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Show IlllEWIMI JtMiTlIK IH I Mi. WilATttiii rue l the result In August of the division of our people on ntttonsl parte Hues, the work com-inenceil com-inenceil will on.anil hrnreftrtli lie-puutlranlsni lie-puutlranlsni and Democracjr will make HielrwajrheteatlnotrierparU of this greet court tr. Tin "Mormon" people are not play. Intt al jollllca. Tbejrare not moving ' for a temporary purpose, or aiming to aohleve mere local victory. They were never more In earnest tln In thrlr InqulrtM Into the distinctive doctrlnea of the two great artlee, and In their adhesion to that put which teat satisfies thrlr Ideas of tound government. gov-ernment. Tin orlglnatori of the roovtmenl have also started out "for good and all." They are strong eupportert of their rrepectlveiarty rlnclples. They have ho intra present campaign In view. Thr llleve II Xn ho for lb. Irua Interests of Iho Territory to ee-taMlsh ee-taMlsh tha nallonal parties hero, per. tueliently, and they will oontlnua to wnra In Uila direction. It It lliebcoof tba "Liberal" feo-tlou feo-tlou to maintain Its hold iin Ibla ' ctljr ami rpetuale IU eggree- tlve aud deitructlva et'lttencf, through tba dissolution Hut hat colue to tba People's rty, Tba "Mberal" bnssee an tbota rlemente whlolt ara uudeelreble In an wall ordervd community, will douMltse cling to tbla bo ami work to tint en J. Hut aa aura aa tba aim rlaea arur tba thadraof night dljerto, to aura will lheeuiicfM-acedawn on Utah, and "Liberal" darkness with Ita evil worai, Ita fraud ami nrrutlin, lu deadly designs an I llaworkot lltlcl assaMluatlon be Lanlshed for ever. There It a biro possibility that, In tbla city, tba "Liberal" faction may daunt-eilal the August election. Tbre are evidences lu view that tba aama oM trlrka, worked by tba aama Urfl t liamla will lie tiled aa tbcy wtra ! worknl althe municipal election. Tha ' thoutatiila of nanira upon tha registry llata of eraone who have no legal ' residence In thlt city, offer an opiwr- 1 lunlly for much fraud. Anl Ihealnd ' of iMplowhoara being placed here aiul there, with the promts which ara being eilorled from those who obtain uMla or private emj toyment, suggest a repetition of the former Infamies. Ho j that there are aome reasons who "Liberal" twaea prrcelre a chance for una mora victory. Hut analoilall Ibla are the vigilance wblchwlllliueitrclaej by both lUpuU V MnuaanilDemoirata, the Information which tome of tbem have lu relation ifl totbeaat, tba InDuence which tbey will be able to wleM In the campaign, anil tbe certainty of lejal ncutlou acalnat peraoot who violate the law on election lualtera. All theee will be ulant factora ajalnit fraud, while the belter o le In the "Liberal" rapka will quietly wllbilraw 4ml aupiort tboaa iiomluera who repreaeut tbelr true lelltlca and will beat terve the true Intereata of the Territory, In the eveut of a "I.IUr. al" triumph In Auifuat, bow-ever, bow-ever, tba Democratic anj the llepubllcaniartlce will lit t be materially materi-ally airecleJ. They will coutlaua their work. They will win new con. verta. The "I.IUral" faction will Kralually lie lu boU uvn all but the dcpravej elouienU, auU It cauuot ur. In the very nature of IhlnKa It limit ICO down before tbu march of the national political aruiiea. It la only a creature of time. Let lit remaining iupioitera view It aa they pleaw, It la not built to lut. The only nueetloii really ralaoil In relation to It now la, baa the time come for Ita 1 demlaeT That II will die and tbat before very loua;, It conceded by Ita moat vigoroua aupjortera. They f, only t Ulna that IU contemplated II ljuleluele premature. It baa within It 1 1 noue of the elamenta of peretully, Hut tbe Democratic party and the U lUpublUan i arty recently omanlied F lu uul1. bave been M up "for keeal" L, TIwimuII In Augutt will nolaflict If. 'belr contlDuance. Tbey are each j' bound to malnUIn their reapectlve to. ?i tltloua, tolnmaw their nurabere, and I , tu be tbe coutluuoua opialuar political C eleuienta of Ulali'a future. Jfcf It will U well fornllonal oile to Jc lookatthla. And arelnit It, tbey will HlveetJJenw of tbelr (ood Mine by ff' ukln IMr laie without delay In At tberanka of lheuirlyor their choice. H The edberenu of the decaying "Liber. 3 j l" faction cauuot, under an) clriMm. H alaooea, i.t.iu much loni(er Ita In. Ml ovltal.l.dl..uiloii. IMteruiillewltli u: '! I "tl, w. rk for vital laaura, move ltliltvluUidlrt and aim al HtlJImt Bt i.ljeita, than tu lluirrr along with a W 'iJln carcaaa, fcnd breathe tbe air Uj ofniirtlDcatlon and death. W Kor Deiiioviatlo "QeuUlea" lo fight ' t agalnat Democracy, aud Itepubllcan lleutllM" to male war upuu IUi nU llwnlim," Juattofoaltra faollonthat , baa not a lnKle aolld huue, aud It i ready to drop lutu an everlaalloicurave, app, ara to be tbe very luuralt of monumental mon-umental folly. |