Show all eve IIEYEN15 lIurNIrI n Illn10f Sieellnrldg fur tea cm Irtalre n tlenmlloii loubviur Ky May 81A IMCUI in the Jib from Lexington rail > A moat leutallouet and exciting scene look place today III Iho editorial loons of limbs C Moorr editor of lbs Illue titan Jllaili Tncro wire jitiiut W U Uw bi candidate for loDgren agalnit llrecklnrldgt t O 1 10011 Jeneial W II entry and J lUerlrtake a friend of Mr Uweui Mac rr au udue 01 thus JOt Uweni laid lo Moorrt I have coma bsee you aLnul thou Iylllg Icurrllou titer j which I undelmbnd you have re jwtd laoiu Jells Hlallou poitmarked Ueorgebwu in which my chOIlor la I hinted lu u molt ibametul rnaniirr You sup you believe the letter to bo a forgrrl5udyetyou will print 1 IL I elutil In Cali We have both hoots oo r 1 Iate I and I hove tried l lo I do IIKbt but if you publish that MIr wow lie wo-w i e 11 no longer and you iniiit iland X tonwquoncl H lutiluhed It will i 8el5515 i Oily on ladies of Trankfort ijT U n will bu nllo my twill tII Tl11 I cannot aud will h i laM Mool Legate to explain that he we outiIi ill OWllrbul Uwnl oillayhlgltl IhUIIlt1l alt 011 IIlhlC Ihol he dIll nol flusheyei hy MODI fllon 1Slier I 001 IIk1 Sr 1 10 r11 lb jfh he did 7bM dt dated iW KyMay U iDiulffhVlwlel Hiw mil loiter It I wssa The i made grave chsrgea 5Bs 5nd I 0l tm0orrlp I and gansbling fills 1s Ilgond by lI frll wjr111111 Iveoe I tacked down mush lAid if I s Islkr I wlhed II ho i would nut puhlleh The tlglnil copy ot the litter will bo j placed In the handa 01 a detective and Ibo writer hunted up There U no doubt thAI Moore would hove been killed II ho had not Lacked down the stress reeds Ineerllgnlles WAIIUMUTUN May 31 Henator Me therion wry today before Iba teuator lal conimltUe and reiterated the stale menu ho bad made recently Ihn floor ol the Henatf that when II 1 bi came apparent that lunar wai lobe the out lect of IrKilatloo lie I Instructed I hit broker to else all Uerillogi In sugar Block In lobs name The oommlUra also czamlntd Hone ton lintels and Mills and concluded the sitting lot tlio day with the lssti rnoey 01 Hecrelary Larllilrnhodenled mlicllly all cliarKti mado m Mr ldwarilr Irtlor except one fhli one was the anerllon that while confrrrlnn with the coinmlllMi he Cirlll I on one occailou at the iu < g < ltunol the 1 liltmbeli of Urn committee and tiling llnlr figure put a anger icbe < lul Into ibae r ailio did other paragrapho 1 01 the bill The examination of Hinaton Itarili and Mllli computed the Inquiry amonir the member of the lluance commltlee and teiiatori who aiilited III prrparlDK the till llotli senator denied de-nied any knotrledKo of Ibo oierallone ol Clue augarhe Ist In connection with leglilallon and denied thai Mr Uarllilo had demanded protection for afar VlifliHldenlHtoTeniouliaiilKned hue cerllllolloo 01 Hchimr mud Kd wards ID the dlilrlct attorney Tills U toe formal order mado under the law of 1847 under which It li > to > oiel lo I try Iniunlih C Jjwanli and rwlirlTur for wllhholdliiK the tiininof persons KlTlug them Information |