Show IN MONARCHIAL LANDS The Lord Mayors Banqntt Speecbcs In Loadoa 01111101 00 5 rue Irea 1111 11111 la I A sore leaurrrte ablunl IIe elge110 the tomn IOMUJN Nov Oht Iho lord may > oillwcquat l ot Guildhall this evco liiKKul Hfm i lint told of Ohms ad mlralliy refilled lo n taut lo Ibu navy Ha pall that ilia Kovurumeiil WMile leruluod lo develop Ibo navy and tuulklalu Koglaudi tupreoiicy uu Ihu I M1 M1A A toattlo oho rulnUtfriwr1 rcipiud cal 10 by Iho Kail 01 Kirultrlj lod prrildout uf the toiinaiiuulaiuietary firluilli lord Kuubwly told llMl limo luIIIII itlallux ul 1 lifeat JlrlUln Were Irieiidly but Ihu lEuVerniuunl could iiol ujuiemt lute thu aruiMiueutt i uf Ibo oontluiiil wlihoui anxieiy Theruli a Cur Yr dilUrebt tlaiu ul IhlLf 111 auiinr iitlueul cull llnuitl Lord Kimberly we havo nothli g lull or tent our Iliobllle rmJ brulhiuu ou Ibo Auierlcnu uomlueiit Wuauil they liavu Klveu inauy lnul proili lhal uliientluun Ulifiru the Uival IIOWUM can in settled wllbuut lulu uihitruiuuuluf war r > u tether uiiitury could the bllillltd Iota Oolltlliunli u ul llitno cliurlihed rrUlhint between ut auu the Koal rrj utillu than Ihu recent krlllemanl lliu JleilOK leadnpute larj KlinUriy aavenxl luBaln nhlcrj liuuoiaredMailn hiiny nyin Idly wllli Jlwtt llritiln Wllu rol treian lu HIM iruuulu nl Moll II Iiu calf Jruitl llnlklu wuuli be 111011 lu Oct Ill cxnarl with otheri lor Ibo lei loratlon ol yule In Murucvu furnnu lu Afittinniitan the ipeaker believed me xllieaient it buuuiidiuii iui > tiont wai ttlliiaclury to both parttee Tno iieKullalloni M Ills Iluttla jirumlMd1 lu rnuli In I a Milrlaoiory and pfrmai < iiit teltlenieiit of the lamps iiinll n Iiu could lute Mk coutwru IIIR doe nexoll illone with Pram In I tr Bard loNlaul but lliu iuverinuvut Was Sully anvetotiltat lliiulni iumer > elal l luttlo > ti In 011000 and Ibo liupoi neo 01 iiiilnialulUK Ibo llnllili uil 11011 ou the frontier I here Waa a limb site lo the ludlau picture with regard Hirer Ito w > t oouvlncod that but for the measure taken by the K > veinineut axchaugu lu India would havu failed In a thllllng U Was too toou to lay httbtr the meniuni trtre altiigither lUccefnlul bul the KoVirnnunt watvonvlDcetl that they woo ntceuary He referred lo the elKnirtcHiicu of the foci plat the home ru a bill teal the common nnd cltlme1 thai there hat been a dmtlucl dlinlnutlon of Aitrtrian rrluien In Ireland tlnce Iho Koverniatut notched olllpe jliyard United Slate einbinldor rru J > rd a toail to In + cl lite lord imyur and nulJoutliolt reCh |