Show Wnult It Unlfoim fjjtor Urgent Attti In your MluNy evenlnsj liiue 1 IIlid an aitlole entitled A Mnllca Illll In that article 111 Ii I laid thai it bill I being drawn etc and that II I will be generout to the Irrejtulaif eo termed built you carefully real you may J find flui tlvtly iiealiluir ta Higher lu the nbodplle I refer to tbe mtlou reading Aay cnduiite of any medical college of any school In proof cl ouch griiluatlen tball receive a llconie provided he hall pan n latlilaolory Hauiluatlou before eald board Thl Ii I an UJuitlcr ae It It I elm leglilallon benmo ouu or two school of graduates < have bran given llceuie upon priMentatlon of Inelr defiee without etamlnatlon ADd Ibe other muit toot only preient tholr diploma jut mull lubuilt lo an eiamlnallo before they oin obtain llceuiei Thl Ii I unfair became It lion not treat all illke and contrary lo couitllulloni law The writer line attontlil Iwo dll forest medical college and la far a 1 je kuowi thu riiulrumeiili for grtilua llononthesamu lu all college that 1i l every iludeut before recvlvmi a rOI If io diploma mud pM I n eitUfaclory ei amluatlon befog Ib college faculty upon the aloul bundle of a luedlo education Including anatomy phyl ology chemMry atbolojroutelrloi i surgery rluclplM and praollcu 01 medicine ulcJ at taught lu that col loge Unldei having UIHocled all the parti of the cadaver II one claw of pbyilclani upou pre tenting hli diploma Ii glveu a llceni without ciamlnnlloii Ibon every pbiilolauof any whool thould rtcelv t uO lt iII i a llccuio upon Ibe lame condition I and If one grJualed phyilclan l > of any ohool muitpaw au diminution before a medical examining board to obtain a linen a to practice then let I ovary graduated phyilclan of every tchool 1 or practice l the tame Tliu law should Klve cola I right 1 la all mud iptcla favor or privilege none Your rxpeolfully A l < i < IHM > ur JUBIIOH |