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Show LATEST TELEOKAMS. Arr.itia r Welt. Iimcu a in. Han Fhaiscisoo, March 4. Lloyd Ferris, teuldent of Welts. FarguA Co., lias returned frum the l.it, Dur lug his absence It viba stated that serious seri-ous dlsseniions existed In thu beard uf clirtitersef the Wells, Fargo A Co., and lliere was grave dissatisfaction nlth Ferris' lusuavment, notably In connection with thucouipsuy'a bunk. Ferris denied all theau rumors aud said theru Is no iHMallstactlun. On ao-cuunt ao-cuunt of the attention his private business busi-ness demanded, he auuouncsd that he would resign the presidency ef the company at (he next annual meeting of the benrd of directors ln August. i NsMspitliee lliruwii tlulur IhsalnlL I'inr.ii.Arli.lMarpli 4. Tho entire edition ol tlietfurrHe was thrown uuluf Ihu malls this moiulu under Ihu anil-lottery anil-lottery law for t rlntlug a brief Account of nrntlle, Alterward, the postmaster resolnded the order nnd passed the iucrs, but suit would hu brought for their detention, A siiculal says; The Investigation of the Kegaleu custom houso Is now being made uudirtbo direction of a treasury agent. Chargea havu been made uf manipulation of ures ou thu ; art of Collictor ('lirlat, nud wholesale traus-at traus-at turns cf doubtful cliaractsr. I he J lulu saline; lteiiU lrelilenl. HAN Hu. mi, March 4. President Collins ef iliu California National llmk, who Is charged with emle tiling of two hundred thousand ilollais of the bank und who committed suicide today, lartixirted to havo been inlled nmny veatssgo to t libicniiohy M. 1., INiat from Ills aVuneylvAtiln Uoinu to enter thu t'os'.'H II ink, the latter belli elrctrd to Cougrii In ISO) nud In hie uh-ience Collins ls wild to IlAVe run the tunk In Ms own Interest aud tin Post's return demanded partnership. On being relurcd, he fount d nuother bank and subcequi ntly circulated reports re. tlei lltg ou l'ust's bank, thereby caus uunruti which htokn It. It Is now ascurtalued that both Collins uud Dare came to Huu Dligo with comparatively little money. Receiver Pauley has ro-rtlved ro-rtlved orders to push collections for Ihe Clllforola bank. Ills exprclula receiver will bo sptolnto.1 ln a day or fro for Iliu Havings link. Attorney-Uetieral Attorney-Uetieral llnttiiivs the Havlnga bank lull but 1"W In cash but tlie books showed 2S7,l)cSI, ; A saleellte Asaeelell Piiob.ma, Arlr., March 4. itesl-ui itesl-ui nts uf Negate?, Arltona, and settlers In the vicinity have orgnntied a protective pro-tective Aioflatloii tonight. TheCnm-eon TheCnm-eon grant, Hie titles of which embrace abouttwenty-flvu thousand ocrta la on the American side of Iha lino Including In-cluding the town of Kcgalcs. Thn uutttlun uf title tu the grant wll come un berore thu land court shortly nnd be bitterly conlestej un both slilis, Thu Catneou grnnt Includes In-cludes also tliu Mexican town No.ji.Iis mid adjacent territory aud was recently confirmed by President Din of Mexico. Hoth sides aro represented hy local icltlatiU lu vvtuliluglou. rlprlniee tie. Is llnlellr. Wasjiimiton, March 4. Hprlngir rrstcd riuiuily uud aitui u cootl night. Hiscoudlllou was some what Improved this morning. ."lore lllsliirbames In Ue reiser. Ill tu in, Msrch 4 Hlnco Hie illltur-I illltur-I auees lost week In this city the utieni-Ployed utieni-Ployed vrorMhgmou throughout tier- many have I ten In a stale of ferment, which will ruptlie tin little tu cause attouibieak. Adlspatchfrom Dauttlo Stutts ttlat the Uuimplo3ed wurLlug-men, wurLlug-men, nnabluto getthewcrk promised them t y the Uovt riiment lodnr,l lltsgvil the taker shofs nnd selred bleed aud meat. Tho police finally, ntler n struggle dispersed the mob. I Another dlelc1i said Hist rioting and pillaging wire done by the lawless element of the illy, who took advantage uf Iho excitement to rob thu shops, Ti. flrnlteiiien Kill.. I. lllltMI.MillAM, Ala. March 4 The wreck un the Kansas City, Mem, lit and Hlrmlngbam ruAd ntnr IMnvllIu hut night itsuHiiti lu thu dtath uf lu brnkimiu and thu Injury uf live other tralumen. The (.reek Ulng rlieealened. ATlirxa, March I Thu King's ac- tlun in summarily dismissing from the oflliu ihe entire Ilelyannls ministry caused much comtueut and heme dls-sntlsfsctlou dls-sntlsfsctlou thruughout tliu ccuntry and as a result the King has received a number of menacing letters. Delyannls, as beforo stated, had a majority uf tho chamber rupportliii( him nnd lie is very jiopular among thu 1 00,1.1. |