Show COWL COLONEL ROOSEVELT DEFENDS HIS IDES IDEA OF oi RECALL RCA SYSTEM I NEW YORK March 21 ln In In the first speech of or his campaign for or the presidential nomination Colonel Roosevelt last night contrasted his position with that taken b by President Taft Tatt Tho The re real l I issue lue h he said was whether the tho American people peo- peo plo should govern go themselves I I Colonel Roosevelt's was wag delivered ered before a a. crowd which filled Carne Carnegie le han hall So many man persons persons' wished to hear film that an overflow o m meeting eUn was held in a ft smaller r hall ball within the same mo build build- in lag Ina The street In front of ot the hall hail contained contained con con- con con- tamed 0 oC of persons who wh were unable unable unable un un- un- un able to gain ln admittance to either meet meet- ing mr Colonel Roosevelt was recel received d with marked enthusiasm President Tafts Taft's recent speech at Toledo Toledo Toledo To To- ledo was waB referred to tt several everal times by Colonel Roo Roosevelt who devoted a largo large part of ot his Ms remarks to a renlY reply Mr Taft Tatt a arain aln and again aln In I have bac given and elsewhere through his speech pe cn aal said Bald Colonel Roosevelt expresses expresses expresses ex presses his disbelief In the people eolo when they vote at the polls Colonel Roosevelt elt said that this was wall the thc old old doctrine which has t tended tend ed d to create a bulwark for special leges This doctrine II ia is to me mo a dreadful doc doc- trine he said for for or Its effect is and can only be to make malco the thc courts court tho shield of ot privilege against popular rights |