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Show iiuhi aiidni ui uiti tr :n. inry hum 10 dm AtnUAttn okskii- ALl Al AKH UKIlIHAlli UU HAN IIMVC.U. I hanll) need inintlou Mr. Ulad. itom, ajt n wrltir In llJKlrnc Who lint not Heard vl tut. grand ol I innn'a winil oulllni; exlolt AmoDK tho f unout devote, of tho ru 1 and llnu ma) bo notid Walton, llrrbert, l ey mil I)r)deiithe latter iUll c lelirut id lor liln flahtui. turilia, lu mt Whnrtun, author if "Tun lll-toty of Modern I'irlrj," Kaaull. n tu I u found ililnkiUK In luvifia m tuitu which he aliarnl ulth Inner, the ulntir. Chatlia l.auiti wat nn ulmlitr of I. ndon, mil I ever utarled ol wnti ut lint nix ut the drerla llhuut 1. in Uu ho oouallerod tint 111.. wiulJ tinrrily te wot h llrlii'J Le "nculj not lXillAllo the dlltlr.t, dralflc- lUintid nllei forMkldlaw or llulv.l lyu " John-oil win nuilheriuloklM ut tile, ltintro ull, and It waa lnwn Tlret ttrtrl that I u to k lilt dully nulk, which, on-lnh- to the tnlet ot lutka lie uiado coiui ultory on lilmarlf, iaa. h riAlly curlont a.rfortunuce. Ural, .! 1 ott iKpilred tu liu touchod lit he piid It, next, 11 waa n point of honor io it. li mull) In ttiu uiiddlt of ouch I avlin; rial., nu I l-atly, at liu p-iroached p-iroached lilt deatlualLu a turliNi of Kradualed ttrl lie I nd lobooiulo r.l lu order tu nitcli tho do. r Milium I erticulor foot. (In loll liln, the tiatn-mau, tiatn-mau, tiwiji luuvh tt hit kiuiro tlmu In tl. cockpit r.jM. Uku Wlllla n III , wiafuudoflauda aK)(Arlinli u. l'rior, uueotour I rat n.ltior pueta.wllrd aa& hi. evening! A u low imblio liou.o In jin(r Acre, i hatting Willi nu tdd eot Ulrr mid liU ahriwuitJi lieliuat llurke, wheu at hit country teat, itoiic.)ui.rlil I, Irauefiruml iituuelf from a jiullttclin lutu an vtithutiaatto fHriuor,Hiid ihu rca lerM 1 tr.. I .Uolo fiouiawork lo John ilurl.y nn) tmllo at hn rtcoi:iiUi th urdur, thu carnetturi, the fervid Kravlty uf the oil lil )iecliian Itttort whnlidlf lu.atbunitrltt of taiiott lu litleiilux (orttra und lhurttlaoiieL,nulo which thr ihouhl lu bollul " Wordaworth, Ulckma aud lui;-fellou lui;-fellou wtrt Imruuiiae jiedetriaua. orJ. worth u'ld the major I sit of liln wrlllnKlu tin. otin air A virltor wh , called to n thu ot tVtlu Jy l aj t,o a ii atmnllruoui,thii hiiinsci i ion tutltnd uookt "ThH " mid ll e etrrant maid 'launiMir llbrnri, but hit etud) lilt out of louie " Dltkelellkldlhutlislltiorn I OU.loil walk, ami tut al.o'oiiduf a ltani uu Ihu ecu downa Carljle lnartnbly coverideovcral mllit lefore Lijlnuliii; nirk,nud elijojul ndlui; Inrldu an uuiuiDut, wlilt Victor Hugo irt'nred tin uutalde. uMFatllrrt1llll.dttalu llucklefr lu lilt fill, on nlnutrt con ttltutlotinl lief l brenUat,uii I Mnptu Wy wit 111 ewlae threat walkir.ulwiiv acii mi anlcO, huueer,l ) it Tuliiiuoot aomu toll, bhelley ujld tn mil Ur Iwati ou tbu Serp. ntlut, aud tiol ut much Interrtt a chill In ilielr e.letj. Sir W ill. r Hcott'a Chief ur.ulla u.ro rldlniaud tounln., IiIa duct and lie a, j car In tho Hume letu uf tculturt, it Ktlfjlnc. o hla Imulti J ator In I I'o hi. pitrouiti t Kardtnlni:, lu which tho Aiurrlcan hltlorlan, Hanoroft, hat time Urn him couipduy. Milton alUKht rtlaxa tlun In the coin an(un. hip ol llio "poillm; urgtu," and 11) run nniuicd llliuaelf b) thuollUK at n jleiu if moiie) rlKuillun Nttck, an I iractced thlt more rlrUnUy than ho ever did nnylhluje rite, Uf irianntcolihritlta Mr. Chamlerliln Unit aiuatttir horll-oulturM, horll-oulturM, Hlr John I-ublu a..ttthe 11)11111 miutlia ktuOylni; Ida ante and I tee, Mr. lllaik eujoya) achllUR nrnum, llio llebrldet, und many of the nu-tllltyliaMi nu-tllltyliaMi a irouounced fancy lor Iturevraclnit. |