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Show H '"H HUOHKSTfl. v jH "W CM th eeond Monday 111 April tbo H "2 nxt grand Jory will beerapnneled. H fJ Mia Ilonre, Mortla A Hummorkay tmt j if Co'a ad, ol pluming bair. IH ' Xcnmvii etching ha happened In Ihe IH I coilllaof Ibo United blnlce commlaaton- wm ' I erlody. f H , iJ IN Ibe caie or Sear. Jremy .t Co. v. I B , AfE A. Ollroj, itdgmenl h a boee entered for IH fii'l the llaliillfTe by default tor IIM.0O. il.i cnneenuenea cf tb lonz lima taken Up with the trial ot the I'arann case the criminal buelueee In Judge Zana'e court baa fallen Into arrear. Til tnc will bo a aoclal lull In llio Nineteenth Nine-teenth ward hall, Thursday evening, tbo Suth Inat. under too atiaplcea ot Iba 1m-Tim 1m-Tim flirtber hearing of th mining ault of i:ra 1 hnmpeun el nl. ve. Iwvl I Iti Kb rial, baa keen continued till tbo 2lal nouncedlo take place at tba Theatre tonight to-night lo diaclter, tbo natural aa nutation, baa been indefinitely postponed. Til H memlwra of Ihe Union Oleecltib at 0 "Alack at llio ueual place. A full Tllr American Natural Oaa oompanr ftaeaoldttock lo Ilia amountnf lacltini to Ilae'c ni cepltallel. Tba deal waa con-Militated con-Militated yealenlay and Iba purchar lilt tor tbo hail laat night, (irrtcun Allbrlghl an I Danner arreal-ad arreal-ad William rlbaelfcrandl-liarleaJohnaon tlileareinooil.iiu a durst nf fighting, lloth men ara negroes, aged SI and -1 yeare rcepecllvrly. AT Iba raaldinco nf llin brl lo'a mothar, Nonh arroat, llirouirli llazla KHo. !at avanlnir Mr. lw Itrown and MhaNc-U Clawaon woro unltiil In tbo bond ol matrimony IIixiit All xinrnanl i:dwrd I'jirl are now laiinulabtutt In Iba penitentiary onacharnoof aflllno liquor to Indian. Tbla In delaultof nudlnn Iwnda, iudlu.r II Judea Andaraon'a court today. In Iba matter of tba Woodalda Mlninir Co. ra, lraTboml-aonat al.. tbo detuurrer to tbo com plaint waaorerruted and thirty ilaye allowed to anawer. ToMonnow iPrldarla farowall parly will U Rlrrn In Iba llllilli wan) meet Inif bnoie, lo bid adlau to llmtber Tboa. Hilton andwllo, wbo ara about lo learo for Hainan aa utlaalonarloa. Ik Iho mailer of Janob Madarn.an In-a-tna lieraoo. Ilia pillllon for hla niaUra tlon to eapaclty waa heanl beforo Judsa 4 ilarloli today. I)r. Mclean awnrn and raatnllied. Order made reatorlliK aald Madaan to capacity. Ul-os application ol Attorney Tallnc a, tba bond In Iho caaa nf llenrto Coaler, Indtrtod for adultery, baa liaan rntlurad tntfjoby Judja .ano. It appeara Ibat toiler la tba aon of a prominent luetbo-dlatwlnleterof luetbo-dlatwlnleterof Iowa, Till. KeTenili quorum of I'ldera will meet tomorruw (lrlday) aranluir, al tbo .Nineteenth ward meeting bouae. It la expected Ibat tba l'real lency of tba NUko will bo preaonl and Important bualneaa tranaaoled A full attendance la Ibere-Jl Ibere-Jl bem AiPERaon li workluff away at anwevi tawia tba law aud motion calendar. It la one IHSfUfeireW ' Iba hearlealTOlindare that ibe Third HaHvlSnri'al Dlalrlct court baa bad lo face for many a I Hf'c WK s mnntli. ben tba laat ruao wilt Imi t' 'kT li'Wf aanecledly atrlckcn out, time alono can ' S i ' Sftf1 Tut other nliibt aoma mlachleroua Tl), KW reraon tlllnl Iba Ironl iralo at Iba real. IWi Kir. "nr ( lr' W- '' llartinao, 3.