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Show Tin: comjux will case. ToJa)'l Testimony blioits that Iho Decedent Drank Heavily. The further hearing of the Condon will contest caso was resumed In the l'rubale Court this mornlug, before Judge llarloh. Cornelius ICeefe, hack proprietor ot this city, tostlfled that ho hud known Matthew Condou, the de. ceased, for about ten ears He saw him on the day that Ills sister took him from Bait Lake to her home at Tlntlc. Ills mind then appeared to be considerably con-siderably rloudi tf. lie did not seoru to kno anybody, crwheruio was going, ltodld not even Becru to recognize ills slit, r, Mrs. (Hills. It would appear from the staltuisnt of Mrs. MuLaughlln, thu other tlsler of tho deceased man, and who Is a resident of Halt Lake, that on one occasion her brother told her that lie had left half Ills i statu to her, on another that he had willed tbo wholu or It to Mrs. Ulllls, "ho, however, would provide for lnr. Ills father was not mentioned. Icttluiouy was also adduced to show that the deicaaod draulc heavily. 1 he laudludy of thu Valley Home, Mrs. Cartir, ssld that Matthew Condou had been In thu habit of staying at that hotel, IIu woul 1 sometimes drink fllteon or twenty bottles ot beer a day, "and vt ould have It." 11a was n great mau to treat everybody. Ills manner was somewhat peculiar and childish. A largo I art of his lime ho went about or) Ink'. When Mrs. (Hills came to the Valley House to seo hliu sho elected to tike him lack with her to Tlntlc, because, as sho eald,sho could take better earo of him at her home. This was about live daja before his death, Mrs. (Hills talked with her trother on the sullect of altering the will which he had j levlcunly made, but Mrs. Carter remarked thai bo was not then In a fit condition tu ill) this. Doceaie! bad often told the witness, In conversations, that be Intended to leave an) had left all he liud to his lltllo nephew, a son of l'atrlck Condon, ubout twelve earn old, ah omit n. I'stalo of Guard Jlrlghatn Typcret al , minors, lliurlug on cuollon of sale of real uststo came on niularly. Janu T. I'ypor sworn aud examined. Oritur mado confiimlng sale. |