Show NURSES ORGANIZE STATE ASSOCIATION With a membership of ot fort forty the graduate ate nurses of ot Salt SaIl Lake City and Ogden havo have perfected d an organization of ot the Uta Utah b Sta State te Nurses Nurses' n association A con and bylaws were adopted and thy 1 following allowing officers elected A Agnes Asnes nes M. M Hoggan a a graduate s of or the ho L. L D. D S S. S hospital president Anna Hull of ot St. St Marks Larks hospital vice vice president president Mary ilary A A. A Powell of Battle Creek Mich secretary secretary secre secre- tar tary Charlotte E. E Dancey of ot e the Johns Hopkins hospital 88 assistant secretary Alma Karlson of or tho the California general hospital at Los Loa Angeles treasurer These officers with the chairmen of at c tees which will be appointed later wilt will constitute the executive hoard Mrs l Thomas D. D Dee of ot the Dec Dee hospital hos- hos Og- Og pital Ogden was as elected the first honorary honorary honorary hon hon- member o of the or organization |