Show NEWS OF THE WEST Strips S Accident to a Family While Oat lor a Drive 11111 CAMOt ATIIIItI1I SUiCIICo i lltilh Hi I lehtnlnir lltiiMf Coal llcalera no llitlrMtlllt I Oilier limn Th Hlnla Fe line intend ulllnc on lien 01 rorU r CAn lelwiuu lia Ctucssed Caluigo I fat the btutlU of lliefiultgrowcnofNaw I Mrxlco I The retail cool dIn of Dintrr l here orlnlzN an nil trillion mid will Il tile conilllutlotialliy of the oidln ncvtrctnlljr incJ lulling a llreixc ujon Ihtlt Luilnnf The DUcklout Idaho V UJ state Hut a ouuii may ol f Uub c iuiuit will construct A bin OiMI on llun well aids of Hnako steer runnlnit from north of lleiryman t Ilocerj raucb south ward It If slate that thorn will bo mo to cattle shipped out 01 H ltd this fall than lit hen ttio case for a good ahoy trill lUliR cattle III the valley of thu VIlli and Yamis mete outer In I Ullir eODllltlaU On Bilurday afternoon Under Hburlfl While WM struck by 1 lltlillilu ui Hltrer ClilColoaiiJ luilantly cxplrrtl 111 wife 111 the text raou waa badly cocked but will rucoYtr Mr Wlilu writhe IOn of Judge J we While ijnkrr ol rte Kljhth Mniubljr Thus tore nl llltnm Urnl11 at Hwau IiHi Idaho which tuntalueil the ixxlolllcr hn been 1 deal royed by tile Tim entire lock logcltier witu the mill was roJucnl u > her Mr Jlamiiiii 17 ulriuat luivrhumau etiurtoavbd the hook hut iolhlmt more the lota la about 1600 with JSiaO Insurance Thu UIIKIII ol thus HID la I out koooll Gortruor JlcCoiintll of Idaho hula colull a Invr lIuUI a UIIIn at Murray 1 > uUlloiili > In btlull or liio women and ctilMtn of thus tmjr dAltnoa that tho governor do erect thing In lute poffiMa rritoro utter in Ihllitctlon nnJ protect the Innuctlll out Tim Kovvruor bu lout word la tun inllllU otiiupaulti that uultii Ihere Iw I filthier dliluiliaiicta the tollltla will not be calls on Hay tits Jltffllni lltputlieam the MiMimoDt mil of Uillion county lot the peat IbU he mIll UI but we Suave IMIII unable lo get the foollnpii ol the Ultltnl home llli I mald howmrer lint llm auaicd valuation of Ito c unlythlijtr lint I out lWOKJiliorl 11 what It WM tact l your Tim iboruiu I robtbly cotta troth ndecrtailii She rtmouul of live Hook III the uwinty bId b-Id auec > are TiluoU kt Illly cants ter head IBM I thin they Inv bo Imelofoio If tho tiropoaeU Knit Jikflo Augoln 1 rnmoad bo built I remark the llaito Statiiman It mty have thin rllcotbi atimulalliiic rallruad bulltllni In thus What Thera are ether rotil lu he I built otlilTieollolii stand luTlllUK the ii > iiitiu < Hloii ol tow hues and II a Hail bo inioiili Uuli tbv movement tuny i Dread Iililio teed road Tuera ire iilondld ojivuluiii 1 tore for road and lk > lent era of rnllroid I lullJlDC no nutter who It hill 10 < Inaugurated will wltutii thecoLlltui thou of utedoU Hut I lu this late ilr John llaltou and faintly mil I with a irrljui accident wbllo umliii to towns low diyi ilncriayt Ibu Ulutali Wyo Jleraul 1IUlld at Kmni IoU Vliun ou Ibv bill near 1C Uhli tract Iboy met a unlKbboraua itopiiod lo talk lot I a moonlit Olio ol the huUUbbvJ Ito bllIlaolfalI Ihu loan tau quay turulnt bo warouover and llf Ullic It up lordly All Stun occu Lent IneluJliiK Mr and Mri Ilaliuii mid the Iwo toy wore thrown out and iuT rt1y nilurtU Mr llatton lim Iho lore ul oiiu hand broken and Its cord 01 the neck mid tuuiaiti I of the thigh badly lujuroi 1 A ml cave of anent ided subtle I U 11 rtti flout I loU > rluKf Abut lo-U oclock ou Hituruny mornluir Mn DiTli llvlutlul Ktit Platte wilit to the wooJlitU hits tour 01 Her I hour lied a roo round her neck and IWUUK Iron a clulr Thus nolio m do by kick IIIK the chair from under her cuuiod her mother tu hvttlgals and ilio called for help Two nelxbburi went to tlio seen OliO bold her up and lee ntliur unllid tbu 010 > Tbo wcnimi was bully uhokrd lithe had alia cut bit arms and w hi billy with a rater and Its blood at IulII1 from Ilittu Mil hunk li has born an InfallJ for owe ym > hud Itconio ilcironJtct aUIi dentist tueud her 11I1 |