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Show COXGUESSIOXAIi. I'rcil Initial Mriiagcs llif.re lie Sin- nlc Mrmnilsl from Ililitrmrn. A DIU TO riX THE DUTV ON OPIUM. Tlio I'nre lend 1111 Aninxlrd and Unterrd l'rtnlnl.-llllicr lluil- nai rramactnl. Ill TrlririraiollsNsw. IIIMl III ,. A I r.al leullal ri- an the ll.rlns Itttralleti -oilier lliialnraa. Waoiiisutos, MartliS. A iiHssjko from the Pliable nt tiananilllli K the rrttiilly nekolialul Irtaly cf atUlm. Hon relative lo the lining na llalieiles lasjustbttu laid before the Heinle It was unscconii ankd by any n commendations, com-mendations, llnre wae als laid before be-fore the Henato a message relating to the Indi unity clslms of the initue-Ian initue-Ian HUamihiu loiut auv. Aluulig the a ra prtaintnl an I ro-ftmd ro-ftmd ui.ru tl efollovtlniit llieieporl of thechlef icglorer of the ari iy ai to the mining di I lis In Callloinla. Henator r-.iulro reientr Jainiuioilal front the) Chamber ul Cumuiiitv of I'ort ruwiHsud, Wash., selling foitli ' tliatlhuirisenla'alus of the llcrlu,-leu llcrlu,-leu sealing ll.hery wi Iks n giicvoua hardablp tu fishermen by de)rlvltig Hum of the rights and iilv'lvgts Willi li Ihey i nj .y m tlio North Atlsn-1 llo oeeun, In which thry nrotneour-aged nrotneour-aged and rotected by the gov. j frulllint of the Unitid Htatea " Iho (.1 amber aseerla Us Ullefl that the wains of tlio orlh r.iilllu nrtsn an I the II lirln,- in an I all Ibelrodtlcts lo lufotmd llltliorewa-tsla, llltliorewa-tsla, aliould 1-u as Irse as Ibe waters 1 1 t North Atlsitlc It respectfully a.ki II at some action I o taken I y ( on-greasly on-greasly which the same laws now In orsllun tu Iho J-orlli Atlsullo re gardlng fisheries Is. ft'tn.le.1 In till vatrrs of Ibe lSorlli I'aclll-. liertng era, Arcllooitau, and all waters bordering bor-dering on Ann rlcan ti rrltory; that tin I rodiHiAof theeea l drclart.l frteaud open to all, and that Ameilcan flalur men have the esmerlghls In the waleni oftliu NorlU I'nrifloaslbey low enjy Intlie N'otlh AlImillcot-iBU. H. nator Npilro rrcatketl that tho prtlllon la only one el a serl-sofslml-Isr opts, and that Ihe eulject waaof Krent lni rlat.te. lioraoved Itsrekr ellcn to the tommlltee oil folelgu rela tl ilia, and It was so r ferred. Heualor lllgglns called thestlenllou of tin committee on folllgli relstlous to a tLawliilliii iierentid i him some tlmesluceoii the suljectof the Mca-rngua Mca-rngua eal al. Ho deallu 1 now to have It rt If rnd to the miiraitleo Henator Morgan sni.l that the Committee Com-mittee on foreign Jlelslluua really runsl lend It. If fully lustrutled lu the matli r l.y Ihe itsolullons v. l.lrli bulilm. self bad olleied, I utile was glad that thu Henator from Dilaenru ha 1 1 tit llieluitructlouslu ijTilllo form, lobe euitiaJiie.l to tho othtr. The torn-mittee torn-mittee was entering on the luvektlgn tlon solely and tahollr In tho Intcrtat of the iKiojile of Ihe United Htalti, not In thu inti real of an eoriH.ratlou. Henator 1II.kIii's reaoliitlou wai then ref.rred to the Ccmiultteu on r.rvigu Iklallous. Hrtntor Hlanford IrlroJurnl a bill, which was ii ferred to Ihe Comniltltu ou 1 luancv, to fix the duly ou o lunt ut a ou ud. henator 1 elton IntroJuoed a bill to crea'u a California Debris Commlialoii an 1 regulate Jiydrftullo mining. 