Show EVANS AND HORRELL I Tae Two Bandits Ctptond and Lodged In the Cons j Jell lpthlrIons on Ih serolO 1 tItrsIlO se Oulorots5 Ih IInl 110 VlALiA Calif Feat 10A ilierlQ pwioe rurroundud Curia UTRHJ houw 01 t 2 ool ck Ibis mornlbtf haTlntc Infor nation tint ivni nud lIDII1I were bildr lllichlUlcn wriolheroahd a youujmau llmeJ iiouis WUO 1111 Iu to lu and get Ibo children out uapuMtory too icunetal attack on thu ilaiw Al toou M he reached Ibo door h 10 wo pulled luddu nud kapl there A tlroBK cordon wit dnwn around Ibo IOUK Rod half Iho town Rnlhered it etpeolful dlttincr Wood woo osist lo rwuo iso relnforoeruenti and sooty aTunueof 01 > wet KUrded Finally Fin-ally ntliiir Ihera waiiuliOwof not IUK nwoyllie bandit auriauut red lUani sod Morilll mi now Iwhlnd lii lure 0 tha oouuty Jail Neuulla lIon with the baudiu wore oirrleU ou by letter throunh htvssosoa young on |