Show THE SUNDAY NEWSPAPERS Topic Considered by the Episcopalian Ccngrtss at Boston TIre Preen I COIIIII 011 Rlllldr lInupp Ioftln laitd of lUiatlnir llosTox NOT t4Tlro Bunday Nwlal e was the 10110 which ill gaged the attention of ft large attendance attend-ance at the iwilou of lire 3isntIaI Church confirm 0 t Muila lull till evtnlnc lllihop Lawrence tnUtO I TIre nut Cloak WBI UtT Ruben 1 A Holland 1 1 UI HI tiuli lu n nuitetly banner ba ehovttd 1 how tine niiWiBjr ol the present day nai n teitchjl ht thloira Into every unit HeIll Ill condemnation oiowni to dtathcari be debited mauy a Itch icimp leer It wlio iloci net liar the dell law Ho 0000 riot the riay mil lire hour Wirer UKJ rome lleiuii eoiii onelfi runt iwiiiJIIUir tire tiettieer will 00111 ace tnt ru tire hlgllL arid ilripoll hie lalie regulation Bud VTIII Mill lu iliaine that will buru the very Ilrlll Stain hlllbuLet LullclUUltlK he IOU I iillHie Hunday newij iptr without detaining the low I Mhom lIre ltoeI htaveu Tin iiilllione ol lo ur ajule tutu llll > > > ltUKII ur iKIIOiaUl I altllml by drawIng their tittered lu tire worluo dally HIV to BU ampler read IUK than With day lntlUtl Ii letlett i Iron bjik their uiuiuiu lutlr art kallrj Her ueorge Curry U U cud lu inn It gore wllhiut layluir that the itculir tewiBer ti unreel out mutt liuiuilnut luiliuulubi tllb rlrtrday layer tccui in lIe will our u ye lutti ill lturni the itulu luf or cud lUre ui lu tIre mint ot Ihe mmaeH and aura ui frequently In column allot oluaiu through attires ol tin and horror It li I bard to ace how 101 le on Juillly lire Immediate 1Ieloll f their Prayer I and tbvlr holy communion by atiekluf I mi hurl before ui Uu world lila lleili mill HID devil through the co Urlle rut thuHuuday palrre ilioimrd II firma ol 1 iaiubrlIcr < < Mail tue next a1uaher 10 > UpJIIIII elI1 la lire utedletiiiMa ol Hun uay uewiae crc tried lire lunmurjr u ittlcuur ICIer ihuwmjf luu main irotldcd I lor the education ol Hi 01 let Fur purpoiti ol ooiuuarlBin Mr Uu mail I Ire bJ oulmuoJ il 1 latin itomlliiiclllri ui Huiiou Itew Yum riilla < ji > lbla Hi tiiuotr Uhicafco Cincinnati St Louie LouliviIlD Bud Han iraucuco Wuai Imfiremed III in was tIre araew llitin Jour ol Ire BVera 0 ot 1 tuciu hung lu reading matter alone tiiual I lu one anti one half tmii Ihu coutrlili if the hew 11 Kami in Ihe iliiiiifalloua I ol tire Inlet I worn for tin inot 111 crude and Inarllllr The moral elliot ol file of them wna bail uud two vtry doubllul Many 01 trim cumlo plctuiei relied ou vulgat 111 lor Ibelr wit Only two pi n out ci lire twmitj ne bail anylhlni like a ftrloui Itt ci church trUIUi Om ol tbuo hurl l two culumui aol a ball brailwl Cuutcli Clnlri containing oilnmal bjnin aiboit Prayer or ioU loct aol autJJtrii and a Tory gnarl one too on LtaTry Ibli oomlliutrU about ouolhouaiiJtb tart 01 the taI I ta-I The cbamcterlitlo ol ithe HunJay la let Mr Puma bail eiouilouJ wai a lclltlUiii of luljecle trtatea ai II 1 la linn I them down to lutclUkitnco ol blurb mloJi Iliele Were unJouliitilly article hOlu slId tluro on iiiltlelnii loplciol lIne day andoccailonally well treated artlolti wine aceD LUll In other iitr Ihy wireatnull put of trio Whole auj luau areiJer tryiuj 10 oaunii lilmllnitlou lutbu heat altlcln atoms wouM thud blmolf led I lulo rcuJluu mauy thluxii lu the Ion of bit tllnr trains anil m nlaliiilrti ct CIIU loo htra mm who takti lUu riuiilay 1sl I or Junior the putoo of nlmiclun nt a four Horn muit luuiembr that bo takloK 1 U Into hlihoniewitli the Ittos tratlooi lie hJllt1 anil the Kllur hog itorlti The wttlc Hay Pelor It I uually read on the way tit or Irum the clllcuoc itore but Ibo HunJay iioicr li mail lu Ibo houie In lucjutluillug DinainlJi Hr far I ban i 5uhnn of Ibo Huujay lap or only at U li I prcaenl Ai 10 wbnt IIlulglll Lu mulu the luluio If 1 million mil-lion ol jiiri utiou Into lullllom ol lmllleion HuuJaya cuulil mo Ibo mews Inc ibuct sod UluiilllcJ mnntr with DJIIIU wolblIhlOI UUouiiloii tl this Itrlnrattong topltii of Ibe ilj itorln vt kooil ilylo auU oletallii ian ileuoy Bill leu tu Ihu viural under liel lul Illrraluiu Butl uniull in for reaillUKitooil Itchy and u lair vmlily ofwbaiii at loiai not baimlul BUI oltonelliiT about uiiflliliU lIe > m ul ItDKlu lieu tlitliKh I bellovu moil ol ui wiulil Lu btler without II stIll It wiulil to a gnat Implovtinuut un tnt reirnt lima ol Btlaln Ibo I uuil inr baaluionm fmtllrt wtuM I p itlbly be I > nil I Uuelll fbo I irnut ivuui troi of II 5awra le Ioicerirtg not tIe 1 TitlUK lvrry fJioluuer OOIUIBR hr tbli couutry uLnrvn the fact anil oveiy Iruo loin bo ba Amclloau or fclel u boo Uniont II Kntnl null iiinltulijr CIIIOAUO Nov 11 lire icbooncr John Hliuw list tilu Unuron bounil Horn llullrla lo ChlcKO whit coal I woi auauUounil oil All HLiu I luaho Huron latnyttlciUey Uwliig Ihll tot blur Clew was lavtnl wild trout Ollllculty Tim iclmuncr woi tell known OWIIIK to Ibo lIb ol Iho Heim iin uulou aialnit lur owutr Jolin titn lu loiiunr day hv nuver tutu loot uOIL when tavlly I ninitu her uon uulou crew baviiig Icin rtujuonlly niiMUIlod by uulou arniboro jiurHkuit BHtfii u trnrpl ITIIAOA Neb Nov 11 Hie till 1I10WlUl UtOllolol Ih lIulno I un Ifoll 01 111 c1I1 fba Ilinitbor r uld aod 111cr Ubrn drug stoic the CODO I lItre ol 11 I lihalIitud Wngnor ok BobudCl OlItltic 1IIIumn 11000 IVollr willi IWu IIIUIJlII htto uo doatrujtul |