Show WUULUUB THAIS WHKKEUS Indlelmrnli AfMlnil Them tbo nilt IIIM and itcuinl Tutee In Jill The grand fury yesterday In Judge Miner court fnund two Indlctmenli against rich of the itrlkf aurited lu the tot ot tearing up the Union raclno trick yesterday morning The grit Indictment charge them with an attempt at-tempt to commit mutter by loosening rise roll of tall I U 1 trick In lucli away a-way ai to be unnoticeable by trainmen train-men for the purpoie ot ditching the mall train which wa about to run overpaid over-paid talland on which wee a number of pipieoiteri The olhrr Indlctniful charge tliiDt with tampering with Hud dMiroylng property belonging tithe the Union 1icino Hallway Co An add llouil Indictment wan found agiluil Uomp In which lie 11 merited with Muull and battery upoj the nounlone John E llimlllou on the morning ot July 4th Indictment were alto 1 found igalnit the hOI Woolen who accompanied the men to the scene < it atltmpttd wreck but wi o apparently > took no hind In the busmen and who alto was opposed to any inch lawlrai act He wat found whou attested lilting In one 01 the buggies belonging 10 lie wrecker The prisoner were without the nrc miry mean wilt which to employ an attorney and J l > Murphy wat appointed by the court to ai I i for them The Indictment I were red lu the wouldbe wreckers who took but Illlle lotion them apparently not trout loglbo itrli > uine > of the raw alter which they cuniullrU with Mr Murphy Mur-phy and when aiiud guilty or not all entered i leas of guilty Their bond were Died uu the fiat Indictment at llaOUO rich and nn the econdatfWii a bind of JJWO wa also filed against Decamp on HIM third In lament They were flea hi to taro cur bondmen and at eica were storied on the way to the eullenlliry The lime for trill will bIt let title afierooon and will probably he Mori day oetyaa all are anxloui hate lb cuedlipiirdcf |