Show AN ALARMING CPISODE lVLr 3111au cod III eua lIogtlruJr ttpl cod I > mlod The follow niunlnriiilns i eplKxlo Ii ro IOt 1rr ported from Alwiilu n watering place I 00 the gulf of Venice 01 having no iirrtnl l luring tliu recent lojoumot the I Henson court In the liHlo Mmnldo 1 towa i Hag Aleinuder and lili father wore In lw habit tlllaklnlC their breakfiwt the open air along with meuibunof line I loll who ouo momlutf hud taken thi Ir ilaici at Iho table when tho young Ling mid hIs father retnrne l from n walk Th hrmcr bade the gentlemen go on with their tinwkfait M he latenJil to Ion 0 a bath Brit IC1ng Milan and the cnnrtleri pnrtixili of their 1I1U11I and In I hrn qtinrteri of an hour Icing Alontn ler row hook and was Immwllnti ly escort with u cup of tea He leant r too r allowed l a large draft than he duihnl cop to the ground anl iiuuVi a luo t horrid face King Milan jumji T Hilt d riLlaJmctl that It WM polaon A iguhr Paula spinet among the mom hum of Ibo lull The court phjultlun ponritl out another cupful and trite llt nIl tint nrum0nt tow chef hurried up Hint into with uicltfment mid mid 111 I i your luajeoiyi 110u will BtnVo my 1 d thai llwre Ii no pASmug In oho cane It WM bo i < x1i a imitako II r brnwvd thn l > s with era wattr IniUwl of iprlmt natr The MIIK WM thn tint to renter Ml coniiuinro nml IndulKoil III a hearty laugh Milan mbmccdhla eon and wept alond Th mitt rot an if rrlhevelfromn ilriniUnl n M in KnHn Ireiae |