Show H l II HI nir > > > lopIIoiu rleiiil 1 Thtre will bv n rehrarMl at my Ac ili > niy Tueeday aiternoon al il oclurk Aug 11 l fur the Ilxrnlvalmid imlilbllloii br given at Sltalr Aug lOlb All Ihoee wiblug in take Hit wilt I pleeew be present Thu memberi of tbe Malmtle Iol omilM will meet Wedntwlay evenIng at H oeltck H II VouyuHH 101 UI t aoret llnalmlhhhrr flir llmBirr > i il4llit In Mi rlillj teflhhItnl It iinihlnt ai ijood j aa ChamlwrlaliiM ColIc Cholern and 1 I Dlarrhiniltemedy I corns iynhry dlnrrhim and oholma Infanlum and never fall if hen ue I lu time ahl I the I lulu printed dlrenlloue aro followed Wlie i reiluped will water and 1 slyest I Od III he leawnltn 10 tall fian < l SO runt botilea for olio by Z C M I UlugDeit UAi A III r A friend In need U I a friend Indeed oud tiet ho than our tell lion omee pin b am oundauoh I frl nd In Dr KluniNew Olioovery for tonmniptluD I Uougli and Cold If you have never Uied thlillreat Cough lifdlcloe one trial will convince you tb < t It 1 hai wonderful wonder-ful curative huwe5o In all dlieuei of Throat Cheat and JUIIK Kaon lottle li I suornntud lo do all tbat la claimed or money will te h refunded Idol lotlle > free at A O Hralth A > CoV Drug atone Largo lottlti S11O auitluu w fan IIM Ctotrtlr II UmMf My wne aim lou chlldruu were taken very luddeuty wllli eovrro tools 01 cholera roorlrfn I bought a bottle of Chamber loin JulIo Cholern and larrhaa Itemrdy and from ono lo two does guve relIef In vaoh oato I heartily rtooniiueud II believing It the beet remedy known for liowid com plalntr 20 ainl OH cent Iwlllci for rale 1 I y X C Mi Drug lipt iKV ll > ilitctilirTr > i > t > li > rt ill lie ISIS MII > llll 1or the acooniinodallon of tIles desiring tu 000014 Hunday out of town the VIIII Paolllo wIll srIl ex iHiralun tltkulu Wvbur Conlvllluand Whh 01 rIo of 225 Ticketi for Weber la lu l > aold for tlllk evriilngt 1 Iriln leavlrg at UiSil und tomorrow 1I0rulll I all lenvlni nt 8 oclock and fur Cualvllle and Wanihln lo Iw I Boldnuly 1 for hilt laltor train All lick it too will beg id lor return until Monday Mon-day T 1111 toesaen iophIn nluo Orbethu Iheru will be u literal at my hootlomy fuIIIy nllrllooll at a ooluik AlIt Ut for Ihu Carnival and uxhlbltlon he given at rialtalr Aug 18th All limn wlihlug lo lake part will ple Mt Ui 1 pteeeiit The iiieiub of Ihn Majettlu Iol onalHi 1 will meet WedmUy ovenlnv lOt 8 oclock H Ii VIIUSUKII a MMtr Hlnre Hi flrrt Introduction Electrta nilteri h > ganml f5 till In pn 1 < ulki layer until II uow It I I rlrry In 10111i load I among hUb I me llcln l tunln and ethPratltaObl 11ilnln tothlnK which ie I mlUIUu Os iilveinoor tntoxk i am III I ripognlieil 1 ai the let anJ piirftl inedli In for all aIlments of 511111 OttO II I r ror Kllnuyi It 1 will curoHlc Ho ache In t llsenllon Olin hillahtIll aid rl < rn Malaria fruiu the ejiUiii Katliotloii Kuarmitted with moh Ivltle o Im money will bore funded 11 e only Mo Ir bottle Hold by Al Jmlli A Co CruggliU ulion to OII1 n rs When you ask your Dealer for Iho PRIDE Ot JAPAN TEAitio known ai TREE ItV 1 be lure that the article you purehato It GENUINE and 1 auoipl no other Tills 10 A rC4IUILK or THE I MKMK rjp D F tf I t I I c = i > o CHOICT JAPAH TEA IMPORTED BY JiGFJEiSJ1I I SAN FRANCISCO New Crop TrIO Ore new on ule by Mrry I Mtclal Oeilir M J BRANDENSTEIN CO 0 Tn CII lii 111111 0 IIIIANIlICIiBTIN IAN FlIANCISCO CAL If 11 II7J1Tn 1 It un Ih rtt1W1TT 1nTllirI aJ0TYTIWVWTWWTWyoooW QIWtnI imesarImprouir f I = I Hot mr Biym f 11 I Pirthe z arrival of our I 0 in returnln from Esterii Markets IF1I1io1j F a t k I rporaois c i I hopeful 1 I I we e shall gather from f each h fII11L which 1r Depailment enough 1 10 o 1h uslifyllie atlentlor lTIthT IJitI1i of our Regular Customers I fill assuredly There will bi some very desirable and cheap goods share offered by us In a few days T G WEBBER