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Show WORK OF A LUNATIC. Ill Atlrmpt lit Jlurdrr llnescll Sge Cause (Irrat I ttilrmrut In Sew inrk. THC BODY or THC ASSASSIN TORN TO SHREDS Steiertl Oilier lVi!r Injiirnl-lull Account of Hip Irnglo lirnl. By Tf'esisrh to lit News. Tin ui AMirr. iionnon, rail Aeeonul of lb Allele pl lo Hucder lltl.ellAge. NFW Vulilt, Dec. 4. Kumll Hgr, (Lo millionaire bluker,riclc'il Until by a miracle today, llli blTlcuKiul lb mllre lliuplre building, In which It was being shaken to It very found-tlou found-tlou by the explosion of .lyncmlto bomb, luulril by a crank who made a demand uton Hago for tho Immediate piyineut ol Jl.lSi.OlW, Ihe ulllmalum Kit , In case of refusal, the UrAlh of the mllllonnltr, tho crank himself, auiI then employe In Hieorllcc, Never In tli history of tlm melr. poll ! It probable Hint no event lu occurred tliAt for the time ha caused more x-cltenuul x-cltenuul lu Vnll itrect nnd lower Jlroidway. J'ully Siyioii people were driwn to tlio attne or the explosion. auJ for nu hoiirthe police were powerless power-less to bring order out of cliaof. It wasjuit twenty minutes paitlwn when tlm cx lotion catno wltn A forco tit t waa absolutely alnrtlltig, cuiinir.LV wutciiiMi the bkcu.id 1I.OOI1 of tint building, throwing imlrstrian lu the street to tlm mound, and startling start-ling tli people for hlocki Around. Those doo At Jiautl aaw a mnn blown through one of Hie window of Hagu'a ollku Into If-rlor street. A few minute min-ute later Hugo himself, With blood ilreimhur down his firs and hands, wa iitliKul tut Into the street nnd taken Into Counrll'a druir Horr, Jut below Wnllstrictoiillruadway. Thero vii Alio rjirrled the mm below front Hw window Wi'hln ten minutes ifler Ihu ox-tltsl ox-tltsl ii, Ilr. Muiiii, tlin physlcloii of JsytitulJ, wu ut the Aide of Hage And i ersonally attended to his Injuries, which proved lo bo not of a aerlou bituro. Inotislr anl eyebrows of tho mlllloiiAlro were burnt, nnd hu faee And hand hurt by small arlloba of glass and platter, the result ot the ex- lotion. Huge, though aiillerlng from tlm thurk, nude the (follow lug atatemtut hllolile wouiid wiru beln drened; 'A man who kATothH nauioof II. 1). Wlteon ramu to my olllow Jutt now. I ItAd never leell lllm befori-. llo llAd A CArivt'lne In hli bAnd Hid Mid, lt jouwlll notelro mo JI.JW.OOO 1 will blow you to ilece.1 I kuow nothing further eicept lit arlnu; A GRKAT r.XI'U)9ION, fjllnt( on th floor, nud refflulne con-rclotiRntrn con-rclotiRntrn herr. Tho man lylni on the lloor of tlm drujennro I tileTo i tho nnimnanwno Asked -ni for tho money." mo-ney." When Hige'a woundi were drtwied ho a tAkeu In a rab to hit home. Outildeof tho door oTerythln(WA In roufuilcn. Men lot tbelr beAdt And runioii of tho wlldett kind nlltd the air. Twenty wiro Mid to liATr been killed And liijurod, and fr l the build. liiK the firemen led or Milled the de id Aiidlrjtired. AnibulnncrA wore turn inoned from time IioIIa1 And oon tho ttrriti Around wire tolldly tilled Ith ii Atruitttlliii; mauof lenoni. All vaiter to (tit to Ihoeuuecf the dlwpter. When the iollce ArrtTwl lo force the building waa quickly clcAiod of All peraonp, And a tarch tnde lu the Wleokod ofllcrt. Jut Imldu of tho door of the ttiueral olllco