Show THE COUNTY COURT Petition for the Creation ot a New School District 1 Dry Creek HLI llllliil 10 Till C MllUUt hlIT An Otilnlim ly ilin County Attorney In llrgard tu the Ilijinrnt of licensee bf County Murmuli At loday4 leiilon of thn County con it Probate Judge Illalr preihinl and Heltclmon Cahoon Morrli and llamborier werealw 11 I a tiuJanee vitr 0 ACRO A petlllon Wes load from John 0 Itupp ol Tayloravllle Hiking relief Icon lila taxta lor 1S98 and giving tbeie rraroriM The fallura of the pelltloneii cropi owing lo a taiga lnhhuhm tf hli bond having bo cumo unlit lo produce anything through teepage wale and lulntral rllufc ill rcuo urlhur ilckDtn lu lois family uurlng a great portion of the year uec Mllatliig a couildtrablu outlay out-lay lor medical atletidance etc lUferred to Heloctuiau Ilimbtrger WANT A tllAIUTK BXJIIUOL DUtlllUT In the nutter of tha application uf John Lloyd and other praying for theatibllihment of a new school 1 dli trlot trIm a porlloii uf Dutrlct 0 W D Kubre clerk to the ichool board of the Kortyflnl dlilrkl wrote etatluic Hint a pjrllon ol nld tlllouere had btu iiudlug their children ta the public pub-lic ecliuoli 01 thu rortyflrit uwlug lolhoiouf Ihelruwn district being ID far away from their re > ectlvu bomei and the failure uf hoe Iruitin to plo viII sctloole In thlr vlclully Our Loud cold Mr Kulirehaa been unable un-able ai yehtu cloaks ally arraiigemeuli with the Irll l of dlilrlct V ii looking toward their paying the tuition fee fur uld children Ihuugh We lau endeavored en-deavored to do lu but wo do nut deelra 10 lo continue lo provide school faciltilea for them and 1 hoc In en only dime heretofore ai an anuiumudatljii Su hava nut room vuouh for the children retldlug within tie llmlli ul thin dutrlct aud thli board will not ouullnuu lo pruvlda echool lacllllle fur those ihlldren lieldlug outildu aud thn lohoul hid uioueya yulng to another dim Acoumanliig the communication wae a numerouily ilguvd e 01 nio lulloui I awed at a meeting ol reildunt tao 5070usD f the north part of thu Uud tchuui dlitrlct at Draper lu lubilancu lltloulug hoe Lolafi lo create a school dltrlct at Dry cuik Independent of Drapir AIr lime dlicuiilon the matter 1 mat-ter wu refirrud to Ihn county iu rlulendvut of ichoolf rr < ue lIng l-Ing a niort from him thereon by Monday next December lllll with recomiueudHlloni A luitlug will then U had on lha petition Auto IIIWAIIII5 June ComniUiIoner Jlirrett t at 1 tundtd before the court end li unlul thul rewords for violation of the rwrd vlollol 11Ilu law tedUcoutlnued lakeu underadvlieuieut AT YIN IIU 1 > 1TAU > County Ihyilcliu Worlblu tou reported re-ported that at tills data there were luven county alleuli lu HI Marki hoipltalaml ex InHUMarjj IS A IIXIAI oriMuv County Attorney Murphy liavlni Utn itijumliJ ti furuiih u written opinion si 10 whether Ilijuor llruniiw merihaule Iliemet acid sit II ornoes III guneral Uiueu by tile county court under thu law limy be paid for by tho licensee In county warrant ho now ttaiud twllh explanation und legnl quolalloua on tin tuljrct tint lhe e un I not bilug ° couniy laxti weia not payablu In county Marranli under iictlon X 1 Compiled law I < Ijlcemo letaiveriif I our unly lajable I lu money unleiia lUtule epetlahy pro vldid llml lilly might be loll other wli and a debt due by thou county loa lo-a Iliwiiin l uiyer could nut bu ulUelby IOI thou latloragaluit lo the IOIr1 r1 h r iicentufeu |