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Show GLADSTONE VICTORIOUS. Mr. Balfour's Vigorous Attack on tho Liberal GovcrnrneDt. V Iltrlr 111, ci ii lii III. House l Uiiiiiiiiu. r Hi. Irish iirallon. I.ONBOV, March 27. In tho com-moua com-moua titilght Mr. Ilallour, hader cf the unionists, snoku at length on his motion that the Irish executive commlltoe bu censured for condoning serious uUuuses and thus brluirlng tbu law Into general contcrai t. lie undo an attack upou the govt rnment with vigor and evoked repealed cheers from the o (Kislllon beuclie-. Thu rcssul dclorable sUlo ol sllalrs ill Ireland, Mr. Ilallour said, uas largely the consiuencu of a compsct bet eeu tho KOiernnieut and tbu forces of disorder. According to thu terms of thu un written contract the government coquolted with amnesty and encouraged encour-aged dishonest unanls through tbo evicted tenants' cemmisilou to disown their obligations aud treat landlords as law-abiding people would treat malefactors. Thu government had suspended the Crimea net und Instl gated crhuis by tho releasu of dynamiters. dyna-miters. The government hail not hesitated to take stis which were In direct nntagoulim to the decisions of courls. A new reign of terror had been cstabllshid, lho recent outrages out-rages In the countha of Mayo, Clare, Dlmetlck and Kerry show plainly how remarkable has been tho rccrudesceucu ol crime In Ireland under the resent government. In o lo of these counties Intimidation has lit en carried so fur that all the writs aro seiit through the post, ns ballllls do not (dare to deliver them In person, lho iractlco of boycotting has been revhel In all Its irlstlue ugllmss. Thu government, knowing iihastho uselrsmesiof (roiecutlug oUendcrs, had taken no sups to protect pro-tect victims. In answering Mr. llalfour, Mr, Mor- ley, cuiei secretary icr Ireland, directed attention to Ihe fact that this was tho fifth voto of tensure moved within eight wtoks, Thu leading charge against the government v,as that they had tried to govern Ireland In sympathy with tho Iilt.li eopc (Cheers ) If lhat was a heinous crime ho woulu had guilty to being u art) toll. Aato tbo specific charges that bo had refuted pollco protection to thoso who enforced the law, ho would say that hu declined to reteel night seizures aud felt Juitlflod In this notion. Tho law on the subject was far from clear, nud tho highest authorities dlllero I In their Inter) relation of II. 1". W. Itujaell, tho member from South Tyrone, und Arthur Hugh Hnillh.llarry, acouservatlvu for bouth Huntingdon, spoke In supiort of Mr. Balfour's motion. Mr. Uladstonu ro j roaobed tho opioilllou with resorting to a license of language they could not (osslbly Justify wilb facts. The present pres-ent goverumei t, ho said, had a kreat desire and an strong Interest aa any of tliilr ircdecessors In reserving law and order in Ireland. Ihu liberal nrty bell.vud thu lruli people a ore as caj able of belDg governed gov-erned on np roved principles as tho I tophi of ethcrcountrios, 1 hot resent elfjitof Ihe chief secretary for Ireland was to realize In practice tho fruits of this belief. Lord Uindol li Churuhlll defended Irish Judges against thu chargo of having I undid too harsh sentences. Ho pronounced thu pro osod volu of censure cen-sure mora than Justllled by Mr, Mor hy's endeavors to hush up and conceal Irish cilmo from the knowledge of parliament. A division on Mr. llalfour'a motion rtsultoj In u msjorlty of forty-seven for the government. nenlr need lor I rami I.ONI10V, March 27. Jamos W. l'ebb", W. Ilokbsaud Henry Uranvllle Wrl,lituere each senteuced todaj to twclvo years punol service aud Ueorgo Newman for live Jean for com llclly III tho Liberator llulldlng society raudi. will llslso III. lezsllui,, III 111 IN, March 27. Thu German ROVeri meut will ralsu the Washlui.toii legation to an embasy, In view of a similar change belli r made In tho re lesentatlon of the United rjtalcslii this olty, |