wai fouud Tin: Tiitixi; or a jiai In a ttite that rendered recognition nearly luipoiilblo, tho head IiatIui; been Rv(rt-d from the body. A iolut vd roddlili beard t,ve It die epiKAr-Atueof epiKAr-Atueof tbatof Auidutaleil mAn,whlcli Whs vnhauced byi brown curls of hair And a heAvy moustache that irtomtd tho u per Up. Wheu the body vm takou up It waafouudtoliAVe betiii torn Into ihrtda by theezploslon, The Interior or tlm ollli-n plainly tiowed that the forcn of the explosion u aouiuwhAt turrtflc. All the nr tltlon waIU were blowi down, nud the lashea And window frninea forced out aard. The celllnt; had bivn blown Uch n nnd tho lloor forcid downnord, ratidsrluK It uiisnfe to wnlk un llrsksAiid thalri were overturns d aiu! hurled IntoAii ludecrlhabln mas, nud every If ce of nl III the big air rhalt that runa to the roof aa ehlvered. A KAN ll (julrkly showed Hint tho loily uf the man with the lolnlid beard wa tho only one AiuonK liie dibrls. 1 n thu uieuiitlnie the crowds In the afreet strew larger, tho tlevuled trains from up town lirliiKliiK tliousindi to the acene,all lniilled by curiosity, Koran hour oonhislou relcmd,tlicn the police fcuud their lands, and aamelhlnie like a torn el list of thu killed aul Injured at bad. Till VI01KI3. DuUneixniouliadlmm kllloil out. llltlil, Vho iuaii with thu pointed lieurd. llolsmepcoted to bo 11, 1). Wilson, tlittiuan who Hindu tho demand for mone) from Hajo and threw the bomb. ltuamln 1, Morluu, who w thrown through the Mludow, a ilerk In the Mil re, rras roruoved to tlm Chamhera Htreitloallal, hero he die I at US'). rinifollmlii,r Injured were tali u ti tlm boenltal: h rank Itobortson, 10 vtara ol I, a tlerk for I mbru Cu brokers. Jtewaii lu Hugo's ofllio At the time of the eiiloslonj his skull Is fiuctuied mid bu will protably die. Charlia Wi Osborn, I'.ussel Haie'e cishler, Irarturel akull, will prubiidy dlr, Hamuli Calhoun, wl u in In'thu liisltUlssLf At the Him, rtcelved a fractured frac-tured li'ii: Colonel J, J. rilociuu, lritluMii-law of bane And lil chief cleik, u as badly cut about tlio hi ad Andf ", auiI, when Ills wounds wore druH. t, turned lo tho scene, declaring that ho left tl o dcor of the tu'u Ol mi, and was lenrful Hint tho si ourltlra In It linl bicu blowuoutaul loit. (Quickly Ralbrrluo, ti cither what he found he plan d litem In n small salo and lind It if mu i d to tho cUIch of the Mnnhnttan ItallwAy LomjAuy lu the tuuio bullJ-Ing. In the Afternoon a flremiu found Auiout; Hie del rls A HUMAN I ECJ, thoueht to bo Ibat of a woman. Whether It Is or not I at not been discovered. dis-covered. Hsko never employed a wo man typewriter, And, If this fact la well eelablMied.lhr su position Is that If Hie Ira- Is that of a woman It Is all that la left of one of his " ut And call" customers, who wss In the oDlce At the time. L'harlea Jninia, a railroad man and n resident of (Jhatlauooea, Trim., hi I an apprlntroclit with Hsce nt 12 o'llocn, and had an cxpt rluiu-o ben III 1 1 ver fornet. lie Hst "1 lulled ol Hsiis'sttllce at I'.' iiMoclt and fouml him In. A seat was ollered hie 111 the main otllceiiiAr thu dek. 1 took It And Awaited Haec's return, Hlttluit onAbeiiihiieArtlie wall I notlceu n man. lerlisps five feet elKht Inchee III helitlit. lleworenpluz hat And hat a