is just about as half cocked as those Karpis stories yesterday No report report has has come to my office about Lindbergh ransom bills being passed in Massachusetts liMy My men were were going to the rifle range for target practice That is all aU They were not and are not working on any case involving Karpis or the Lindbergh ransom money Reports that in Lindbergh ransom money had turned up in New England in the last two weeks were published by the Boston Post Attorney Surprised In Chicago Bernard M M. Finnigan attorney for Stephen Spitz convicted convict convict- ed forger to have purchased purchased purchased pur pur- chased of the ransom notes and cached them somewhere in New York state called the re reports reports reports re- re ports a new hookup to me The Tho Post said discovery of the gold ransom notes exchanged in two banks in Alban Albany N N. Y Northampton Northampton Northampton North North- ampton Springfield Worcester Greenfield and Boston has brought ace members of at the department of justice to New England Only of the tho which Colonel Charles A. A Lindbergh paid has been accounted for |