Show MRS VAN PATIEH ON TRIAL The Prevention Expects to Prart Her Galley ot Murder Ih Irion hae Cu hair ilnlI 11lrlurdrrllMelly al I ilerhu1 Ilrlr enA 111 r1 II f l N lit Itanaaar 101 IlioVo March 7JoIl0 Cook was accepted am Juror In tlio San fatten cue hl mOlulll and thus oouipioUO Iho l 11101 rrowcutlng Attorney Thurniau madon lengthy 1 and mlnut itati > u nt of thu tax to Ibo Jury He aatd I the otlJenro would cirouimUu > tltl Tbo iroifcutlon would ihow that the defendant imrcliowd lauila Hum and rough ou nit that boron Nlohnn dies Irom tine ill rot olvilum < lionluKlhit defendant had lie opportunity lo adrnlulittr Iho poison Site hid told the doctor mint Nlelioud doatli that she did I nut kllJW what laudaiium won Homo Ihrro thouiand dollari was inlMlnic Irom Xlitlioua boos altar hli death hue defendant hAd Iho key to Iho pluve where the mousy wad kept Mutiny he I iiippowMl J lobe tb object ol the I murder OThI der fhe I defendant ho I told her ilti I oil Nlelaon tu laud iu I willi her aud ihy would toy it oil lo Klelatnt wife Dr W II I Ohlnn won the lint Mil new llouttouuod boieu NIII Oil tho lUth of Jobber woe told ho hal cholera tntrbuii found him inllcrlU from olum 1looolog Nlal11 duel U > tlt noon lho IIoIOIy bowed jpllllll IU the loSlIIch 1110 doctor Iml found n hall uuiioo imily laudanum bottle Mil Vau fatten told htm she wanted In havu Ill lit for him before but Mir Nlrlwu otjiotd ou amount of Ih txptniv Dr Wett llstlfied la atliudloc tho 0010101 and had imvlld opium I ldl t Mr Van Iultill nud two children oanio down thli inornluK lo ntiond itio trial |