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Show THE EUREKA TOWNSITE. hMiH Testtaony Tatea UU Horolo at the Land ODlcc. a. u i'oiukham Tin: u.x The iitplrjr VnMUf Toms (o a Hit.tl ConrliKlun tl.li Xnl Winn tlio hwrlnt( of tlm lun hi towiiMltfl own VM rrnmtftl it the Uultri! Htitu t.iti'i (MHoethUmorti inif. 1'. 11, Trttnuu wMrucallMl oiitlic I nr. of thu t'jitwiUe uiplicar.ti and rkeU cnt'of twyaJ.nthnil qui.tlou MUrKlilcIi Juiljr Hutherlimd mU-Vb Iiim ttU with ibw iwrvfttlori of tho tUUl t.jiut In cTllinrc, Ul ore (ho hvarliijt U tiO, tbu order of tho Writ ti-Irlctcouitfor ti-Irlctcouitfor iiifcUoti of the Woita Tino nml IhoooutMCtof MrChrfUl mi other relatlYo to llio cicludcU grnuoilo, JU'luttlntrttlrnoDy wax tlieu ciWrtl by .Mcjer JllrJ, coutucl for the roti-el ant. John i. Ptchard llrtt went on the it on J, Major IllrJ X numbur of wltMwr umiincttiim I'rof. Marciit K. Jatit, Jfinifi I'.. Matlliowi, anJ O.V. I'!mr, ItiTv totllUil In UiN inriti for thu torn alttt afi'llcant. They have aworn that tlm fortnill'jii wltlihi tlm Uwniltu ajt-plication ajt-plication in i-orphyry, mtnt tcrmliift It trachjtr. Now I will ok you If In your wcrbln;i of tbu Eureka an J of the Kcyitone nui the (Irmltil yo.i have ctirou&UrtJ this iorihyry ami trncbyti? A. riio (Jetnlul wouMlrfl mora op I roprUte. Thu Ivvyntoue Is tu tho HMt. ti DM you flud mlurral lu pTloe quiintltUa ovwiljrln;: ur uuJurOloic thU trarh to or porphyry? A, Un-Jerljfinj. !. About whM rnn the thlclinraf nf ttHitlp.olt of porphyry or each; to ttiatyoti i!.tlhrougti tforo -tr.!ait)(r mlniTJl lu pajliiR i'iaiiUllr? A. Wi i rubabiy dlJn't lok IhrauRb the ior hyry. tj. Iluw Wavaltm orpbyry IscateU to totli-s mineral? A Anovt rwt-ih or tlow over. Toother (juebUoni tin rltncva mM lioUlii uotkaiowthf t bouvtr nv any porphyry ou the main ttxett ot 1-urchi. ll. Hut, tablDft the rtrrct ni your KuMe, any irpbyry or country rock that you raw north or aouth of It. A, 1 ham no Initiation lu aiylnj! that ouo or tnohunilred feet bvlow it vroaiei tho)KrpUyry I tuaau uow.fi Dorihoraouth. WKiicm w-ia nciiialnteii with the locatlouof tliuBouwlUku hut not with 1U world i-cf. J. Doe4 thla iime formation of por hyry ro that country? A. Wo hav tiacvU it from north to ninth to theCirrlautI there Itatumi OUtt net Iy norauthtfe hunttreJ or four huudrr-l frot to tho aouth and cut. (J. llaAmluertelbeeu OlicuTcrcil tu theCollcl? A. Yw; we mlitht aay ljeyood It tbero 1 n irrcit iloal of porphyry thtre and ipiitrU to ether. (.Now, from i uur actual know Uo.and tijirlcure In tho worklutf of tho ilfllerrnt chloia urrnumilnc tbetuwMl'o application or aUJolnlotf It, I will ak you If, lu your opinion, the Trim of ore that ) ou haw ttlUeiI to havu n Kti.vral dlrvctfou of north andaouth extcinllnt; Into nnd aciwa thetowulte application? Judge Hutherluud oljrcteit to the juration a- not Uiocffbuttal. Hrtddcf, ltwanot a aobjurt upon which any wltnria could elvu hla oplnloa. aMuJorlllrdlmlited tha; It waa re butting, 'llila wltnew, ha fatd, was already shown to be thoroughly ae-Hualutrd ae-Hualutrd with the country aud Ha tfeo-ljjrical tfeo-ljjrical formation. Wltnnm then answered thu (pieatlon bysjiylns know It from thuueLv hit; work. Q. Dors the vein of ore that jou are worKlutj ! the Kroupextoud uinli-r orlu thoillrrttloo of tbu ground that U covtrt-d by tbo towrullo application? Wltniwsrt filed yt-a. i Is that ore fouud In raying iiuan titles? A. Wo hate takon out over 1000 tout. Q.Huch ore an would pay to mluo aua tuarktt? A. Avornctd over $100 to thu ton. Q Mr. Mntlhuua liu rtalid that no ore could ho mined nnd markotua In the town of laUreLft unlewt It wn-t worth at least $T0 n ton. Couldn't orrs of It valuu U concentrated aud nindu marketable? A. That would depend Ukd clr cuuistauci's. M. li. rowor. ro tailed on tho part of the mine rait tnlnuuts. In rebuttal, 'kel how long It was slncu any portion por-tion of tho W. W. C. nillhlto hid Utta uiid for water or othrr iurpotM sld Utwin two an J thrro yiutn. lt Huh, If you knor., why they stopped work upon that claimant tak Inc watur from It. A, Wul), I enn't atatn why they stopped Ukli.z water from It, but I can nay why they stopptnl work. They drifted Irom their fchaft ovur luto thu Diablo. When they drifted Into thu Diablo strTttt the notice on them. end wasRolnuto verve nu Injitnotlou ou them.und theynuH. Judge Hutherfaud I object to that parloftbe nnsner where the m Knees snys, "I wasolne torcrvo mi injunction injunc-tion on them and they quit." Il Implied Im-plied that the t'lntennlal Uutekr. Com Ay rlvj to his thouRhts. AflerhJtuu few tutttIoiiM in croM xamluatlou tho Unr n wns disposed of, nud n recess was tskou till 2 p. m |