1 be (.alendar waa taken up and bill) acted on aa lollowi: Ibe Joint renolil. lion to ruvldo au International LI-iiutaillo LI-iiutaillo agreiinent laid aildt ; the bill to prohibit Ibe sale of file arms aud ammunition tn In Hans rrsldlug iifon n aervatlona ii.t-d:n proi rlatlog $1iiU,W)foraul.llobullillngatr'-jk'ttii palla, vaih, paired, atprojnallng tSU.cua for a uLllu building at Ala. roeda.Cal , rnsied, a roprlitlng $l'l,-OOii $l'l,-OOii for a i ubllo 1 ulldlng at l'olsu City. Idaho, ireitaJ: to amend the art of Auguat o, lbOi), "tu reorganize and ertabllill tho cultnms collection dla tilct of l'uget bound," j autd; author Itlug the lonitruitlon of a brldgeacrois the Kcoteusllllvrrlnlheuwiiof Try, Idaho, sired. Iho uru losd bill was IrLiuup, tliun.uistlouU.lng on Henator Coke's auiuida eat to slrike out sections 7 and S. Henator Faulkner moved to amend ihi seveutli lection b striking out thu words, "That evety .rsou mauufac. turtngortxslng for sale, or di liver lngtot lurchaaer any drugorarilcle of food," and Inierllng lu lieu tbrreof tho worde, "That every enou who manufactures for ihljuifnt and delivery de-livery for trauiporlatlun from any Hlsleor Territory to au) olliirblaleor Territory any drug or aillcleof fowl, an 1 every ivreon whocxpoeesfor sale or delivery to a unhsser any drug or artlolf of foid tfcelved Iroru aHtsle or Terrllory olbcr llnui that lu which be exi-oses for sale or dsllvcrs said drug or article ef food, which Is la an original origi-nal tackagr, shall furnish laaijhe, etc.1' Aglird to. Heustor Coke's motion wss thiu re Jectrd. HenstarCcckrell moved to strike out section b, and It was agrvtd lo. The second and othi r aecllonawcre ami mini so ai lo n.trlct their a Ilea. Hon tonrlglnsl, unbroken iacku),(i, Foustor Mora-an moved au additional lection, providing for the iroaeiutlon lu nuy I sJersI District Court, aud fur tho coullscalhli of Ihe articles, the proceelsto be aid Into the Treasure , Agreed to. llio bill wss then ordered yrli te.1. Altera Irief ekitullve eeeth.ii thu Hcnate adjourned as a mailer ol le.wt to tho Ulu Cingiis.insn Koudall, A llliuice. ltixniAIKi, Iowa, Marili 8. The 1'llsuorlh invoice isniallon hud Its llrat Innings luda. L. H. l.llsworllt, whose wealth Is eillmsled freui halfa million up, Kiurrd a dlvotte Horn his wife lu llrceml-er laal, anil rhu aecka t . have Ihe deeire annulled. Hhe al. hgralliBtiho ai In Colorado whuu thu dlvirre was secured au I knew liutliloKof Ihe iioceiillnga, that her slgimturi. lo Ihe Ural nolle, of the use, was procured by baud, sbeuut kt.o. Ing what she waa signing, an I Ihat she and Lllawurth had llv togitl er some llmi after lio pwcuntl audi signaling sig-naling Ills .rotiiU" for iteurliiglbo divorre were that she, for four years, hail Urn cocaortlug Willi isrsoiiaof III repute, mid receiving visile from luck lersoni at undoalroble hours. Jr.ilo.i.r llielenae. Iiwrtu Mass, March 8-lWaard . Di.w, who shot hla wife and Ibt n lilmieir laal Monday, tllut toilttj. He. fore lo died Dri w admitted Ihat he had shot hla wife, but (lid not slate die ctu.o if tho troulle bslwetn them. Jenlomy, It Is supposed, promptid the deed. A li tllase.1 Jurr llrlher lleliif ne. Ciiicauo, .March 8.