Show I Sandy Sandy Notes I Mrs L. L W. W entert entertained ine-d ine a 1 few of or her Phi Mu sorority sisters at a buffet supper Saturday evening evening eve eve- ning at her home on Main lain street The occasion was in honor of oC Mrs Geor George e Ernstrom Emstrom of or New York who to is visiting visit visit- ing ilg relatives in Salt Lake City Those present were Mrs George Ernstrom Mrs Horace Shurtliff Mrs l Frank Willis Mrs Edgar Edlar Hempel Mrs Edmund Edmund Edmund Ed Ed- mund L. L Mrs M. M V. V Hansen Hansen hansen Han- Han sen all of or Salt Lake City Mrs Alred Alfred Al- Al fred red Johnson of ot Magna Mrs Harvey Harvey Har Har- vey veO Woodbury o of Garfield and Miss liss Olive Edmunds of or Chicago Miss MIs Phyllis Jensen of or Salt Lake City ity visited Sunday with wilh Mr and Mrs Evan O. O Jensen and family Camilo Mr and Mrs 1 L. L C C. Boulter of or Sandy and Mr and Mrs Wilford Tolman and sons Cleon on Don and Max lax en en- joyed an outing in City Creek canyon canyon canyon can can- yon Sunda Sunday Mr and Mrs J. J Thomas and SOnS ons sons Lowell and James and daughters daugh- daugh Verda and Fay visited in Holaday Holladay Hol- Hol aday laday Sunday afternoon Mr and Mrs Darrel Barrel Bateman announce announce announce an an- the birth of oC a son Mrs Ethel Dastrup and Mrs George D D. Charlier entertained a group roup of ladies Monday afternoon at al in m Little LillIe Cottonwood canyon anyon Table games were played and nd prizes awarded Mrs Arthur E. E Peterson and Mrs William M. M Hu Hughes hes Dinner was served to 33 guests Miss Marge is visiting relatives rela rola- tives ives in Richfield Monroe and Glen Glen- wood Mrs Bert Penrod and Mrs Aditha Wright of St. St John Ariz Ralph Evans and Dustin of or New Mex- Mex leo ico co and Mrs Elizabeth Blair of oC Salt Lake City were visitors Thursday o of f Mrs Sophrona Bateman Baleman Mr and md Mrs J. J D. D Bateman and family amily Mr and Mi's Mis R R. J. J Yom Vent Baur and nd daughter Mr and Mrs Earl Jones ones and family and Mr and Mrs 1 Dale Holt attended the Goddard Astill As- As till ill reunion held at Lagoon Sunday Mr and Mrs R R. V. V Malmberg and andson andson son on Ray and daughter Carolyn and Mrs Irs Mary Thompson of Maywood Cat Cal are visiting g with relatives in Sandy andy Sandy al and Midvale Midvale Miss fiss Beth Thompson returned on Monday from a weeks week's trip to Yellowstone Yel Yel- national park The Ie- Ie lesson son Spiritual Voices In Jn Modern Literature was wac treated by Mrs Zelma Thompson at the Sandy First ware ward n Relief society meeting Tuesday afternoon The officers and teachers eachers' business meeting of ot the First will be held Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the theome home ome of Mrs Zelma Thompson Mr and Mrs O O. J. J Bateman and daughter aughter June of Rupert Idaho returned have after visiting with rela rela- tives ives Mrs Sophrona Bateman mother mothr moth- moth er r of ot O. O J. J Bateman returned to Idaho Ida Ida- ho 10 with with them where she will vill visit with her son and daughter Mrs John E E. Mrs Myrle Myrtie Myr Myr- tie tle le Henninger and little son John Alden of Lyman Wyo Wo have returned home after spending a week visiting with relatives cs I |