-,2V. Wijt aaLj nrlb Templaetrcel, from Ita nlar-nan 1 r fit Kt carried It away. Any paraotiwlioknowa ft 1S ciftbanbireaUnitaoflba fto wlllcnn- t if W Icr afavor uxin lha centloman uamed s! IB, by KlTlnit blm the Information. ' B' Oi IVIdar eenlnr, tba 11th Intl. are. r B union will bo beltl unler tba auaplcea of iiA'tx. R tba.M. M.I. A.ol lha MUlh ward, In JWlE B? Ilia meetlnj botiao. A tarled l rouraiuina Hil' Mj lllliuicnloredlal.orhUhadauimwlll BBBBWlka ' ilti I'oulton, who ham Jttat rctunifhl from bbbbTm.4 v i)S thohoulherii Watte, ara exiwtod lo bo H nil' K ' learnt and ilellrer abort a lilreaaea. Mill Mr) TllpretnalnaorihalatallclulyMarebal Ml MQl J, II, Mclllanwrralnterrelyiaierdavat HiHlE ntnrii Oilon. Iboaerrlcea woraconducloil by ML 111 Ilia Her. Mr.Hhl.lda. jaalorof Ihe I Iril aaaaValfaV' Ilea 1'rmbyterlan Church (Tbo lady waa aaaf" ti V Jl K lurniberaof IboOiiden volUe forcutook r n ' 'IbS I art In llio funeral enrtt bo. t mkIb Juikib AtK'a time yeaterday afler- ' , .1 fiH noon waa taken up with Iho lllal of Hon- j IGKE Janiln nupatrhkoti a rhariioor commit A $m tinit a criminal aaaault uiNiu a feel.lo old ! ' tuM " ''"'' ly'"' ,!rrat dinioull'y waa ai. i i LeJfflli ictlvucotl inlbo m.urim; of a Jury, and I A- tfaHr "" ca" "" Inteatliialrd Willi cloaMl II An( drMira, It waaahorrlhla and dlaguallnir S J TiVlt Hon. It waa '..TO whin the lury rotlre.1, rv i4. tiuiAff and lliey were liiHtrucla.1 to brine In a I V UrllaV' acaled verdict IhlamornlrJi:. I "119;,? JAia Hoi in am, who ran up a Mil in'vVl wltbbla lamllily, Mri. rnrd.andlhcn I U VlS0 audlcnly chauijcl bla nuarlcre, Itavlntr ' .! ' Vi beraJtlllnomar.weiil .aforo Conimla" i I i mv . itoner l'ratt )caterilay aiteruoon cm a it!-. II cltllaiiltl.roqhllo rocorer Ihe amount fK! jIb y liaturd. Mr. .Nowtnti, for tba defenae, 7X '-J' c.mr-..ol JudKUtcnt for tbo ill, and is H tnoviHl for the diacbartia of Iho defen 1 4 IV ' l. tn' ARcr aoma die. uaalon twlweou tbo Vlh '. Vl op oalni: counael, Mtaara. Nowlon and aV ! If ul nauy, the motion waa erautod. 3f ' V llll. WltlUM Ixiwi.who In the laat a 01 j .1, lerrltorlAt lAKlalature rrprceentod Ilox aaaal M, 5 I Ider County, waa eerlou.ly Injund by V jj V rilllnirilownaatalrnavlnlbnrearof Iho )f A. I lly Hall blllldlnrx while illacharigint: Ida J i 'A dutlnlD that iAaclly. l'ora prlil nf J o Jj llx inontbabewaalalduplucotiatqiteniv. H tj fl luirorvd conalderabln naln and Incurred :t'' , biavy 1.111a for uiMl.al aid. Now ho I. tf rl lima dauiatrea from tbo authorlllea In ft J, 1 the aum of IW, to recorer which bo haa f J V troupht ault. It la aliened Ibat Ihoanl I ' 1 dent waa due totho iniporfin llnhtluir of MM '' I Iherearyardof Iho L II) Hall and Iho Vvj . I warlntf of h cellar door caruleaaly opau. |