Show AKiiiiiEii < iiiiiurn khe UllllU n llni > llirr lull IHJnl 1 Jlril I OJIAIIA Neb JUDO 12Tetme Klla ItuJUvr w < > kc < Ultled lat nUht 01 tie uhario ol murdriu lUron Heuty Uclitr lu Omaha moat fall AttIc At-tIc Jut trial lIce jury Ulranrnd and lilt 1 time the tory weout lorlyelrht iltdUme tefore reluming 1 a verdict ill lludlner hot Heiir on iho I > ubllo aijuare and < then aui > uped to kill her tell Hhe cliliunl that her victim lud Wronged her liy utliii bypLollim and that hating completely In hit power the dldnl mean to Kill him lllnfr klrlk I llui I UK c Cleiae HKIIAMA Mo Juue 12 llclwcen ihlrly KUJ molly miner tuiplojuj In lloyd A Uout cool ml no nt JCiiouottcr hOYa gone out ou a Irlkf The mun have no crlevauCM but agitatiin I run Lewli and 1 lllnulmtllle Induced Ilicui lu uljiciiJ work through tymiatby Ihe tirlkcre at other 1lul and they my they are outlo remlu uulll the general tirlko Ie 1 declared oil nirlmrn mil tpniirxr Ntw YUIIK June ICol Henry Iaveuorl a well known railroad con tmociom anu machmeolcoh 1 ugl oeee Wa fund ubcudl it0 bit bid al lieu tlrand Intel bat night Apoplexy vrat the cau < w ol the ucatli Uuvenjiort was oil year old During the war he Lullt brUgv and tkllruad undtt UeneraU Moon and McUlcland recruited a company lu Tennuiee axel was made Colonel for tallaul action Alter the woe bo Lulll I uuiuvrout Lrlditva and railroad lu thlt country Drill Chile audtioutu Aoierlca lImcaee aadaoamoIee amseIiallo ClIIOAUO June Ifha Hunday oloilug ordinance wai paned I Ly the city council lai night It received 43 voice to only 13 aginit ll The enMUllal provlilon are con lalnvd In leollonieneaud three of Ibo ordinance which are u follow No period firm company orconora tlon eilhotki I principal J agoul clllcer employe clerk letvaut et workman hail Io ktcn open toe butlueii within the I i oIly ol Chtoigo any itore or piano I for tie lull ol lelllug or expoilug lot tale any clolbei dry good ini cta lurnliblug goodi Jewelry boot shoe hardware urnllure meal or grocerle or any one ot more 01 aid 1 artclle on the Firit day of the week commonly called Huaday I Thli ordinance hall not be held to prevent the opening of tlon Inc the ale or dellvety of meal or uiocerlei on Hunday uulo Ihe hunt 01 10 oclock la the lorunoou of each day during Ihe moutbi 01 Juue July August and September ot rich year llarbenhoi ate leiUlrdto be cloied at ID oclock Hunday morning fbI penally fb-I for violating any of ihe pro vliloni ol Ibli ordluaucu aro from IOU to flUO Olaoe 1rulilbllloullk KiiruitlA Kai June 12TIce 1ro dilution Hale convention met tIer at oclock HI John It I mentioned lor govurnor but he iy lie will Idol ac cII ona1 IIeoaalhlaFmke DULUTII Juno 12Mn Henry tOwed eded < a threeyearold noil warn found Head 1 on Ihe bolO of Lake Hu perlor They vent lor n walL II It I tuppoted boy went Into line watet and Ihe mother attempted to tave him and that both were ilrownd lWllthaa Ilrloll ToiEICA June 12Uorlowelllng aid today IdIf the nomination mInt to me with eulhutlaini and iilmott untulmlty I lhall accept III find lice opt otltlon It terloui and will Injuro Ihu chtuce of line party 1 thtll Uecllue Tin Mlnr lfclr lou Ild CiurriK CiiiKic Colo Juno 12 Jck Hmllli military ItJtr of the tinker at Dull Hill hat gone to Mexico Mexi-co to avoid arrtut June Jtbuton Iho reputed leader wu a myth |