Show New Deal Congress Ends After Setting Peacetime Mark for Appropriations Session Votes and Views Thousands of Bills HOUSING PLAN APPROVED Lawmakers Trade Mutual Felicitations Felicitations Fe Fe- Adjourn B By Associated Press WASHINGTON June 19 The 19 The sev sev- third only or new deal congress which among other things thines appropriated an estimated passed int into history today Its It finale linale which came at 1145 o'clock last ast night was marked by a a. dramatic coup by insurgents and an uproarious farewell sally by Senator Huey Long The congress besides appropriating nearly seven billion dollars dollars dollars-a a sum without peacetime equal probably in the records of any congress or parliament in the history o of the world guaranteed an n estimated seven billion billion bil bil- lion dollars in home mortgages and farm bonds set up a two billion dollar stabilization fund lund passed thousands of bills approved between six she and eight thousand nominations and ratified rati TaU led fled a 1 score core o of treaties Insure Insurgents Win Fight The surprising end came last night after party independents arose in the senate and smote opposition to the tho Grosser Dill bill to set up a national board to Conciliate labor and employ employ- ersin in their disagreements in the railway rail raU- way industry President Pr Roosevelt and party leaders leaders leaders lead lead- ers had ad f wanted the he bill to go over overto overto overto to the next congress for lor they feared final action would m mean a prolonged session The insurgents however with such senators as Wheeler D. D Mont and LaFollette R. R Wis Vis in the She forefront kept driving ahead for lor action overcoming overcoming overcoming over over- coming a one man filibuster by Senator Senator Sena Sena- tor Hastings R. R Rt Del and finally winning against the opposition of administration administration administration ad ad- ministration leaders i Housing Bill Passes The administrations administration's housing howing program program program pro pro- gram providing for partial government government govern govern- ment meat gu guarantees c of loans for home homebuilding homebuilding homebuilding building and repair and other measures measures meas mess ures to set the construction ball rolling roll roU- lag ing was the last major item to go through Earlier the Frazier Lemke blU bill permitting permitting per per- I milting a virtual year six moratorium on farm larm mortgages had passed the final linal stages of enactment A filibuster filibuster ter by Senator Long D. D La in favor of this made the galleries roar with laughter He said a conference report on it Continued on Pane Page Two CONGRESS ENDS WITH FLOURISH Housing Bills Bill's Passage Final Fina Act of Seven Billion Dollar Session Continued from Page Pace One was was' missing and suggested that John would do well to hide with the lost papers nuey fluey Near Tears These city slickers sUckers who dont don't wan want nothing done for the farmers are arc tak taking taking ing us country boys bos for a snipe hunt hunt he lle said Its flUS enough to make a man cry right here on the floor After the p papers pcr turned up conference conference conference con con- ference committee clerks said Long had them thorn in his hi po- po poet pocket et c time The day saw final action on the huge deficiency bill carrying more than for relief and other purposes A controversial banking bill making makin many changes in the banking laws went over to the nex next session on thereby h helping break the log logjam logjam logjam jam that thwarted congress from winding up its ita business last Saturday There has hac been more action and andl less talk in this congress than in any of my recollection n Senator Robinson Robin son Democratic leader said He said sale that under the leadership of t President Roosevelt it had done donea a wonderful work Mutual l Felicitations Given Gi The house which had marked time most of ot the last few days quit in an aura of at goodwill Representative B Byrns of oC Tennessee the majority leader called it the most momentous momen momen- tous toU congress ever Representative Snell of New York minority leader said aid if he had to be presided over by bya byl a l Democrat his rus v vote te was was for the gen en- en eral cral Speaker Raine Rainey The house formally voted to forego I n Il program of or for fear th the country would think it lacked dignity Then it went ahead and held it any my wa way Representative Blanton D. D Texas suggested the Marine band banc i might play because that was dignified dignified dignified fied The band played Yankee Doo dIe dle The members member roared out the words Representative Truax D. D Ohio sang Beautiful Ohio Roosevelt Asleep When the word arrived at the I White House that congress was at last resting from its labors President Roosevelt was found to be resting too He w was s abed fast asleep f Young Bob LaFollette expressed d himself as overjoyed that the railroad labor bill had been pulled out of t tire the lire ire of adjournment The debate over this measure was marked by quarrels about company unions and so called yellow dog contracts Senator Wheeler after the senate had voted 76 to 2 to consider I i I the he measure had sought to amend it so that company unions would be so designated definitely as organizations to o which employers could not con con- tribute This was lost Hastings Filibuster Fails Senator Hastings W was tS conducting his lis filibuster reading page after atter page of f a report by Railroad Coordinator Joseph JJ B. Eastman Senator Robinson Robin Robin- son Democratic I leader 1 earlier had brought rought in the presidents president's name The president thinks and I think he ic said that if iC the measure is to tobe toe be e taken up and indefinitely dis dis- cussed it had better go over till the next ext session It is not of oC an emergency emergency emer- emer gency ency nature But Wheeler had said I 1 and a number umber of at others will vill do our best to keep the congress from adjourning 11 we get an opportunity for a vote Senator Couzens favoring the bill reiterated reiterated re- re iterated crated that th the Pennsylvania railroad rail rail- road oad was against I it Guarantees Organization Finally Senator Robinson moved for or passage and the yeas overwhelmed overwhelmed overwhelmed over over- whelmed the nays Inas on a voice vote The bill declares shall have havethe havethe the he right to organize and bargain collectively and that selection of workers' workers representatives on the adjustment ad- ad board should be by labor organizations national In scope The housing bill as finally sent to the ic president includes in its provi provi- o ons A guarantee of ot 20 per cent of at loans loans- made by private agencies with gov approval for lor home repair and modernization Individual loans to o home owners are arc limited to 2000 Insurance of ot long term first morton mort- mort gages ages on new new- homes up to Insurance of existing mortgages mortgage up upI I I to 70 per cent of their value Roosevelt cU Satisfied The congress which concluded its its- second session last night began bigan it its work March 10 1933 1033 called into special special cial session to deal with the banking crisis Its sweeping legislation vitally altered al the banking and currency systems systems terns terns' legislated the N R A and the theA A AAA A A into being placed the government government govern govern- ment in control of stock exchanges and communications passed a host o or of other vital sital measures The president praised its accomplishments accomplishments in a letter expressing a spirit of oC deep satisfaction at the cooperation between the legislature and the executive |