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Show Tlllltll IlISTItlCT 10UIIT. Tim "Irllioiir'a" llrninrrcr. Ollirr Jialtrr. Ilcforo Jud,' an. lunar. In Chief Ju.tlce Ktnr'a rouit thla morning the demurrer of the Trtliuix Printing and rubll.hlngOomiany lo tho complaint In the libel alllt III-alltulrdby III-alltulrdby Marahal II. II. 1'aiaona waa lo have come on for argument; but by courent of counarl the maltrr went over until Uaturlay next, In conro-quenceofolhtrca.ee conro-quenceofolhtrca.ee liavlni; blocked tho way. Attorney Illlc, fur the de-feiidanla, de-feiidanla, wa. i reaent wllh a lie of law book, and a largo acrap book of newraptr cllpilnga. Judge lleifjer-aou lleifjer-aou la counrel for lhe lalntlir. tiaUAum $100. In Ihecaxiof Mary I.. McLaren va. Aloiii'iCI. Mail it al , tried ycrtcnlay, Iho Jury thla niorutn," brought In a aealed verdict, lla Jlug lor Iho plalutlu", daiuagi.$luu, tun thi' li Amur. The ca.e if JuiuiaUiii, llarvr.tir.V L'o.vr. W. J, Powell went to the Jur), who found for the pUlntlll. tUUSIITTFII. Wm. Hardmen ra. Win. J. Harvey et al.; deruunor to crura toiuplaiut argued and rubmltted. nrciiir. ok roKkoiosorK. l.ratcr II. (lllbtrt vr. A. It. Hlmondl et al ; iieraull, and docrio of fort-cloture, fort-cloture, a. prayed. i.i.Avi. to Atirxn. Ororge i:. II air va. Joahua II. Kimball et al; leave to amend com-Idalnt com-Idalnt by corrrctlng rumniona waa granted. uirxaiof tit TIMR. V Wm. II. lleinlngton et al. va. I'. II. Young et al ; oraer madonxteiidliig ruletoahow cauae until Wodueaday next. A MVOKCB SUIT. CarrUan vr. Carrlgan; .utt for dlvnrre; order to rhoir cauae continued uulllHaturday, IheLMtli mat. CLAIM nut WAUka. Win. l'ardloy v Jamra llrcen. In thla care Waller Murphy vraa fur the lalntlir anil H. II. Lewla for the drfeudatit. Mr. (Jrren la n brlrkmakrr carrying ou burlnera nt llnintltul, Ilavl. Co., and ,tio plalnlllf la I. la nephew. The claim waa for (14, for wager. The ta.e waa tried before a Jury, and wn. In progrev. wbon the court adjeurnrd at noon. |