pointed leird, And a lii-avy bnwu inu.lnchr. At Aout 1S.15 Haito enmn In, nnl, urtrtliisT me, aske.1 me lu hla prliateolllcr. Hns.u ha Must removed Ills hAt And asked mo to lo seated when his clirk entered and raid aome-IIiIuk aome-IIiIuk to film I did not luir. Turnlna; to mr, he sstdi r.xcuiome n moral nt, and passed through tho door Into thu main cRlcc. "Thedoor cltMilbchlnd him and I tushid my chair over to the srnll, failn; the dour through wbllllHago had com It mlKht liavu leeu two or three minutes, when thu ixplualon CAinc. I was ItUlViN MrAltLVTUTHSCSIIIMI, and Hie ctialr on whlah 1 ait was smashed to (Ircea. Du.t Ami snilll psillclssof 1 lain r and amoko llllrd Iho rooul 1 wu completely dated an I did not know v.ht t.ulo. I remember re-member making my way throui(ti the pAssagefruni which the ixplniou had blovu the door, Into the main olllce. TI ere 1 inetHiRe, bluoddrlppluirduwn tils f ico and bands, his o'otlies torn and rent and covetid with dirt 411 1 dust. When lie saw me hu slid: "How tlmll we net out;" "WaII,' I re-tiled, re-tiled, 'until Ibis duil silllis, nod 1 think wu will be all rlftht, at the worst must lo over.' Ihiul recovered my semes And, tAklng him by the arm, led him down the stairway Into tho street." Among the debris lu the wrecked otlleo was found the remains of H10 silk bat ovldinlly worn ty the man who gave the name of Wilson, and lu one corner cf Hide's private oltlcu where Jniuea was slttltu aim at the tlinetiiuexjluslon occurred, a man's lun J was found. Wahlii(toi i:. Connor una In Ills ofllieuii llroidnaylu ibnfniiil ot the bull ling, and on tlio front lloor with riigc, when tho explosion CAUie Con nurwAioutof Iho bulldln; Among the first olid assisted Bsuo to the drug store. The coroner made an IJCAMI.tATlUK Ut TUB MANUI.10 III.-MAIMS III.-MAIMS of the mnn found In Haite'a ofllce, and, from the maucled masn cf flesh ami clothing, took a seveU'oliAuilior bulldog bull-dog revolver. This was All tlutcoulJ be found by which Idcntlflcallon cihJ I lemade. What was left of the buly wai laid out In the undertaker's onlro In tjreeiiwlch strict. It was not much. The bead was there, blackened, blacken-ed, but nolther cut nor disfigured In anyway. It waacutuirnt the top of thonrck, and looked for All the worll like the milk of a man tlilrly-llve or forty years of age, with a full beard that might have bten long but wa now burned cloae to the chin anl cheek. Thill thvro was a leg, the right one, tho left foot, one hand nnd that was aII. The body 1 rojr wna gone; of mlthir the choit nor thoAbdomeu was a trAcu found. Hhredsof clothlug were found, show-lop show-lop that tliemau had worn trousers of A blue black plaid, a black overcoat aud long black stockings. Thatmlght have stArted the atory of a woman's legtlng found. Jlo had twen careful care-ful to rid hlnietlf of evsrylblug that mlxbtUlsclOM hla Identity, Ills iiiinu had tieu written In his hit, but ho hid cut It out Kltli a knife. llDl-XLI. 8A(IE MAUK A ATATUinNT tolnspector llruia this evening. "I lAtneout of my oflhi, having been sent for, and found a man with a satchel, lie handed me a card bter-lug bter-lug II. I). Wilson. He SAld ho came from J.I) Itockefeller.And hanJcd uien written letter In AieAied euveloiUl was A.ldressed to me. I