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Show IN SOUTIIMIV ITAII. SelllruiPiilt In Ij.iii Nalley. I'ullcd Drtlrr Tor Ten ,eara.-0(lirr liitrrrttlng llrrrf Horn. 7.ilior Veurct .ewt In northern Utah an onlng between be-tween the mountntna would not be called a valley unlraa It waa at least a mile or two In width, with i-orreiuond-Ing length, anything aintller than that would nttjrally bo called n cinyou by mutt ieoIe. Hut thould thli uaagobu ag piled to certain porlloni of eouthern Uttli thero would eenrcely Le any valleyi at all, hence afti r traveling travel-ing for tome time In thla country aud gitllug uaed to the pip ileal featurto of tho .ame, we learn nit to bt to oxtct-Ing oxtct-Ing In regard toaireage, but willingly call every llltle nook and corner between the .and hllla and rock clltlt a alloy, lu thla aente Jjoug Valley, though a mere canyon varying In width from one hundred yardt to three-fcurthi of a mile, and nlwut fifteen rallet In length, ind be coneldercd a .ample valley of Houthern Utah. Through the cntlru length of Long Valley lljwa a tmill ttritm tbehtadwateriot the main branch ot the Illu Irgln ot Irglu river af-fording af-fording icarcely euough water to Irrigate Irri-gate tho thirteen hundred acrvi of tillable till-able laud the valley contain. Near Ita hit 1 the vtllej branchca out Intc aeveral,cuuyona, all of which run from the tuiumlt of the tnouutaloa, or the ltlm of the lliulu, and are full of timber, moklly the long leaf ltie. The toll of the val ey It generally a heavy clay, though aandy lu aowetlAcee. riiecllmatela mild and lleaiaut, and the valliy adajted to the growth of tnitll gralu au I thu hardier aorta of frulta. The altitude of the lower end ot tho valley, or the point wheru Mount Carmrl la altualed. la A-lt, tit abuo tho level of the tea Theru are thrte ward, or .ittlemenl. lu Long Valley (Ulendale, Ordervllle nnd Mount C'trmel), au I a j art of a fourth one, utracly the Uruliam ward, thua nament In honor of Ha Hlfhop, 1 Ider (Jraham I) McDonald. Thla ward loiiiltti of the telllcrt living In a .cellared condition oil the hvadwatort ofthe llio Virgin till Ivanab Cries; the wholo atrengili of the waril conalaia of alxti en famlllea, or 11 1 aoul-, moat of whom are rauchera. Tliey live .o acattered that meeting, are tildem held lu tho wintertime, aa the anow fall hi re la very deep. It being ao near the lop ofthe mountain. troni thoiiolnt on the llio Irgln, where the weat Bchoolhouae tttllda, (thero being another one tt Uipir Kantb, alio called Vtrnillllon 1'tlk aud 1 aat (iiaham, tlx nilletratl), the dlatanue tulCtuao la thirty-five mllea lo thu top of tho mountain, (the rim of the InaluJItUflTe mllea, audio I'angultih thlrtr-five uillti. Thl. la the Ural ward Hie mlaalonary Iwrulrea after at ho wtnda hla way from the north, tu thla I art of eouthern Utah hollowing the wlndlnga ot the llio Vlrrln for a illatance of about ten mile, down the tanyon, Uleudotu la at lait reached, and thu traveler la ln-formid ln-formid that ho htu arrived at Long Vnlle) J ruj er, although lie fallet to note Itie point where he emerge d from thecauyou Ulendale, however, la n fine little village, Inhablte I by thirty-aevtn thirty-aevtn fuulllea, or LOS Boula, who farm on u email actio and let their .lock graiuonthe "thotiaand hllla" which hem In therliece on ull aldca (Hen-dale (Hen-dale la noteil for Ita edporlor quality of frulta nnd muddy ttrteti, it lie ,a fluent uieitlng liouae lu the Kanab Htake and tho larj.it church Ull lu Kanecouity, aonieof thufaattat race horataluaouiberu Utah, aud aa tine, hiulthy looking Lable. aaran 1k fouuj un thla aide of the ltlm of tho lla.ln Ordervllle, the large at aettlemtut In Long alley, Uet about four mllea aouthweit, end down the itreaia from Oleudale. Thli ftrnnui laiii waa first founded In the year 1S7J I) a lectio who weru deter-iiilm-d lo solve the robleui of Hie Unlltnl Order nnd carry lit rlncli lea. whether thtlrnvlghbon would do to or ml. Thli the good Halnli of Ordervllle Order-vllle did tuccerafully for a period of over ten years, dining which lime an experience waa gained that will never be fargolten I y thcae who l aaaed through II, anl I wat aaaurcd by .ever al of the brethren who ttuck to It III! the laet that I hoy never felt happier In thelt lift, than ther did when the order wat In comMe running order and they were devoting their entire time, talent and atrength for the common com-mon good. Tho good lecltngt, brotherly brother-ly love and uneeirjah molltia which characterized inoat of Iboie who wcro membera of tho order, wrro pre dominant until the last, an I from I reat. I dwln 1) tt nolley, ami Thomaa ( hambrrltln, the latter (realdlngaa lllahop al Orderalllefot luanyycara I learnril thelealn fact that when IICAine towlndlng uplheaflalr.of the order. In lets, ou n baal. which pre-vlouafyihad pre-vlouafyihad brtll agreed upon, not hardly A murmur, comtlalnt or hareh word of any kind waa heard from any ofthe members, all exhibited a. pint of magnanimity anl unselfishness, such aa tit. aeldoni before been wit-ne-ed, even among Latter-day Halnts Hlnce the breaking up of the order, the town of Ordetvllle baadecteased con-elderat con-elderat ly In population, but those who remain are still ft uolted, happy and Uod (earing reople, over tea j to to-.pond to-.pond lo every duty and comply with every call made Uou them from time to time to blip along the callao of S'loii Henry W. 1-anlln la thu prewnt lllahop of Ordervllle. Mount Carnial la the lowcat settlement settle-ment In Long Valley, It Ilea three mile. Boulhwctt of Ordervllle, ml twenty mile, northwest ot Knnib, It hta twenty-four famlllea, or oue hundred ett l twcnty-aeveii aoula, aud a Hiahop, Henry M, Jolly, that wclgha iii louuua, by fir the largest lllahop III the Kanab BUke of Ion. .Nearly everybody lu the placo baa a natural right to call him father or uncle, beta oue of the long tried and faithful vet-erana vet-erana of theCuurch, and seeiut to htve the confidence and goodwill of the 1-oloof hla ward general Mount Itrinel poseaea some of tho Lest farming farm-ing lain In Kaue county, but only a very limited amount of It, the itine aa Ordervllle and Ulen tale. About nlue mllea below tho townalte the valley clOKetln untbo llio Vlrgrn, which (at It receive! leveral trlbuurlea In lu course down through the narrow valle) haa now become riultu nioiiuttln itretm Throjgh a box lanyon, about twenty nillei long, which hti the rrj ulatlon ula-tlon of never having boen exploud In lit entire length, the Jtto Vlrgeu find Ita way over a terlot of rocky ledge to the lower counlty, which we call 1 Our little " t-roni thla placo I go to Kanab tu attend the quartirly iou-fereuce. iou-fereuce. ANIiltKW Jk.luS. Mount Caiimxu Kaue County, Utah, March 4, IS'.!.'. |