Superintendent pASC4LftW4Sjhij3S4mi I > AIAU It tLAA IW e pLoDED Q5e SH e 11001 no N 3 tttO tI t 35 eo an t tJen I Pt r 0 r 36 SOhns IIt50 S ul e2Q5 2 00 I boo ua l 1cl1Ot jfl 00 st < 11300 aver 1 preell I 4aifl 500 ernO of lo f sa1u LlQ JS t CreoteOt JS S HOED PKOKESSIONAIi iiCilulutil S KICIIAIID ATTOUShTA RICIIAtltlS 1I0 llounl eM MMJornlck boc J II MOYLE I ATTOnriCV AT LAW IieeovsI mo Iloeuuo 01 10 SI UonIIuUDO ilnihItlItO 011101 U alI I ILI I WADDELL and THOMAS ADAMS ATTORNCYB ATLAW AND LAND ATTORNCYO aHE 11 koulli 01001 lath 110 I e tilT flail IhESelby I I1ISSE0 ATTnlla AtIb 011I0N r at Uw oBlHo Mi I ornirk ink fJiI 0011 lu000r ATTOHXET Tr t luni on ICIKOIIOIU Mtau He I al tnl draolDi model la orlr ODe Ml Mainrirrlr ll UneCllr YcooIJIUl YOUNG MOYLE t t M to Mol < ATTORN CY9ATLAW Durt MUlmalJIaa Dot > t boU tot CV JOHN L CAKROH BARLOW FERGUSON arTORN EVBALAW tltio d0OSSjO3tlnIOnelrn Joh4V Ill IL YATROUS 0 ATTORNEvaTLAIV do eu 03 U 1100 all0ls S W DARKE ATTONtV AND COUIISELO Core OIeO toil Lols EtoIt DR J D KEISOR BAD DCMTISTS Zoo Imtiil I 3ootlAoI00051101tolodfrd tetr In M DR J7 THOMAS BUQEON DtIlTIST rdoIurAAl050 4Use0aotostoJ4ssi5dIcsadlolSar00 DR B1SCI10F III HI M l I HI IT Iom llXNTIITBr Tolh Wltlinnt vial a pcomsilr 111 Ce 01 1h m BEFORE CONGRESS 1 Workina for the West dl rnstuio f a < eral t yenr at WaI iitoiiUU during which hiittlo > lcon enilllarw tin the worklnga nf Congrc md tlie ito IloOtlIl nlimo Judge lions W Miayner an AUomov 11111 I IIIIlar or llioMnpremoCoi flhUnllnl 81010 prepareil I In Inllloll proper lalIUulI i by aprwarlng 1 ifore UommltiMn and Informing liilluem Congrowm us 10 Iho need 01 allolilol and voiuinuiiltlca rcpre > enlei by himnoa lIe also > nlnnCl hit praoibu In the deneral 10111 lllli vretoe appeaU makoan uer and argiiineiraboforotbo Climiiilwloner and Svoreluy analyaea and rOI > rta on raw lo allorneye a dlitamo and 1 atlind 1 In general laud biHlne I rotntooono big ServlecH pninipt anil reliable Iu Addrew llox Iii Yohlujlou U 0 ° n TEASllBL SuNS S V Apologize for not changing advertisement advertise-ment oftener but have been so busy with customers and order trade We again let you know that wo are doing = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Illtck and Colored ClUhlllrM loyal 1 Velveteen In wide toe rnlucml from Ota 2N reduced front ftfa Ota roluooil from 860 7Ko rrduNd from 5n OSor liiri > ilfrnml < Vi iTo reducoil from Slot lottIe 1ltneo tInnosooi ibo reduced from I1X 0170 rcdtooi 11011I U2 Lila oJllrolll Olin Illnckand Oolornl Henrietta 34 In wide fAtilat baleen Wa iu TOo roducod from UOo rxv rMlucml from iOn U6c roilulool 0 roll tJ01Ito ion reilnmiirroininix KX roditcoil from JIOO lllack and Coloro1 1 Serge 1 1so0lt i WaUtn HI In wide Lodlos Uimbrlo 47X reduoml from Mel tliu rpduonl from tl1V 1 Me-l o rwlticod from U lJV4V f lW 003 rcduwl rodiicnl troll from Jioi Ii75 id i and 1anoy JollnoOl Ce feitniodfutnl < 10i I OY Noteltlot In Iadlo and Chll drrna llau In I all tho Ijitoit 1 i2hdu reihillnt 0 11111 Int blyle and Vow lolgno 1rlcei i1oto175 Hah and 1 China Milk at Greatly lie luOIllrl 0 I oweral rio ere forgo Aol rv lIOhl Trhnllling In I lineal lAolita Jrolil I ylolI ttmgurdiounof host I 15otoJIS5ptrkpray = = = u = 0 = 0 BARGAINS BARGAINS In Thousands of toms Figures Talk at TEAgDE 1I 1 I Extraordinary I Inducements Wo havo Just mndo another hill reduction In tho prloo of our Justly Famous Homo Mado Shoos ItaMf iin oI Ndirlll cc nirT tn nil 110011 tIn iirre TllllCi VAMIAIIMI IHUMICMS llllli Wild IleaklK lllrdand lleHllei ol Ihn World hr V 1 lliriiuini lllctlonary ol I tlio Ilwk of Mormon oil tloixl rorit tO Monthly 1 Magmlnu I Auk t mu our premium and Inpool our llno of IVot wr hno Itntniiigi for Ladleii nio lnc Gilt lileo and Alma ° Ior lenu Aiuie sEiioTOfl 70 Wholesale VJ 1W1 i 1VJI 1 Hain Mam and I Bros Street Retail I2b ± 1I I r |