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Show JUDGE DEATTIB AOAINI I He Has i Tom Wiid Steno0rp!icr Fretj Hcdinin. MB IIF.MATH IN lMU.r. The Aeelelnut I'ourl .(rlrr (In Ills Jlflllr.-llo rxplalm All. Tliero wm an uuloosoJ for "breeio" lu Judge Anderson's eourt Jnst alter leuo'clcck this tnurnlug, when the case of Alex. Woods vs. tho lltuo Jay MluiugC3iUf.auy was about to lotnn on for trial. A-siiUnt court sten-ograhcr sten-ograhcr 1'its) McUurrinwiiteatoiInt thu tablo with his book before lilra ready lo take ifllclal abort hand note cf tbo proceedings, when Jujgo llcalllc. of counsel for Ihe plalntirT, roto and cljecled to Fred liking thu reort, on Iho ground tuit there wero certalu Inaccurarlit In lilt tranecrlptt of thecrlmfunl proceellngi arlslug out of the IIj'i lit mat'or when It camo up lu Commissioner Green man's Court a abort time ago. Uo thcrrforn asked Ilia". Court Sten-orafher Sten-orafher Frank Jlcd Jrtlli lis deputeil to lake the notes In the i resnnt action. Mr. Fred McUuttln raid lie wished to stale, hy way of explanation, that alllhle had arisen lieiuse Lu gave truthful evldeiico at tho Investigation of thu charges against Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Hlc bent, in Judge 'A ineM ourt a week ag i. Jiidgu Hsu lereon sal I hu had always tindetstoou Ibat both tho Mcdurrlna were very eMclent rcpurte,and Judgu Anderson exprnsed himself slmllurb. Jude Henderson It It tin matter of mine, but I think what hatloenrald la an Injustice M Mr. Fred McGurrln, and the insertion shoul I be Investigate Investi-gate J In order lo sco whether It It tmu or not, JuJge Andetaon rrn arked that Mr. Fred McGurrln had betu repottlnf lu the courta over tlneu ho (the Judge) tnme here, nnd ho had nover heard nny cnnitlalnt about him Iwfore. In fact, he hid alwas undoistood him to be a first class reixirter, ' Attorney Ilowmtu aid tint If Judge Ilealllo meant to aug gist that eouniel on thu oil er side ha I uven hinted or Intimated anything rsllectlngon Mr. McUurrln' report, lie was aaiiimlug something very far Irom the fact. Judgo Itesttle There has Leen no audi suggestion made. Mr. McGurrln If ho(JudgoIliatlle) tars I raitd.i any mlslikea hu l a liar, and any man who wiuld say so It a dlrtyliar. I can rovo It ton, Judgo Anderson suggested that Mr. McOurrlu had better not Indulgo In quite suth strong laugusno, Mr. McGurrlu-Wtll, I don't llko to t o mlsriq resented by Incompetent, shyster lawyers. Ho then explained that tho error did not bciur lu hit Irantcrlit nt all hit In that of hla brother. His brother hiving boon called away, hla notes wero transcribed by auothtr gentleman. It evuithont. slatant who made the mistake Judge llcatlc Wu only waut a rr-IKittcr rr-IKittcr lu whom we have perfect conn dence, and we havo not got It In this gontlemau. Wu have had so many mistakes sud alwave against (he plain tlirinlhlscaeolhstwu want to atop It If P'isllile. JnJgeAnlenon Idont want Mr. McGiirttn to understand that tho court boa any kuowleelgeof any mistake, mis-take, Intentional orothcrwiie, nut o! coutseltwuull bu well to tome tons satisfactory an arraugemont as posilblu lu this matter. Mr. McUurrln I am willing that ray tranacr!t shall bo read to tho wltneaset witnesses that atuliouest. Attorney John Anderson, of counsel lu the ciuc, rose to say something, but Attorney Arthur llrown, ou thu other side, trotetted against any lutther parleying and delay. Mr. Frank MiUurrlu was fetchol by bis brother, an I thu latter took hla place In Judgo Kane's court. i j. |