Show IUlMlltl AMI MOtUMLN A correiiwuilcut another page ol this paper euuawhat Sharply mil jet Inal gojilnalurf taavt the Noun tu talk lor IU antfftri to I certain Jetlhm 1 pripouuJoJ lo 11 a low weeks ago wills ra foreuoi to that respective rUbti uf t II fnrmvri auJ stockmen slid the Injuries J which Ibo former lire called upin to 1 auitaln from ileprodatloui oatllo anil e Sheep running at large He makes a strong earnest pruijiiUtlon of tilt ells auJ WU roe nothing In life iiaruu that Wo fuel lu take Uiue will I Uu till grvat dispute there h I abundance of room for oAhu and j blgliuiladed 1 oinilJcrotlJii Agrloul turn 1s tbugroatbuliund bulwark of oil a ourproeperlty and those who make It Jl r their pursuit are entitled lo all pile protection from marnujciri either lilpodtoriu Jiuu di tint file law eweS ewe-S give At the Same time oittlo horses i hj and sheep are n moniltjr to err extramurally I hey Are quite 1 InJIipem 011 able Rod al II rmlimri ol money they lake front tank timing our resources They and heir owner are also entitled la every legitimate guaranty spinet one aughl either lJCd l l or piy loil lint their opponent may MHO OIllIIllbolI The Impiriitnoe < of the two InlintrUi li I the vry reason why the flat nf r ilimirkatlra between their respective rlRlitianl prewitlvj li MdllllouU 10 draw The dlveres coalition pro rnlllng In dlllrrcnt tarts of the country add loihi Jinleuliy And I yet li li not InijiiiMHintiblr II I the ixperloaoeof Cfarenuut county Onto le l tmieutly stated The rain trouble we thick In previous ateoipti 10 cure nillibta lorfllHlm In title Territory that each fairly l to five Issue bear I Itltd to get aIiIII1 of file other w hereupon batty and Illcon tiered oouipfonilwi Inure followed lu whloh liellber was benefited lliu problem would not seem lo to stall Im too ibls of solution Simply Hated II li I that ouch rrgulallitii be l male at lo pieveat tllher Iron Inlrllllllnl upon Iherlchloof Ihiothei nul onlilnly lo IrnpoM upon and while the properly of another li a right btloujliu la co one one word morel the Ion law and file 1 ere wrupHwtnJ the proYlelom lint Ira framed for this iiiMtlon the Ullrr The wope 1 of Walk 00 amie at a rule lo haling heft neighbors bi fore courts Chit aversion ibould be I encouraged holies all the adore 01 profit and of amiability The simpler the enactment Ibo mum iilltlioiory II will be Ofoouiio II will tike it raattui baud tJ frame such n statute but tree Ntna thinks there ale Hut kin I or haudtln Hit preterit lifgliUturo |