-Mlllau Htar key, who, It was reported, bad fled to Canada several years bo for the pur nisu, Itli sild, of eacaplng ro.eculloli loralhgtdjury bribing In eouhiilloii Willi Ihn eulla aglllirt ihe H-utll HI le Htreet Itsllrosd.ttls moenlug I reeeiiled himself at the i nice of the c elk of the Criminal I'outt and gavelall lo appear f ir trial. Htarkey Is Ihe alleged a iihor of the 'specials" lent from Camda le-Utliigtotbo le-Utliigtotbo Crouln tilal. lll.lneKlrl. WaiiiimiiuIs March t. Alarmli g reioitasre In cfrciilatuu tonight rsla. ilvu l.i tlio condltlout of Heiutsry lllat'je, but bis atleuJIitR i bya clana at a Isle hour aslJ tlial the riioretary was no worie ihan irsltrdny, aud th jut,ht that l.u would be tetter tmoirow. lalbrual llanka, llrn. Kdwurl H. l-MII, complrollrr of the cnrruiuy, wrltes In llio North j Aim-lean llovle-v his nmwir to tho question, ' Can our nallonil bmks lie male safer"' Mr Loopy aiprutoa of I our revent nnlioual letole a)-i ni "lie .! o-m.n.'-i bliu!o It Uio mallir of Improtlng It, lenlllij Its liltln fin turcs as thoy rtra Corifn orguiils.'.l t to n iltoml Itanklng lyrdem In Irsia on Ibo rccoiiiweu'latlon of Btcrel try Cluia.. Two )enrs later lher jfore 1 11 1 tut i tii.unl banks, lib d.ajosits aggngallnj j ? .m.Jrll 3.U t t. Si, 1891 the country coun-try lontsinod d 07 oftlitso I inks, with iloiuiilU uuiounllog to s).',OI0 tkU Kl. T be st elan has ba 111 niicri.ttun twcn tv n'nc ) oars. At tin beginning of but Oitulicr 4 CW kinks had entered the national statuia Durliur tho twinty iiliio)rars It has luse.lll'sj .r ..ut. of the national lunks lutto fa.li .1. l'li.i nnnunl ntirage lm to crodilors bal beeti out) ono twouttfOi of 1 sr cert Ou tho other bun I, of liauks other thn t lintiuiil during; thoiioglejear endiaif June HO, lugi th-ro fo f illuns intiill-Ing intiill-Ing losmst lu iredltors wbkh MuoilnU.l to uore than all tho Icmso-b of tho ns tionat leiuks lu Ibo twinly ine ) ears cf tlefruutciico V ThH showing, Mr. latiey tblnlm, epi tks lulikiently for itself as bi tin ti i rlu of tho national bink s- at. in National kinks have Incre-tMd to th-i attrugo nmnber of 313 -early ilurinc the peat five yean. Tint Is at tbo rato of fifty three a )itr muro Unu during tbo ivriod previoiu to IMi! Thu In-cruise In-cruise tins Un greatest In tho region west of tho Mississippi. Moreover, In u single -oar the reiujpts of tboso Uttiks amount to (139 J IT.000 UtXJ, "i sum kieatly In excues of tbo estlmilud value of all the rawtl an 1 porsoual roperty of (lru.it llritalu anl tho Ulikcd tiutts combined " In annlyxlng the causes of tbo totsoi from nitlonal bauks Mr Laie) classes their pi r lout, as folio a si DrFreeWttoaorsecurlUis ) Inludlelouahsnklus , S3T IrsutuUnt nuintfo.uuut . Is I Helslrnllnnof ofneera. 9 1 I icw-drs loans le ofki ra sill tllrcclcrs ,. T I Itesl eslsle aid real .itsle losus 0 a I ire-Mlve loana to eitatonwra to failure of larte debtors 1 1 Tolsl MlA TUo romoly Is sngoited by tho nt-tnro nt-tnro of thu ovlls tbemsoltcs. first of nllli tho necossltyfor lmprotcmontln the cknractur an 1 business ca.icity of bank ofllcors nn 1 directors, Tho moral sentiment of community must fun o this Improvement Oti miera and stringent ' IChUlation woull drlto the national banks and tho best non louuectcil wIUi them out of tbo business. |