found It wsa a demand de-mand Uii me tot the taymont of a million and a quarter dollars. Tho Utter statid that If the money was not glieuupat once to tho usenter of llieletter bo would blow me, hlmvlf and the entire ulllcn up with dynamite. dyna-mite. I real the littir and, placing It In the envelope, handed It back to him and turned logo In my private ofllce, when tho txntoalon occurred." Coroner Alsssemer went to tho Chuinhira strict lnpltal' and took the Ante-mortem stAleinent uf Prank Itotrtou, an employe of Irubn k Co. llosaldheweiit-to Hade's ollloa to git romo shares of stock; saw a man talking to Hijn v cry Attentively. The man pulled out what looked Ilka n pistol. It glittered, and lie ut It In his right hand overcoit pocket. I know nothing more until I jelled, "murder!" 1 heard An explosion, mid everybody jelled "murdeil" Uussoll -age Jr., tald that of lalo Hugo Imd n-cilved throe or four 1IIHl.ATl-NI.NU I ETTrllH, signed by Jamil Walsh. In one of them the wilier derasudedsi,!!00,00o; w hat the Amount of the other suui wa HaRecouldDttrny. 'Ihnrccint troubles between President Presi-dent Andrews cf the New York HtrAui-llcatlug Company nud thu Hlandard Uutllfht Company uow come Into play In Hie case. A large part of thu stock lu dlsiulu belonged to the widows of -plnota and Maoheloi. '1 beta women, Wnlsti said In bis letters, he was about to marry. Jlnllisrefuru demanded the money to pit hlin 011 thalr lluanclul level. Hige tuld no atleullon to hint. Juydiull was alio Attacked lu the lelleis and denounce I In Abusive terms. The writer threatened threat-ened Hate's life, but b I uld no attention atten-tion to It, aa all who knew. About the lottera said he was n "baiuiltta crunk," loUbojuungHAge'sowh words. I.UMIII, VAUb HAW TIIH lll-AI) of II, I). VIUiu, the man who threw the bomb, And Identified uahelongln ; tothomiiu who hail come to IheolUcu nnd dimandel nionej, IinqitUir llyrntetooU thorrltuilly, gory hind In A hAlklttolr. Hage'a hiuse, And to. gtlher Willi Munu, carried It to hit. Hagi'e liedroom. The lutant the mag-iiate, mag-iiate, who was lyliii( In lied, saw the couiitviialiCH he aaldi "rtial Is the head ot thu man." VUI01, A LUNATIC. At IIANV, N. V., Dec. 4 The dyna-" mltu crank Is thought to l Hiram 1). Wilson, aged 41,nni'caillulialh!and a usllveof Oleiin's 1 All,Vnrren county. coun-ty. Wilson readprcvlnu1y from tho Mlddlcloii and other asl turns. The worst signs cf Insanity develotd fourteen four-teen 3 enra Ago, w ben he ke 1 1 the It 'I-ton 'I-ton llouse on Like lb rif. lie wsa of lite Jens talking of luablog h .rsca go faster than an) thst 1 vi evrrgue, nnd 01 a patent rltht. VMIfiu, iiilir sbortti ruis In the In alio a lums, w ns illschArgMlueureHl, or eactjed. He geuilAlly eiletrsleHl his freenlom tiy maklngAtlrmilsiii klltsoiuu one who relme d lo met t bis demsn Js for umiiej . Hevvrsl ear ago he attempted to kill a man whom ha hadnskelfor money lo set him uplutuMncsv. On nnother iriislon. wlen W.J Arkell wnsln Alliau, Wllsotimsde a deinau I on hloi, ihreat noil to hill lilui end even attemiteel to Assault hlin In his oRlre. Hu baa also Hireatetieil the llfn uf (Jjodviln Ilrn, onu ot lliuHtato Lunacy Commissioners. Wilson was Arriitinl here About a jer Ago for thrcAtcnlog to kill home unu. |