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Show ikS iiotn.wsn i I'ouu: mtuiK. Hi , Yka-TKMMY tlili Journal publlihed EfK eorneettlkmg facta connected with an ijH Informal Invietlgatlon luto the con. 8tfK duct of official connect! 1 with the 3f;H pillcej department of Ihle city. We ShB have kern Informed of the exlilence BI!B of an appalling degree of rotteuntea In T'B that branch ol the municipal govern- 15? rnent. ,; m Home of the lending offlclele of the p JH ndmtntatratlon re cognlrant of the I M fed that the Kkws U not Ignorant on f ffl the eubject. One of the mombera of i r,j . thoCouncll (a "Liberal") remarked, a A day or two eluct, to a reprcacntatlveof J I thli journal, that It to due the ubllo ill that It ahould, through thceu columne, 1,1 f expoee the condition of the polloe de. J ff lartment, wllharlew to having llm iiBft groea wrongi correcte I. Hr even Intl- (til mated that If thle wu not i j dons lie would hlnuelf go 5 'f before tho granl Jury and tt , Would to that boljr (lata that the ';, Natws had lulorniatlon on the tuljoct j T ana failed to do III duty 111 the re- 'j mint. M Of routes thla kin I of talk wai tho Ji verlrat nouaenee, especially when the ' U eourco of llleconeldered. The work ,. I A, of rectifying auch wrong aa exlitln !l!jc the police branohof Ihego vernmenl J $) aud eweeplng It clear of the flllh that I t, now cllnga to It, devolvee upon thu ) , City Council, of which the gentleman :'' '. who undertook to Imlrucl the Nw" l ,'ft In relation to lt duly to the publlo It a j (" member. Hliould lie and tile fellow .1 J oouncllmen and the Major fall to do H their duty In the premiere, then It ? it would be lime for thla Journal In get In S Hi work, not only upon the tratiagrra. If lira In fact, but upon thoaewhoron y j donoandfueter corrullon within the mt n llmaof tho municipal admlnlatiatlon i)1 B (S y falling to root II out. t'BI 1' 1'. Itaeemi however, that the police i"Hi S rommltlea la at work on tho auhject, , j j anil we will giro Maor Ilaakln the Jj IV,' ).(. era lit of a belief on our pert that he IK i''r will not fall to properly act, according 1 Wt V "" "'d"""" ""' mJr ,"' r'"d 'LlJERi (w beforuhlm. He took roiupt action In rlBfT ji the caaeof Detective Johiieun aa aoou ' 9Z ., ,ff aa It waa learned that he waa onduct- t9n 1 1 Ingadlarepulablehouae, by dlaoharg iy 'Pi IB Irghlni from the eeivlca Themayor lit !?! promlaea to do almllarly In thu itid- '; 1 tj ln core, If the rej orla that tare 'i.'Blj J Ifflj reached lilm are anything like true. diHR3. 1 eSk4 He will And, Inour oilulon, that they A WBr fffil can te well auitalued. Ulauotonly Ki 52tt J tho chief of pollco win la concerned In Ki aBi ijl IhemlacouductthatlabeluguncoTered, fltaVVn I fit but alao a police aergeanl, a Jaltctlie, KffBJi W and a pnllcs Juttloe. 3jjBf( JjJ During the municipal ajiulnlatratlou KffllfWff (Jtf whloh precedod the reaent one, the HwAB ' f k iollc department waa a diagraceand imflB, &m aacaudal. It waa divided Into factloua. jsjfJi.B Theoonductof aome of Ita membera ll-MElt wu debued, and the operatl one of the ' fK "$1 forceao IncireotUe that crlmlnalafrom V GAm- fi all 1 arta of lha oountry Hocked here, I 'Bra1 il' bucauae they found It ajaradlaetor I HHjgti-if thelrclaa. Thuga, lilghwaTmen and eflavx laV burglara puraued their vocatbiua with i. Ktl Jj Impunity. The cllmai waa reached ' "-.! when the captain of police waa thot ( 'Mil.' fi down and killed on the publlo elriit ! If byoneot hla own men. KL A The "Liberal" parly haa In many H(' i lnbtanoea Uen alngularly and deplor 2HiJ J ably unfortunate In the aelectlnn of Ita jjm i I oflloara. Tlilila necoaaarily the caae, fl 3 i becauae the aelectlona are made, aa a . l WBL f, I rule, without reect elthtr to lilh-aR 'If It fflnlennv op moral atatna. Tlin laj. Ji Ing qualification coualdared haa Uen r that tho aucceaaful applicant for lacu BJH. ' 1 haa worked with prominent unaorupu sOIbB bh louaneea farthe election ol "Liberal" pH; ,1 ceudldatte. Men who aredlahonrat In n il Jj polltlcaare not to be truatcd In any do. 3Vn9X' partuientof allalra. ijjflS ! tfl ''"' tuv P0lle platter be oleanaed of wltaH 3d the luttldlty which now rieka at Ha fjp-BI aA) head and among Ita membera. The wiBJ,' l9i lukllotoacedemandathatthleahallba fr, ml ' Wl done. MM |